=================== Examples and HOWTOs =================== Automation/testcase script examples =================================== .. automodule:: examples.test_yielding_results .. automodule:: examples.test_tagging .. _examples_pos: Deploying OS images and files to targets over the network --------------------------------------------------------- TCF can do very fast :ref:`OS deployment ` by rsyncing images over the network instead of just overwritting evertything: - for simple testcases that just need a target provisioned, use test case templates :ref:`tc_pos_base ` - to have more control over the target selection process, use template :ref:`tc_pos0_base ` - to have full control over the deployment process or find more details on how this process works in :ref:`here ` - to deploy multiple targets at the same time, for client/server tests, see :ref:`here ` - to copy other content to the image after deploying the OS, see :ref:`this example ` .. automodule:: examples.test_pos_base .. automodule:: examples.test_pos0_base .. automodule:: examples.test_pos_deploy .. automodule:: examples.test_pos_deploy_2 .. automodule:: examples.test_pos_boot .. automodule:: examples.test_deploy_files Capturing data, doing SSH ------------------------- .. automodule:: examples.test_audio_capture .. automodule:: examples.test_ssh_in .. _finding_testcase_metadata: Keywords that are available to this testcase while running on a target ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Any of the keywords reported here can be used in a testcase script, in multiple places of TCF configuration as Python templates with fields such as `%(tc_name)s` and in report templates. .. code:: python class _test(tcfl.tc.tc_c): ... dev eval(self, target, target1): ... something = self.kws[KEYWORDZ] ... somethingelse = target.kws[KEYWORDY] ... andthis = target1.kws[KEYWORDZ] ... .. automodule:: examples.test_dump_kws .. automodule:: examples.test_dump_kws_one_target .. automodule:: examples.test_dump_kws_two_targets TCF client tricks ================= .. _tcf_client_configuration: Where is the TCF client configuration taken from? ------------------------------------------------- *tcf* reads configuration files from (in this order): - *.tcf* (a subdirectory of the current working directory) - *~/.tcf* - *~/.local/etc/tcf* (if installed in user's home only with *python setup.py install --user* or *pip install --user*) - */etc/tcf* (if installed globally, eg with a package manager) Configuration files are called *conf_WHATEVER.py* and imported in **alphabetical** order from each directory before proceeding to the next one. They are written in plain Python code, so you can do anything, even extend TCF from them. The module :mod:`tcfl.config` provides access to functions to set TCF's configuration. You can add new paths to parse with ``--config-path`` and force specific files to be read with ``--config-file``. See *tcf --help*. How do I list which targets I own? ---------------------------------- Run:: $ tcf list -v 'owner:"MYNAME"' *MYNAME* is whatever identifier you used to login. .. _howto_release_target: How do I release a target I don't own? -------------------------------------- Someone owns the target and they have gone home...:: $ tcf release -f TARGETNAME But this only works if you have admin permissions. The exception is if you have locked yourself the target with a *ticket* (used by *tcf run* and others so that the same user running different processes in parallel can still exclude itself from overusing a target). It will say something like:: requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 400: TARGETNAME: tried to use busy target (owned by 'MYUSERNAME:TICKETSTRING') As a user, you can always force release any of your own locks with `-f` or with `-t TICKETSTRING`:: $ tcf -t TICKETSTRING release TARGETNAME How do I release all the targets I own? --------------------------------------- Run:: $ tcf release -f $(tcf list 'owner:"MYNAME"') - *MYNAME* is whatever identifier you used to login - *tcf list 'owner:"MYNAME"'* lists which targets you currently own How do I keep a target(s) reserved and powered-on while I fuzz with them? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- First make sure you are not blocking anyone:: $ while tcf acquire TARGET1 TARGET2 TARGET3...; do sleep 15s; done & $ tcf_pid=$! this keeps acquiring the target every 10 seconds, which tells the server you are actively using it, so it won't release them nor power them off. When done:: $ kill $tcf_pid $ tcf release TARGET1 TARGET2 TARGET3... You can *tcf run* without releasing them:: $ tcf -t " " run --no-release -vvt "TARGET1 or TARGET2 or TARGET3 ..." test_mytc.py Note the following: - ``-t " "`` tells TCF to *use no ticket*, as we have made the reservation with no ticket - ``--no-release`` tells TCF to not release the targets when done this way, once the test completes (let's say, with failure), we can log in via the serial console to do some debugging:: $ tcf console-write -i TARGET2 Do not forget to kill the *while* process and release the targets when done, otherwise others won't be able to use them. If someone has left a target taken, it can be released following :ref:`these instructions ` Some details: - use *while tcf acquire* vs *while true; do tcf acquire* because that way, if the server fails, connection drops (eg: you close your laptop), then the process tops and won't restart unless you do it manually. - if you depend on the network, do not forget to also acquire the network, otherwise it will be powered off and routing won't work. How can I debug a target? ------------------------- TCF provides for means to connect remote debuggers to targets that support them; if the target supports the :py:class:`ttbl.tt_debug_mixin` (which you can find with `tcf list -vv TARGETNAME | grep interfaces`). How it is done and what are the capabilities depends on the target, but in general, assuming you have a target with an image deployed:: $ tcf acquire TARGETNAME $ tcf debug-start TARGETNAME $ tcf power-on TARGETNAME $ tcf debug-info TARGETNAME GDB server: tcp:myhostname:3744 (when target is on; currently ON) at this point, the target is waiting for the debugger to connect before powering up, so start (in this case) GDB pointing it to the *elf* version of the image file uploaded and issue:: gdb> target remote tcp:myhostname:3744 Some targets might support starting debugging after power up. Find more: - `tcf --help | grep debug-` - the :class:`debug extension API ` to :class:`target objects ` for use inside Python testcases - the :class:`*ttbd*\'s Debug interface ` Zephyr debugging with TCF run ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When using targets in a high usage environment, it is easier to use TCF run and a few switches: - Make sure the target is acquired for a max of 30min while you work with it:: $ for ((count = 0; count < 240; count++)); do tcf -t 1234 acquire TARGETNAME; sleep 15s; done & be sure to kill this process when done, to free it for other people; every 15s this re-acquires, as a way to tell the daemon you are still using it, to not free it from you. Note `-t 1234`; this says *use ticket 1234* to reserve this target; we'll use it later. - Create a temporary directory:: $ mkdir tmp - Build and deploy:: $ tcf -t 1234 run -vvvv -E --tmpdir tmp -t TARGETNAME --no-release PATH-TO-TC note the following: - `-t 1234` says to use ticket 1234, as the one we used for the reservation - `-E` tells it not to evaluate -- it will just build and deploy / flash - `--no-release` says do not release the target when done (because you want to do other stuff, like debug) - In the case of Zephyr, the ELF file will be in `tmp/1234/outdir-1234-SOMETHING/zephyr/zephyr.elf`, which you can find with:: $ find tmp/1234/ -iname zephyr.elf tmp/1234/outdir-1234-j38h-quark_d2000_crb/zephyr/zephyr.elf - Tell the target to start debugging:: $ tcf -t 1234 debug-start TARGETNAME - Now reset / power cycle it, so it goes fresh to start. Because we told it to start debugging, it will start but stop the CPU until you attach a debugger (only for OpenOCD targets or targets that support debugging, anyway):: $ tcf -t 1234 reset TARGETNAME $ tcf -t 1234 debug-info TARGETNAME OpenOCD telnet server: srrsotc03.iind.intel.com 20944 GDB server: x86: tcp:srrsotc03.iind.intel.com:20946 Debugging available as target is ON - Note we now can start the debugger; find it first:: $ find /opt/zephyr-sdk-0.9.5/ -iname \*gdb ... /opt/zephyr-sdk-0.9.5/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/i586-zephyr-elf/i586-zephyr-elf-gdb ... run the debugger to the ELF file we found above:: $ /opt/zephyr-sdk-0.9.5/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/i586-zephyr-elf/i586-zephyr-elf-gdb \ tmp/1234/outdir-1234-j38h-quark_d2000_crb/zephyr/zephyr.elf ... Reading symbols from tmp/1234/outdir-1234-j38h-quark_d2000_crb/zephyr/zephyr.elf...done. tell the debugger to connect to the GDB server found by running `debug-info` before:: (gdb) target remote tcp:srrsotc03.iind.intel.com:20946 Remote debugging using tcp:srrsotc03.iind.intel.com:20946 0x0000fff0 in ?? () Debug away!:: (gdb) b _main Breakpoint 1 at 0x180f71: file /home/inaky/z/kernel.git/kernel/init.c, line 182. (gdb) c Continuing. target running redirect to PM, tapstatus=0x08302c1c hit software breakpoint at 0x00180f71 Breakpoint 1, _main (unused1=0x0, unused2=0x0, unused3=unused3@entry=0x0) at /home/inaky/z/kernel.git/kernel/init.c:182 182 { (gdb) ... - on a separate terminal, you can: - read the target's console output with:: $ tcf console-read --follow TARGETNAME - issue CPU resets, halts, resumes or OpenOCD commands (for targets that support it):: $ tcf debug-reset TARGETNAME $ tcf debug-halt TARGETNAME $ tcf debug-resume TARGETNAME $ tcf debug-openocd TARGETNAME OPENOCDCOMMAND Note that resetting or power-cycling the board will create a new GDB target with a different port, so you will have to reconnect that GDB wo the new target