UEFI Firmware Foundational Automation Framework (formerly XmlCli)

This project is maintained by intel

Usage instruction for Uefi Parser

The parser is able to generate the json representation from BIOS or IFWI image.

Key features:

Working with SUT:

Below command to be executed only after enabling applicable access method:

from xmlcli import XmlCli as cli

max_bios_size = 12 * (1024**2)  # 12 MB - configure based on the platform used
# If max_bios_size argument is not specified then by default it uses 32 MB dump to lookup for BIOS image
bios_image = cli.clb.get_bin_file("linux", max_bios_size=max_bios_size)  # variable will have location of bios image dump stored from memory

Initiate the Parsing with below commands:

from xmlcli.common import bios_fw_parser

bios_image = "absolute-path/to/bios-image.rom"

uefi_parser = bios_fw_parser.UefiParser(bin_file=bios_image,  # binary file to parse
                                parsing_level=0,  # parsing level to manage number of parsing features
                                base_address=0,  # (optional) provide base address of bios FV region to start the parsing (default 0x0)
                                guid_to_store=[]  # if provided the guid for parsing then parser will look for every GUID in the bios image
# parse binary
output_dict = uefi_parser.parse_binary()
output_dict = uefi_parser.sort_output_fv(output_dict)  # (optional) only to sort output by FV address
# write content to json file
output_file = "absolute-path/to/output.json"
uefi_parser.write_result_to_file(output_file, output_dict=output_dict)
# Below code block is only to store map result to json for FV region(s) extracted by guid lookup
if uefi_parser.guid_to_store:
    # additional test for GUIDs to store
    result = uefi_parser.guid_store_dir  # result of passed guid
    user_guid_out_file = "absolute-path/to/guid-stored/output.json"
    # Store guid stored result to json file
    uefi_parser.write_result_to_file(user_guid_out_file, output_dict=uefi_parser.stored_guids)