Source code for dffml.db.sql

Base classes to wrap various SQL based databases in dffml.db abstraction.
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Tuple, Optional

from .base import BaseDatabaseContext, Conditions

[docs]class SQLDatabaseContext(BaseDatabaseContext): # BIND_DECLARATION is the string used to bind a param BIND_DECLARATION: str = "?"
[docs] @classmethod def make_condition_expression(cls, conditions): """ Returns a dict with keys 'expression','values' if conditions is not empty else returns `None` example:: Input : conditions = [ [["firstName", "=", "John"], ["lastName", "=", "Miles"]], [["age", "<", "38"]], ] Output : { 'expression': '((firstName = ? ) OR (lastName = ? )) AND ((age < ? ))', 'values': ['John', 'Miles', '38'] } """ def _make_condition_expression(conditions): def make_or(lst): val_list = [] exp = [] for cnd in lst: exp.append( f"(`{cnd.column}` {cnd.operation} {cls.BIND_DECLARATION} )" ) val_list.append(cnd.value) result = {"expression": " OR ".join(exp), "values": val_list} return result lst = map(make_or, conditions) result_exps = [] result_vals = [] for result in lst: temp_exp = result["expression"] temp_exp = f"({temp_exp})" result_exps.append(temp_exp) result_vals.extend(result["values"]) result_exps = " AND ".join(result_exps) result = {"expression": result_exps, "values": result_vals} return result condition_dict = None if (not conditions == None) and (len(conditions) != 0): condition_dict = _make_condition_expression(conditions) return condition_dict
[docs] def create_table_query( self, table_name: str, cols: Dict[str, str], *args, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Creates a create query. Table with name ``table_name`` will be created if it doesn't exist. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table. `cols` : dict Mapping of column names to type of columns. Returns ------- query : str ``CREATE`` query """ query = ( f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table_name} (" + ", ".join([f"`{k}` {v}" for k, v in cols.items()]) + ")" ) return query
[docs] def insert_query( self, table_name: str, data: Dict[str, Any], *args, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Creates insert query. Keys in ``data`` dict correspond to the columns in ``table_name``. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table. data : dict, optional Columns names are keys, values are data to insert. Returns ------- query : str ``INSERT`` query parameters : tuple Variables to bind """ col_exp = ", ".join([f"`{col}`" for col in data]) query = ( f"INSERT INTO {table_name} " + f"( {col_exp} )" + f" VALUES( {', '.join([self.BIND_DECLARATION] * len(data))} ) " ) return query, list(data.values())
[docs] def update_query( self, table_name: str, data: Dict[str, Any], conditions: Optional[Conditions] = None, ) -> None: """ Creates update query setting values of rows (satisfying ``conditions`` if provided) with ``data`` in ``table_name``. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table. data : dict, optional Columns names to update mapped to value to set to. conditions: Conditions, optional Nested array of conditions to satisfy, becomes ``WHERE``. Returns ------- query : str ``UPDATE`` query parameters : tuple Variables to bind """ query_values = list(data.values()) condition_dict = self.make_condition_expression(conditions) if condition_dict is not None: condition_exp = condition_dict["expression"] query_values.extend(condition_dict["values"]) else: condition_exp = None query = ( f"UPDATE {table_name} SET " + " ,".join([f"`{col}` = {self.BIND_DECLARATION}" for col in data]) + (f" WHERE {condition_exp}" if condition_exp is not None else "") ) return query, query_values
[docs] def lookup_query( self, table_name: str, cols: Optional[List[str]] = None, conditions: Optional[Conditions] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, Tuple[Any]]: """ Creates a query string and tuple of parameters used as bindings. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table. cols : list, optional Columns names to return conditions: Conditions, optional Nested array of conditions to satisfy, becomes ``WHERE``. Returns ------- query : str ``SELECT`` query parameters : tuple Variables to bind """ condition_dict = self.make_condition_expression(conditions) query_values = [] if condition_dict is not None: condition_exp = condition_dict["expression"] query_values.extend(condition_dict["values"]) else: condition_exp = None if not cols: col_exp = "*" else: col_exp = ", ".join([f"`{col}`" for col in cols]) query = f"SELECT {col_exp} FROM {table_name} " + ( f" WHERE {condition_exp}" if condition_exp is not None else "" ) return query, query_values
[docs] def remove_query( self, table_name: str, conditions: Optional[Conditions] = None ): """ Creates a delete query to remove rows from ``table_name`` (satisfying ``conditions`` if provided). Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table. conditions: Conditions, optional Nested array of conditions to satisfy, becomes ``WHERE``. Returns ------- query : str ``DELETE`` query parameters : tuple Variables to bind """ condition_dict = self.make_condition_expression(conditions) query_values = [] if condition_dict is not None: condition_exp = condition_dict["expression"] query_values = condition_dict["values"] else: condition_exp = None query = f"DELETE FROM {table_name} " + ( f" WHERE {condition_exp}" if condition_exp is not None else "" ) return query, query_values