remote reported by *tcf debug-info*. .. _howto_pos_list_deploy: How can I quickly flash a Linux target -------------------------------------- When your server and targets are configured for Provisisoning OS support (target exports the *pos_capable* tag in ``tcf list -vv TARGET``), you can quickly flash the target *target1A*, which is connected to network *nwA* with:: $ IMAGE=fedora::29 tcf run -vvvt 'nwA or target1A' /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_pos_deploy.py to find our which images your server has available .. _howto_pos_list_images: To find out available images:: $ tcf run /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_pos_list_images.py server10/nwa clear:live:25550::x86_64 server10/nwa clear:live:25890::x86_64 server10/nwa fedora::29::x86_64 server10/nwa yocto:core-minimal:2.5.1::x86_64 PASS0/ toplevel @local: 1 tests (1 passed, 0 error, 0 failed, 0 blocked, 0 skipped, in 0:00:06.635452) - passed See how to :ref:`install more images `. How can I quickly build and deploy an image to a Zephyr target? --------------------------------------------------------------- You can use the boilerplate testcase :download:`test_zephyr_boots.py <../examples/test_zephyr_boots.py>`, which will build any Zephyr app and try to boot it and see if it prints the Zephyr boot banner:: $ ZEPHYR_APP=path/to/source tcf run -t TARGETNAME /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_zephyr_boots.py $ tcf acquire TARGENAME $ ... TCF will build your code configuring it properly for the chosen target and deploy it. You want to inmediately acquire so it is not powered-off by the daemon. TCF's `run` says something failed, can I get more detail? --------------------------------------------------------- FIXME: update TCF's ``run`` tries to be quiet to the console, so when you run a lot of tests on a lot of targets, the forest lets you see the trees. When you need more detail, you can: - add `-v`\s after ``run`` (but then it gives you detail everywhere) - log to a file with `--log-file=FILENAME` and when something fails, grep for it:: FAIL0/kaoe ../Makefile[quark]@.../frankie: (dynamic) build failed PASS1/tctp ../Makefile[x86]@.../mv-03: (dynamic) build passed that build failed; take those four letters next to the ``FAIL0`` message (`kaoe`) -- that's a unique identifier for each message, and look for it with `grep`, printing 30 lines of context before the match:: $ grep -B 100 kaoe FILENAME .... FAIL3/iigx ../Makefile[quark]@.../frankie: @build failed [2] ('make -j -C samples/hello_world/nanokernel BOARD=quark_se_sss_ctb O=outdir-httpsSERVER5000ttb-v0targetsfrankie-quark_se_sss_ctb-quark_se_sss_ctb' from /home/inaky/z/kernel.git/samples/.tcdefaults:48) FAIL3/iigx ../Makefile[quark]@.../frankie: output: FF make: Entering directory '/home/inaky/z/kernel.git/samples/hello_world/nanokernel' FAIL3/iigx ../Makefile[quark]@.../frankie: output: FF make[1]: Entering directory '/home/inaky/z/kernel.git' ... most likely, the complete failure message will be right before the final failure message -- and you can now tell what happened. In this case, there is no good configuration for the chosen target The output driver can be changed to lay out the information diferently; look at :class:`tcfl.report.report_c`. Linux targets: Common tricks ---------------------------- .. _linux_c_c: Linux targets: sending Ctrl-C to a target ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Trick over the serial console is that it is a pure pipe, there is no special characters. So a quick way to do it is:: $ tcf console-write TARGETNAME $(echo -e \\x03) where that *\\x03* is the hex code of Ctrl-C. *man ascii* can tell you the quick shortcuts for others. .. _linux_send_command_target: Linux targets: running a Linux shell command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Try:: $ tcf console-write TARGETNAME "ping -c 3 localhost" Note that once the command is sent, the console, for whatever the target cares, is still connected, even if the *console-write* command returned for you. The command might still be executing; see :ref:`Sending a Ctrl-C ` is not as in a usual, synchronous, Linux console. From a script, you can use :func:`tcfl.tc.target_c.shell.run ` or :func:`tcfl.tc.target_c.send`: .. code-block:: python ... @tcfl.tc.target("linux") class some_test(tcfl.tc.tc_c): def eval_something(self, target): ... target.shell.send("ping localhost") target.shell.expect("3 packets transmitted, 3 received") ... # better to use ... target.shell.run("ping -c 3 localhost", "3 packets transmitted, 3 received") you can also get the output by adding ``output = True``: .. code-block:: python ... output = target.shell.run("ping -c 3 localhost", "3 packets transmitted, 3 received", output = True) ... .. _tunnels_linux_ssh: Linux targets: ssh login from a testcase / client ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :term:`ttbd` server can create tunnels that allow you to reach the target's ports, assuming the target is - connected