XeTLA v0.3.6
Intel® Xe Templates for Linear Algebra - API Definition Document
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Intel® Xe Templates for Linear Algebra

Intel® XeTLA v0.3.7 - December 2023

Intel® Xe Templates for Linear Algebra (Intel® XeTLA) is a collection of SYCL/ESIMD templates that enable high-performance General Matrix Multiply (GEMM), Convolution (CONV), and related computations on Intel Xe GPU architecture. Intel® XeTLA offers reusable C++ templates for kernel, group and subgroup levels, allowing developers to optimize and specialize kernels based on data types, tiling policies, algorithms, fusion policies, and more.

One of the key features of Intel® XeTLA is its ability to abstract and hide details of Xe hardware implementations, particularly those related to matrix computations, such as the systolic array and other low level instructions. This ensures that SYCL/DPC++ developers can focus on leveraging the performance benefits of Intel® XeTLA without being burdened by hardware-specific instructions.


  • GEMM
    • Data Type
      • Vector-engine-based: fp32
      • Matrix-engine-based: tf32, fp16, bf16, int8
    • Memory Layout
      • Matrix A: row-major, col-major
      • Matrix B: row-major, col-major
      • Matrix C: row-major
  • Epilogue
    • Bias Add
    • GELU Forward
    • GELU Backward
    • RELU
    • Residual Add


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See also: Security Policy


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