Source code for dffml.plugins

This file is imported by the top level and therefore must remain as
independent as possible (no relative imports)
import os
import platform
import contextlib
import importlib.util

def inpath(binary):
    return any(
                lambda dirname: os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, binary)),
                os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(":"),

# List of plugins
    ("configloader", "yaml"),
    ("configloader", "image"),
    ("model", "scratch"),
    ("model", "scikit"),
    ("model", "tensorflow"),
    ("model", "tensorflow_hub"),
    ("model", "vowpalWabbit"),
    ("model", "xgboost"),
    ("model", "pytorch"),
    ("model", "spacy"),
    ("model", "daal4py"),

# Models which currently don't support Windows or MacOS
if platform.system() not in {"Windows", "Darwin"}:
        ("model", "autosklearn"),

    ("examples", "shouldi"),
    ("feature", "git"),
    ("feature", "auth"),
    ("operations", "binsec"),
    ("operations", "data"),
    ("operations", "deploy"),
    ("operations", "image"),
    ("operations", "nlp"),
    ("service", "http"),
    ("source", "mysql"),

[docs]def python_package_installed(module_name: str) -> bool: """ Check if a Python package is installed and can be imported """ spec = None with contextlib.suppress(ModuleNotFoundError): spec = importlib.util.find_spec(module_name) return bool(spec is not None)
# Dependencies of plugins and how to check if they exist on the system or not CORE_PLUGIN_DEPS = { ("model", "autosklearn"): { "swig": lambda: inpath("swig"), "cython": lambda: inpath("cython"), } if platform.system() not in {"Windows", "Darwin"} and not python_package_installed("autosklearn") else {}, } # All packages under configloader/ are really named dffml-config-{name} ALTERNATIVES = {"configloader": "config"} # Build a dict of plugin_type_name (aka model, config): list(package_names) def package_names_by_plugin(validation=None): by_plugin = { (plugin_type + ("s" if not plugin_type.endswith("s") else "")): [ "dffml-%s-%s" % ( ALTERNATIVES.get(plugin_type, plugin_type), name.replace("_", "-"), ) for sub_plugin_type, name in CORE_PLUGINS if sub_plugin_type == plugin_type and (not validation or validation(sub_plugin_type, name)) ] for plugin_type, plugin_name in CORE_PLUGINS if plugin_type != "examples" } # Operations used to be named features by_plugin["operations"].extend(by_plugin["features"]) del by_plugin["features"] # All packages by_plugin["all"] = [ "dffml-%s-%s" % (ALTERNATIVES.get(plugin_type, plugin_type), name.replace("_", "-"),) for plugin_type, name in CORE_PLUGINS if plugin_type != "examples" and (not validation or validation(plugin_type, name)) ] return by_plugin PACKAGE_NAMES_BY_PLUGIN = package_names_by_plugin() # Same as PACKAGE_NAMES_BY_PLUGIN but only with plugins that have all their # pre-install dependencies met PACKAGE_NAMES_BY_PLUGIN_INSTALLABLE = package_names_by_plugin( lambda plugin_type, plugin_name: all( map( lambda check: check(), CORE_PLUGIN_DEPS.get((plugin_type, plugin_name), {}).values(), ) ) ) def package_names_to_directory(validation=None): pkgs = {} for plugin_type, name in CORE_PLUGINS: if plugin_type == "examples": pkg = name else: pkg = "dffml-%s-%s" % ( ALTERNATIVES.get(plugin_type, plugin_type), name.replace("_", "-"), ) pkgs[pkg] = ( plugin_type, name, ) return pkgs PACKAGE_NAMES_TO_DIRECTORY = package_names_to_directory() PACKAGE_DIRECTORY_TO_NAME = dict( zip( PACKAGE_NAMES_TO_DIRECTORY.values(), PACKAGE_NAMES_TO_DIRECTORY.keys(), ) )