to a network to which the server is also connected - on and listening on a port In your test scripts, use the :class:`tunnel ` extension to create a port redirection, adding to your script: .. code-block:: python ... @tcfl.tc.interconnect("ipv4_addr") @tcfl.tc.target(...) class some_test(tcfl.tc.tc_c): def eval_something(self, ic, target): ... # ensure target and interconnect is powered up and the # script is logged in. # Indicate to the tunnel system the target's address in the # interconnect target.tunnel.ip_addr = target.addr_get(ic, "ipv4") # create a tunnel from server_name:server_port -> to target:22 server_name = target.rtb.parsed_url.hostname server_port = target.tunnel.add(22) # use SSH to get the content's of the target's /etc/passwd output = subprocess.check_output( "ssh -p %d root@%s cat /etc/passwd" % (server_port, server_name), shell = True) Tunnels can also be created with the command line:: $ tcf tunnel-add TARGETNAME 22 tcp TARGETADDR SERVERNAME:19893 $ ssh -p 19893 SERVERNAME cat /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin ... Note you might need first the steps in the next section to allow SSH to login with a passwordless root. .. _target_pos_manually: How do I boot a target to PXE boot mode manually? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A target can be told to boot to PXE Provisioning OS by issuing the following commands:: $ while tcf acquire NETWORKNAME TARGETNAME; do sleep 10s; done & $ tcf power-on NETWORKNAME $ tcf property-set TARGETNAME pos_mode pxe $ tcf power-cycle TARGETNAME .. FIXME: make an entry explaining well the while loop thing The *while* loop in the background keeps the target acquired, do not forget to release them by killing it. Then we ensure the network is on and finally, we set the target to *POS mode* PXE and we power cycle the target. To have it boot back in local mode:: $ tcf property-set TARGETNAME pos_mode $ tcf power-cycle TARGETNAME .. _pos_boot_http_tftp: POS: booting from HTTP or TFTP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When a target is given a syslinux configuration file to boot from, the places where it loads the Provisioning OS kernels can be forced with :ref:`pos_http_url_prefix `. By default (no prefix) the boot loader will tend to load with TFTP. But by specifying an HTTP or FTP URL prefix, it can boot over any of those protocols (which can be faster). When specified in an interconnect's tags, it will be taken as default for that interconnect, but this can be overriden specifying it for each target; for the example in :ref:`POS: Configuring networks `, we can add:: pos_http_url_prefix = "" This will replace in the syslinux configuration file any occurrence of ``pos_http_url_prefix`` with ````, where ``ARCHNAME`` is the architecture of the target. .. _linux_target_pos_kernel_options: Linux targets: POS: setting default linux kernel options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When a Linux target is botted using :term:`POS`, default kernel options can be fed to the POS scripts for bootloader consumption by setting the following tags or properties (all optional): - ``linux_serial_console_default``: sets which is the default serial console. For */dev/NAME*, specify *NAME*, as this will be given as the Linux kernel command line option *console=NAME,115200* - ``linux_options_append``: a space separated string with any other Linux kernel command line options to add. For example, when adding the target: >>> ttbl.config.target_add( >>> ... >>> tags = { >>> ... >>> 'linux_serial_console_default': 'ttyS2', >>> 'linux_options_append': 'rw foo=bar', >>> ... >>> }) which can also be done once the target is added with :meth:`tags_update `:: >>> ttbl.config.targets['TARGETNAME'].tags_update({ >>> ... >>> 'linux_serial_console_default': 'ttyS2', >>> 'linux_options_append': 'rw foo=bar', >>> ... >>> }) .. _tcf_testcase_proxy: Linux targets: using proxies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :term:`NUT`\s to which targets are connected are usually setup very isolated from upstream or other networks; there is a common practice to declare a proxy availability in an interconnect by it exporting any of the following variables:: $ tcf list -vv nwb | grep -i proxy ftp_proxy: http_proxy: https_proxy: so in a test script running a Linux target, one could do: .. code-block:: python @tcfl.tc.interconnect("ipv4_addr") @tcfl.tc.target('pos_capable') class _test(tcfl.tc.tc_c): def eval_something(self, ic, target): ... if 'http_proxy' in ic.kws: target.shell.run("export http_proxy=%s" % ic.kws.get('http_proxy')) target.shell.run("export HTTP_PROXY=%s" % ic.kws.get('http_proxy')) if 'https_proxy' in ic.kws: target.shell.run("export https_proxy=%s" % ic.kws.get('https_proxy')) target.shell.run("export HTTPS_PROXY=%s" % ic.kws.get('https_proxy')) ... note however, that those settings will apply only to the shell being run in that console. You can make more permanent settings in the target by for example, modifying ``/etc/bashrc``:: @tcfl.tc.interconnect("ipv4_addr") @tcfl.tc.target('pos_capable') class _test(tcfl.tc.tc_c): def eval_something(self, ic, target): ... if 'http_proxy' in ic.kws: target.shell.run("echo http_proxy=%s >> /etc/bashrc" % ic.kws.get('http_proxy')) target.shell.run("echo HTTP_PROXY=%s >> /etc/bashrc" % ic.kws.get('http_proxy')) if 'https_proxy' in ic.kws: target.shell.run("echo https_proxy=%s >> /etc/bashrc" % ic.kws.get('https_proxy')) target.shell.run("echo HTTPS_PROXY=%s >> /etc/bashrc" % ic.kws.get('https_proxy')) ... and those will also apply if your script logs in via SSH or other methods. Linux targets: removing the root password ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If your target is not connected to any networks or to an isolated network, you can remove the root password. .. code-block:: python ... @tcfl.tc.interconnect("ipv4_addr") @tcfl.tc.target("linux") class some_test(tcfl.tc.tc_c): # ensure target is powered up and the script is logged in def eval_something(self, ic, target): ... target.shell.run("passwd -d root") ... or from the console:: $ tcf console-write TARGETNAME "passwd -d root" $ tcf console-read TARGETNAME ... # passwd -d root Removing password for user root. passwd: Success .. _linux_ssh_no_root_password: Linux targets: allowing SSH as root with no passwords ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Most Linux deployments default configure SSH to be very conservative; for testing, you might want to open it up. To allow login in with SSH, add to your test script: .. code-block:: python ... @tcfl.tc.interconnect("ipv4_addr") @tcfl.tc.target("linux") class some_test(tcfl.tc.tc_c): # ensure target is powered up and the script is logged in def eval_something(self, ic, target): target.shell.run("""\ cat <> /etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin yes PermitEmptyPasswords yes EOF""") target.shell.run("systemctl restart sshd") or using the :func:`library function tcfl.tl.linux_ssh_root_nopwd `: .. code-block:: python import tcfl.tl ... @tcfl.tc.interconnect("ipv4_addr") @tcfl.tc.target("linux") class some_test(tcfl.tc.tc_c): # ensure target is powered up and the script is logged in def eval_something(self, ic, target): ... tcfl.tl.linux_ssh_root_nopwd(target) ... target.shell.run("systemctl restart sshd") or even having that done in deployment time when flashing with POS: .. code-block:: python @tcfl.tc.interconnect("ipv4_addr") @tcfl.tc.target('pos_capable', mode = 'any') class _test(tcfl.tc.tc_c): def deploy(self, ic, target): # ensure network, DHCP, TFTP, etc are up and deploy ic.power.on() ic.report_pass("powered on") image = target.pos.deploy_image( ic, "clear", extra_deploy_fns = [ tcfl.pos.deploy_linux_ssh_root_nopwd ]) or from the shell:: $ tcf console-write TARGETNAME "echo PermitRootLogin yes >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config" $ tcf console-write TARGETNAME "echo PermitEmptyPasswords yes >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config" .. _tcf_client_timetout: How do I change the default timeout in my test scripts ------------------------------------------------------ The default timeout different parts of the *tcf run* engines wait for the target to respond can be changed by setting the variable *self.tls.expecter.timeout* (note *self* is a testcase class): .. code-block:: python class some_tc(tcfl.tc.tc_c): ... def eval_some(self): # wait a max of 40 seconds self.tls.expecter.timeout = 40 ... It is a bit awkward and we'll make a better way to do it. Other places that take a *timeout* parameter that has to be less than *self.tls.expecter.timeout*: - :func:`target.shell.up ` - :func:`target.on_console_rx ` and :func:`target.on_console_rx_cm ` - :func:`target.wait ` - :func:`target.expect ` .. _report_always: Making the client always generate report files ---------------------------------------------- *tcf run* will normally generate a report file if a testcase does not *pass*. If you want report files generated always, you can add to any :ref:`configuration file `: .. code-block:: python tcfl.report.file_c.templates['text']['report_pass'] = True Reporting is handled by the :mod:`reporting API ` and the *report* files are created by the Jinja2 :class:`reporter ` based on a template called *text*. .. _report_domain_breakup: Splitting report files by domain -------------------------------- You could want to break your testcases by a domain, mapping to any categories and you can want the report files to be stored in specific subdirectories. You can define a hook that calculates that domain and generates metadata for it, so the templating engine can use it >>> ... >>> tcfl.tc.tc_c.hook_pre.append(_my_hook_fn) >>> filename = tcfl.report.templates["text"]["output_file_name"] >>> tcfl.report.templates["text"]["output_file_name"] = \ >>> "%(category)s/" + file_name The `_my_hook_fn()` would look as: >>> def _my_hook_fn(testcase): >>> # define some calculations that generates category >>> testcase.tag_set("category", categoryvalue) If the data needed is not available until after the testcase executes, you can use :class:`reporting hooks `. Capturing network traffic ------------------------- TCF servers (*ttbd*) can capture the traffic in a :term:NUT network if they are connected to it. For this to happen, when the network is powered up, it must contain a property called *tcpdump* set to a file name where to capture it:: $ tcf property-set nwb tcpdump somename.cap $ tcf power-cycle nwb when all the network traffic is done, it can be downloaded:: $ tcf power-off nwb $ tcf broker-file-dnload nwb somename.cap local_somename.cap which now can be opened with wireshark to see what happened (or analyzed with other tools). In a script, ensure your start routine contains: >>> class sometest(tcfl.tc.tc_c): >>> >>> def start_something(self, ic, ...): >>> ... >>> # before powering up the interconnect >>> ic.property_set('tcpdump', self.kws['tc_hash'] + ".cap") >>> ... >>> ic.power.cycle() and on teardown: >>> >>> def teardown_whatever(self, ic, ...): >>> ic.broker_files.dnload( >>> self.kws['tc_hash'] + ".cap", >>> "report-%(runid)s:%(tc_hash)s.tcpdump" % self.kws) >>> self.report_info("tcpdump available in file " >>> "report-%(runid)s:%(tc_hash)s.tcpdump" % self.kws) the file will be made available in the same directory where *tcf run* was executed from. .. _tcf_ci: Continuous Integration ---------------------- *TCF run* can be used in a CI system to run testcases as part of the continuous integration process. A few helpful tricks: Generate a unique ID for each run and feed it to TCF ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is common practice to generate a unique ID for each build or continuous integration run. It should include: - timestamp (YYMMDD-HHMM): allows to tell when the build happened and to map to logs in other parts of the system; might not be sufficient if more than one build can be started in the same hour/minute/second - monotonic counter (BBB): CI engines like Jenkins will refer to builds by their internal build monotonic counter--it also helps distinguish in the unlikely case two builds were started on the same second (or minute) - branch/project identifier (PROJECT-BRANCH): if a single build might be running on multiple branches or projects, it helps to add a short version of it -- thus, when the Unique ID is propagated to other parts of the CI system, we can see who is causing whatever action. *tcf run* supports the concept of a :ref:`RunID `, which will be then used in all the reports. A good RunID specification for *TCF run* would be something like:: PROJECT-BRANCH-YYMMDD-HHMM-BBB it is a good idea to also give it to the hashing engine as salt so that the :term:`hash` identifiers used to acquire targets don't conflict with other projects that might be using the same testcase. e.g.:: $ tcf run --hash-salt PROJECT-BRANCH-YYMMDD-HHMM-BBB \ --runid PROJECT-BRANCH-YYMMDD-HHMM-BBB -v path/to/testcases add to the hash salt any other factors that might contribute to the same testcase/target combination being run as the same but that shall be considered different (eg: using a different toolchain). Splitting in multiple shards ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When running CI in multiple slaves in parallel, the CI engine can tell *tcf run* to only run an specific shard of the whole list of testcases. Assuming all the slaves have the same list of testcases, the list will be evenly split:: slave1$ tcf run --shard 1-3 --runid X path/to/testcases slave2$ tcf run --shard 2-3 --runid X path/to/testcases slave3$ tcf run --shard 3-3 --runid X path/to/testcases will split the deck of testcases in 3 shards and run one on each slave in parallel. Note that if the availability of targets to run the shards doesn't allow them to run testcases in parallel, you might not gain much by the paralallelization of *tcf run*. Controlling output location ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *tcf run* can be given ``--log-dir`` to specify the location where most default output files will be placed, including: - failure/error/block/skip reports - tcpdump outputs this defaults to the directory where *tcf run* was invoked from. .. _general_catchas: General catchas =============== Some common issues that make it automating hard Hidden characters in console output ----------------------------------- This happens very commonly when console prompts or text produce ANSI escape sequences to colorize output; as a human on the console, we see clearly the *root@hostname:DIR* prompt, but our regex for the console is expecting: ``root@SOMETHING:DIR`` however, the chain of bytes that the serial port is reading might be ``ESC[ 38;5;2rootESC[ 38;5;2SOMETHING:DIR`` (where ESC is the escape character, ASCII 0x1b dev 27) and hence why the regular expression is not working. Parsing ANSI escape sequences is quite tricky and if this is a command prompt, a more simple sollution is to remove them from the