A Handling DBGHELP.DLL B.1 Step 1 - Add Extra Action (PeCoffExtraActionLib)
Analyzer User's Guide  / 

B Update UEFI For Notification Tracking

When using the UEFI Firmware Tracker with an UEFI BIOS that has been updated to handle notification tracking, SEC, PEI and DXE modules are tracked with almost zero performance penalty. This appendix describes how to update the UEFI BIOS to allow notification tracking.

Enabling notification tracking on an UEFI system that has not been updated for notification tracking should not cause any problems, even though it does not improve the tracking in any way. For notification tracking to work, UEFI must be updated according to this appendix.

A Handling DBGHELP.DLL B.1 Step 1 - Add Extra Action (PeCoffExtraActionLib)