Issue Reporting#
The Intel® Data Mover Library (Intel® DML) has several execution paths and a large number of different operations and modes, so correct issue description is important. A well filled description helps to detect and solve problems faster.
Steps to Report an Issue#
If the library behavior is different from expected, the following actions must be done:
Research issue.
Recheck an application code and library documentation.
Answer the question: What kind of issue is it? (see Issues Classification).
Check whether the issue was reported by the Intel DML team or other contributors. Information about already known issues can be found in:
Release notes: Release Notes section.
Issues tab on GitHub (see Issues tab).
Submit an issue report if it is a new issue, or subscribe to an already existing issue on GitHub.
Issue Classification
Issues can be classified depending on the step where they occur:
Configuration step
Build step
Hardware path initialization step
Operation execution step
All these classes are described in the following sections:
Configuration Step Issue#
Intel DML library works with accelerator configuration created by the
system administrator. Many problems can occur during this step. These
problems can affect library work correctness. >This class of issue is
placed out of scope Intel DML library and can be addressed to
team (intel/idxd-config)
Build Step Issue#
Intel DML library is distributed as an open-source project. The library can be built using CMake scripts provided in several ways:
default way without any additional parameters or options
library-defined Cmake options
user-defined specific options
This class of issue can be resolved by the Intel DML team.
Build Step Issue Report Rules#
Make sure that the issue report contains the following information:
Operating system info (OS name)
Intel DML version info
Command line
CMake version
CMake log
Build log
Initialization Step Issue#
Intel DML library has 2 different status code groups. The first group helps to detect initialization issues. This issue can be caused by:
Incorrect configuration that library does not support
Bug in the Library initialization code
The second group of problems can be reported to the Intel DML team.
Initialization Step Issue Report Rules#
Make sure that the issue report contains the following information:
Operating system info (OS name, kernel version, accel-config version)
CPU model
Intel DML version info
API used: C++/C API, Function name, Function prototype
Instructions to reproduce or a reproducer
Error description: - Returned error code value if none zero
Initialization Log (Can be enabled with
CMake option)Expected behavior description with reference to the behavior described in the Intel DML documentation
Operation Execution Step Issue#
This class of issue can be resolved by the Intel DML team.
Intel DML library is a complex library with many functions and modes. To debug and detect the particular issue, the report needs full information about:
Operation properties
Use case
Operation Execution Step Issue Report Rules#
Make sure that the issue report contains the following information:
Operating system info (OS name, kernel version, accel-config version)
CPU model
Intel DML version info
User-specified CMake options and parameters
Execution path that was used
Execution type (asynchronous or synchronous, threading, numa)
API used: C++/C API, Function name, Function prototype
Operation description:
Operation type
Operation mode
Input data format for operation
Output data format for operation
Operation flags
Other operation properties
Instructions to reproduce or a reproducer
Dataset to reproduce if applicable
Error description:
Returned error code value if none zero
Execution Log
Expected behavior description with reference to the behavior described in the Intel DML documentation