prompt configuration. Newlines when reading output of a command ----------------------------------------- Let's say we are reading the top level tree of a git directory: >>> tree = subprocess.check_output( >>> [ >>> 'git', 'rev-parse', '--flags', '--show-toplevel', >>> 'SOMEFILENAME' >>> ], >>> stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, >>> cwd = os.path.dirname('SOMEFILENAME') >>> ) then we try to use *tree* and it does not exist. Why? because:: $ git rev-parse --flags --show-toplevel SOMEFILENAME SOMEPATH $ which means that after *SOMEPATH* there is a newline and thus the output we are getting is *SOMEPATH\\n*. So :func:`strip ` it: >>> tree = tree.strip() General Linux system ==================== .. _setup_proxies: Setup proxies ------------- .. note:: this applies to setting the proxy for the server; if you need to set proxies during testcase execution, see :ref:`here ` If your network requires proxy support: - From the GUI: log in as a normal user to the graphical interface 1. On the top right click the configuration arrow, select * → configuration icon → select network → select proxies* 2. Set: - Method *Manual* .. include:: 04-HOWTOs-LL-proxy-1.rst - From the terminal, (when remotedly logged in, optional) add to ``~/.bashrc`` or to ``/etc/bashrc`` (for system wide, headless machines): .. literalinclude:: 04-HOWTOs-LL-proxy-2.sh :language: shell (note the ``${VAR:-DEFAULT}`` syntax is so to avoid these settings to interfere with those that might be set when you login via the GUI). Configure *sudo* to pass proxy configuration:: # cat < /etc/sudoers.d/proxy # Keep proxy configuration through sudo, so we don't need to specify -E # to carry it Defaults env_keep += "ALL_PROXY FTP_PROXY HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY NO_PROXY" Defaults env_keep += "all_proxy ftp_proxy http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy" EOF This ensures the proxy configuration is kept by *sudo* (versus having to run *sudo -E*) so tools that use the network don't get stuck with network access. Why? .. include:: 04-HOWTOs-LL-proxy-3.rst - ** and ** will be all networks we'll use internally from our server, so they don't need to be proxyed. .. _tcf_update: How do I update my TCF installation? ------------------------------------ You can check if there is a new version available with:: # dnf check-update --refresh | grep TCF if so, you can update to it with:: # dnf update --best ttbd ttbd-zephyr tcf tcf-zephyr # systemctl restart ttbd@production Note that if there is a major version change (from *v0* to *v1*, or *v1* to *v2*, etc), more steps have to be done, which will be like (example is from *v0* to *v1*) .. include:: 04-HOWTOs-LL-update.rst This is so because we release the TCF stable branches as separate RPM repositories, for simplicity. Note you might need to clean the metadata caches with:: # dnf clean all to force an update of the metadata to be pulled from the servers. .. _internal_network: Configuring a USB or other network adapter for an infrastructure network ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Test targets or infrastructure (like power control switches) that require IP connectivity can be connected to your server via a dedicated network interface and switch. .. warning:: do not connect infrastructure and test devices to the same network! You have to :ref:`keep them separated `. You will need: - a network interface (USB, PCI, etc) - its MAC address - an IP address range (recommended *192.168.X.0/24*) 1. Identify the network interface you will use, using tools such as:: # ifconfig -a # ip addr 2. Now configure it as described in :ref:`Configuring a static interface Via NetworkManager's nmcli `:: # nmcli con add type ethernet con-name TCF-infrastructure ifname IFNAME ip4 # nmcli con up TCF-infrastructure note that you can also use VLANs if you add with **type vlan id NN dev IFNAME** for VLAN number ``NN``:: # nmcli con add type vlan con-name TCF-Infrastructure dev enp0s20u4 id 4 ip4 Conventions for assignment of addresses in the infastructure network: - use IPv4 (easier) - use a local network (eg: 192.168.x.0/24) - servers get IP addresses > 192.168.x.200 (try to establish a server naming conventions where numbers are assigned, *server1*, *server2*, etc) and thus their IP addresses are *.201*, *.202*, etc... - PDUs and other equipment use IP addresses > 192.168.x.100 .. warning:: Keep this switch isolated from upstream routers; connect only test-targets OR infrastructure elements to it. Configuring network interfaces with NetworkManager and nmcli ------------------------------------------------------------ NetworkManager will by default take control of most network interfaces in the system; some adjustments might be needed. .. _howto_nm_disable_control: Disabling NetworkManager from controlling an interface ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Network interfaces which connect the server to a NUT (network under test) need to be left alone by