2.6 Virtual disks 2.8 Hardware inspection
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2.7 Getting data into the simulated system

There are several situations when it is necessary and/or useful to let the simulated target machine interact with the host system, or even other systems accessible to the host via networking. Probably the most common situation is the need to transfer files between the target and the host.

This section will describe a few ways of transferring data between the simulation and the real world:

  1. Data transfer using the preferred method, the Simics Agent.
  2. Data transfer by attaching simulated disks, using disk images.
  3. Data transfer using the simulated network and the service node.
  4. Data transfer when connecting the simulated network to a real network.

2.7.1 Transferring data using the Simics Agent

File transfer can be done in several ways. The preferred method is to use the Simics Agent, which is piece of software that must be present on the target machine. The Clear Linux distribution for the QSP-x86 machine has the agent pre-installed. If the agent is not present, it must be transferred to the target machine using one of the methods described later. The Simics Agent is preferred since it is the fastest and least intrusive method.

The Simics Agent manager is a single global manager in Simics, used to manage all connections to all agents on all targets. When a connection is set up to a specific agent on a target, a Simics Agent handle is created. The handle is used to do actual operations. There can be multiple handles in use at once, connected to different agents.

Here is an example of using the Simics Agent for transferring files, when running the



$ bin/simics targets/qsp-x86/firststeps.simics
simics> $m = (start-agent-manager name = mgr0)
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ simics-agent qsp &
qsp connected (1b90f02e10d5a84c)
simics> $m.connect-to-agent name = agent0 identifier = qsp
agent0 connected to qsp0 (0x1b90f02e10d5a84c)

The agent0 object is the new agent handle.

simics> agent0.upload from = "%simics%/targets/qsp-x86/firststeps.simics" to = /tmp
agent0:job 1 (upload firststeps.simics)
simics> agent0.run-until-job 1
agent0:job 1 (upload firststeps.simics) finished
simics> agent0.download -overwrite from = "/tmp/firststeps.simics" to = /tmp
agent0:job 2 (download firststeps.simics)
simics> agent0.run-until-job 2
agent0:job 2 (download firststeps.simics) finished

Note that the agent operations are necessarily asynchronous, which is why we must wait for them to finish. However, there is no need to wait after each command; several commands can be queued up before a wait is issued.

The Simics Agent can also perform other operations, such as

2.7.2 Transferring files using disk images

There are other methods for transferring data in and out of the simulation. If the Simics Agent is not already present on the target machine, one of them must be used first to copy the agent software.

Here is an example of transferring the Simics Agent to the target using USB, when running the


target machine.

$ bin/simics targets/qsp-x86/firststeps.simics
simics> $usb_img = "%simics%/targets/common/images/simics_agent_binaries.img"
simics> $usb_disk = (new-usb-disk-comp file = $usb_img name = usb_disk)
simics> $usb_disk.connect-to $system
Connecting usb_disk.usb_host to board.mb.sb.usb_port[10]
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ find /media -name simics_agent_x86_linux64
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ cp /media/simics_agent_x86_linux64 .
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ ./simics_agent_x86_linux64 qsp &

Here is another example of transferring the Simics Agent to the target using a second hard disk, when running the


target machine. This machine is already set up to allow easy addition of an extra disk, using the disk1_image parameter.

$ bin/simics targets/qsp-x86/firststeps.simics disk1_image=targets/common/images/simics_agent_binaries.img
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ find /media -name simics_agent_x86_linux64
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ cp /media/simics_agent_x86_linux64 .
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ ./simics_agent_x86_linux64 qsp &

2.7.3 Network simulation and the service node

Simics is a full system simulator, which can also simulate a network of machines. It includes a feature called the service node which acts like a separate machine on the simulated network, with its own IP address. The service node can expose common useful network services, such as DHCP, DNS, NTP as well as an FTP server that facilitates connecting to the host system and transfer files.

The Clear Linux distribution for the QSP-x86 machine uses the service node DHCP and DNS servers during boot, to set up its network services.

Here is an example of transferring the Simics Agent to the target machine over FTP, when running the


target machine.

$ bin/simics targets/qsp-x86/firststeps.simics
simics> $service_node.sn.list-host-info
│    IP     │    name.domain    │       MAC       │
│  │simics0.network.sim│20:20:20:20:20:00│
││board.network.sim  │00:17:a0:00:00:00│
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ host simics0
simics0.network.sim has address
simics> $img_dir = "%simics%/targets/common/images"
simics> $service_node.set-ftp-directory dir = $img_dir
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ lftpget ftp://simics0/simics_agent_binaries.zip
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ unzip -q simics_agent_binaries.zip
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ ./simics_agent_x86_linux64 qsp &

2.7.4 Connecting to real networks

Simics can let the target machine connect to any network that the host system has access to. This can be achieved in several ways, where NAPT is the simplest option. Simics then acts similarly like a regular home router, performing network address translation between the simulated network and the network that the host is connected to. The service node DNS server can also act as a proxy for real DNS.

The Clear Linux distribution for the QSP-x86 machine is set up to allow such usage.

Here is an example of transferring data from the host to the target using regular networking, when running the


target machine.

$ bin/simics targets/qsp-x86/firststeps.simics
simics> enable-real-time-mode

Real-time mode enabled.
simics> $python = (lookup-file "%simics%/bin/mini-python")
simics> $imgs = (lookup-file "%simics%/targets/common/images")
simics> shell -bg ($python + " -m http.server --directory " + $imgs)
simics> $service_node.sn.add-host name = "host0" ip = (sim->host_ipv4)
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ curl -s http://host0:8000/simics_agent_binaries.zip
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ ls simics_agent_binaries.zip

In this example we only connected to the host itself, but in fact the same technique can be used to connect to any other system that the host can access. Also note that the HTTP server we open on the host will be accessible by any web browser.

Using port forwarding, the target can also be accessed from the host, and potentially from any system that can access the host, so this should be used with care. Here is an example of transferring a file to the target from the host over ssh, when running the


target machine. This assumes that the host has ssh installed.

$ bin/simics targets/qsp-x86/firststeps.simics
simics> $service_node.sn.list-host-info

│    IP     │    name.domain    │       MAC       │
│  │simics0.network.sim│20:20:20:20:20:00│
││board.network.sim  │00:17:a0:00:00:00│
simics> connect-real-network target-ip =
NAPT already enabled.
Host TCP port 4021 ->
Host TCP port 4022 ->
Host TCP port 4023 ->
Host TCP port 4080 ->
Warning: This can expose the target system on the host local network.
simics> enable-real-time-mode
Real-time mode enabled.
simics> $fn = (lookup-file "%simics%/targets/common/images/simics_agent_binaries.zip")
simics> shell -bg "scp -P 4022 " + $fn + " simics@localhost:agent.zip"
simics@cl-qsp ~ $ ls agent.zip

In this example we only copied a file, but using port forwarding, we can connect to other network service available on the target, such as web servers.

2.6 Virtual disks 2.8 Hardware inspection