Library Testing

Library Testing#

The Intel® Data Mover Library (Intel® DML) is distributed with its own test system based on the GoogleTest framework. You can find various types of tests in <install_dir>/bin/ folder.


Intel DML test framework development is still in progress. Expect to see more coverage and refactoring in future releases.

Functional Tests#

Functional validation of Intel DML could be done with different types of tests provided.

Low-Level API (or Job API) and core unit tests (comparing internal optimized code path with some reference code path) include:

  • Algorithmic tests (ta_*) serve to find errors that reflect logic errors in data processing on correct data.

  • Bad argument tests (tb_*) verify the code path for invalid arguments.

Such tests are combined together into tests and tests_mt (multithreaded version) executables. In order to use those, following commands could be used:

./tests --path=sw
./tests_mt --path=sw --nthreads=2

Full list of parameters is available via ./<executable_name> --help.

Additional High-Level API and Low-Level API tests are compiled into dml_test_functional_<api>_<path>_<operation>, where api=c refers to Low-Level Job API and api=cpp refers to High-Level API tests, <path> could be one of sw (DML_PATH_SW for Low-Level API or dml::software for High-Level API, used for host execution), hw (DML_PATH_HW or hardware, for accelerator offloading), or auto (DML_PATH_AUTO or dml::automatic).

In order to execute those, use the following command:



Hardware Path requires first configuring Intel® Data Streaming Accelerator (Intel® DSA). See Accelerator Configuration.

Fuzz Tests#

Fuzz testing is an automated software testing technique that attempts to find hackable software bugs by randomly feeding invalid and unexpected inputs and data into a computer program in order to find coding errors and security loopholes.

Intel DML fuzz testing is based on LibFuzzer tool and requires a separate build using the Clang compiler (version 12.0.1 or higher) with the -DDML_BUILD_FUZZ_TESTS=ON CMake option.

Fuzz tests are not installed into <install_dir>/bin/ but available in:

  • <dml_library>/build/tools/tests/fuzzing/high-level-api/

To run fuzz tests, specify the maximum run time using -max_total_time=<seconds>, for example:

<dml_library>/build/tools/tests/fuzzing/high-level-api/mem_move -max_total_time=15