3 Debugging Target Code 3.2 Using Context Queries
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3.1 The Command Line Debugger

This section provides an overview of the Simics command-line debugger and describes how its pieces work together. The tutorial in Getting Started With Simics describes how to use these commands in a complete workflow. For details about the commands, see the Simics Reference Manual.

Simics is a full-system simulator; in addition to the thing you are trying to debug, it probably runs a complete operating system (or several, under a hypervisor). To limit the scope of your debugging to just one process (or task, or kernel thread, etc.), you use an appropriate debug context. Each debug context corresponds to some part of the target system. It can be a processor or the memory space of a processor, or a software abstraction like a process or thread. There are also debug contexts that group other contexts. Section 3.1.1 describes debug contexts in more detail.

The debugger will only create debug contexts for the software in the system if you have configured OS awareness and enabled it. How to set up OS awareness is described in chapter 2. If you do not use OS awareness you can debug directly on the processors instead, but then the debugger will not track when the operating system on the target switches between different processes or tasks.

To do source level debugging you need to tell the debugger about the binaries (executable files and shared libraries) that the part of the system you want to debug is using. This is described in section 3.1.2. That section also explains how to tell the debugger where to find the source code for your program, if needed.

Section 3.1.3 describes how to manage break- and watch-points with the command line frontend.

This section only describes the C/C++ debugger specific concepts. You can still use any other Simics commands to help you debug your code.

3.1.1 Debug Contexts

The debugger presents the target system as a set of debug contexts. Each debug context represents one interesting part of the system. It can be a software concept, like a process, a thread or a task, or a processor core or the physical memory space of a processor. To provide context there are also debug contexts that provide grouping, like a machine, or a group of all user space programs on a Linux system.

When you interact with debug contexts directly you usually interact with a context running code, such as a thread or a processor core. In this text we call such a debug context a thread. A thread allows you to step through the code and to inspect variables scoped to the current location in the code.

By default Simics does not activate the debugger; global stepping commands, etc will be directed at the current processor in Simics, and not to a debug context. There are two ways to activate the debugger and get access to debug contexts. The first is to enable the debugger with the enable-debugger command. This will make Simics track debug contexts and automatically selects an initial debug context if possible. The second way is to explicitly select a debug context with the debug-context command. This will set a current debug context and will also activate the debugger.

You can disable the debugger with the disable-debugger command. This disable the debugger and Simics returns to the default behavior of the global stepping commands, etc.

Once Simics tracks debug contexts, Simics will update the current debug context to the currently running thread every time the simulation stops. The current debug context is the debug context that all global step and inspection commands will interact with. This means that when you have hit a breakpoint or completed a step you can use the global commands to investigate the state of your software and to continue stepping through the code.

Once you have a debug context you can use it to step through the code and inspect its state. When the debugger is enabled and you have a current debug context you can use the global versions of these commands. The commands are also implemented directly by the debug context, which means that you can use them on debug contexts that are not the current debug context. You can do this even if the debugger is disabled.

Here is a summary of the commands you can use:

An active thread also has a stack of call frames, or just frames. Simics provides commands to show the stack and to select which frame other commands should use to find local variables. The stack goes from the innermost frame up towards the outermost frame. The current stack frame is reset to the innermost frame every time Simics stops executing.

3.1.2 Configuration

To perform source level debugging you need to tell the debugger about the binaries that the debug contexts you want to debug are running. These binaries must be in ELF format and should contain debug information in Dwarf format. Once this is done you can set breakpoints, step through your program, and inspect the value of variables in it.

If you try to debug optimized code you may not be able to view all variables, and the mapping between line information and addresses in memory may be confusing.

The debugger keeps a memory map to locate functions, variables, etc in memory and to find debug information for target code. You add entries to the memory map using the add-symbol-file command. The command uses context queries to limit which debug contexts the information applies to. You can read more about context queries in section 3.2. Here is a summary of the commands to manage the memory map:

For simple programs you just have to provide the main binary, but for more complex cases, with shared libraries or dynamically loaded modules, you may need to add several symbol files for your program.

If the source code paths in the debug information in the binaries do not match the location of the source code on your host system, you also need to tell the debugger how to find the source code if you want the debugger to be able to show you the actual source code.

Tell the debugger where to find the source code for your program using the add-pathmap-entry command. As with the add-symbol-file command, you can use context queries to limit which debug contexts the information applies to. Here are the commands you can use to manage the path translation:

3.1.3 Breakpoints

The C/C++ Debugger allows you to set breakpoints on source code lines and on variables and expressions.

Read and write breakpoints are commonly called "watchpoints", and "breakpoints" is often taken to refer exclusively to execution breakpoints. In Simics speak, however, we use "read breakpoint", "write breakpoint", and "execution breakpoint" for the specific types, and just "breakpoint" when we wish to leave the type unspecified.

Breakpoints are set with two simple commands:

Both commands take flags to specify if they should trigger for reads, writes, and/or execution. A watchpoint is simply a breakpoint with the read or write flag set. In this section we use the term breakpoint to mean both watchpoints and breakpoints.

Breakpoints can be set on all contexts matching a context query. This allows you to set breakpoints that will trigger in threads or processes that do not exist yet. The default context query matches all debug contexts.

You can also set breakpoints for a specific debug context by using the bp-break-source-location and bp-break-source-line commands that are namespaced on debug contexts. This allows you to limit the breakpoint to a particular debug context, but this can only be done for debug contexts that already exist.

Breakpoints set with bp-break-source-line and bp-break-source-location are managed by commands namespaced on the bp object in Simics. Here are the commands you can use to manage such breakpoints:

3 Debugging Target Code 3.2 Using Context Queries