NetworkManager. NetworkManager can be told to ignore a network device in two ways: - run the command:: # nmcli dev set IFNAME managed no - or create a configuration file:: $ sudo tee /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/disabled.conf <` .. note:: use these methods in a Linux machine that is not running *TTBD* actively, as it will keep producing messages in the kernel output and it will be difficult to tell which device is the right one. Finding USB device information with dmesg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. disconnect the device 2. run `dmesg -w` in a console to see the kernel log, hit ``enter`` a few times to create space 3. plug the device, see a message pop up with device data from the kernel 4. Note the device data, along:: usb 1- new full-speed USB device number 62 using ehci-pci usb 1- New USB device found, idVendor=2a03, idProduct=003d usb 1- New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=220 usb 1- Product: Arduino Due Prog. Port usb 1- Manufacturer: Arduino (www.arduino.org) usb 1- SerialNumber: 85439303033351E06162 in this example, ignore the *SerialNumber* where it says *New USB device Strings* and focus on the following one. If there is no serial number, there will be something like:: New USB device strings: Mfr=XYZ, Product=XYZ, SerialNumber=0 and no line with just *SerialNumber* on its own will appear. Finding USB device information with lsusb.py ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``lsusb.py -iu`` provides a tree display of the USB connected devices:: usb1 1d6b:0002 09 2.00 480MBit/s 0mA 1IFs (ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.7) hub 1-1 05e3:0608 09 2.00 480MBit/s 100mA 1IFs (Genesys Logic, Inc. Hub) hub 1-1.1 2001:f103 09 2.00 480MBit/s 0mA 1IFs (D-Link Corp. DUB-H7 7-port USB 2.0 hub) hub 1-1.1.1 0424:2514 09 2.00 480MBit/s 2mA 1IFs (Standard Microsystems Corp. USB 2.0 Hub) hub 1- 2a03:003d 02 1.10 12MBit/s 100mA 2IFs (Arduino (www.arduino.org) Arduino Due Prog. Port 85439303033351E01192) 1-1.1.2 0424:2514 09 2.00 480MBit/s 2mA 1IFs (Standard Microsystems Corp. USB 2.0 Hub) hub 1- 04d8:f2f7 00 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 1IFs (Yepkit Lda. YKUSH YK20946) 1- 03:00:00 2EPs (Human Interface Device:No Subclass:None) 1-1.1.5 0403:6001 00 2.00 12MBit/s 90mA 1IFs (FTDI FT232R USB UART A5026SO1) if we know the brand of our device, we can look it up; in the excerpt tree below, we can see, for example, a YKUSH on *1-*; next to the name of the device is the serial number (if available), *YK20946* (in this example). Finding USB device information with udevadm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once we know a device node of any time has been established (eg: :file:`/dev/ttyUSB9`), use ``udevadm info`` to find information about it:: # udevadm info /dev/ttyUSB0 # or whichever device node (eg: /dev/video or /dev/snd/XYZ) P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-2/1-2:1.0/ttyUSB0/tty/ttyUSB0 N: ttyUSB0 S: serial/by-id/pci-Prolific_Technology_Inc._USB-Serial_Controller-if00-port0 S: serial/by-path/pci-0000:00:14.0-usb-0:2:1.0-port0 ... E: ID_SERIAL_SHORT=OR0497598 E: ID_PATH=pci-0000:00:14.0-usb-0:2:1.0 E: ID_PATH_TAG=pci-0000_00_14_0-usb-0_2_1_0 E: ID_PCI_CLASS_FROM_DATABASE=Serial bus controller E: ID_PCI_INTERFACE_FROM_DATABASE=XHCI E: ID_PCI_SUBCLASS_FROM_DATABASE=USB controller ... those values can be used to match in udev .. _usb_tty: udev configuration of serial port --------------------------------- Methods for configuring a serial port by name. When a USB serial port is connected to the system, it is assigned a non-predictable name (eg: */dev/ttyUSB14* or */dev/ttyACM3*) which will change each time is plugged (or not). In order to have an stable name that consistently represents the device we are connecting, follow any of the following recipes, based on the capabilities of the USB device you are plugging to the system. .. _usb_tty_serial: udev configuration of serial port based on serial number ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Given a target name (TARGETNAME) we are going to name a serial port assigned to it `/dev/tty-TARGETNAME` based on the *serial number* of the USB device (that can be found using the :ref:`tricks above `) in :file:`/etc/udev/rules.d/90-ttbd.rules`:: SUBSYSTEM == "tty", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT} == "SERIALNUMBER", \ SYMLINK += "tty-TARGETNAME" Remember to :ref:`update udev `:: # udevadm control --reload-rules .. _usb_tty_path: udev configuration of serial port without serial number based on path ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is used for USB serial dongles that have no unique USB serial number. .. warning:: This approach is very risky--any physical changes in the positions of cables or logical changes in enumeration order when kernel boots will change the path and might render your configuration inoperative or working incorrectly. Given a target name (TARGETNAME) we are going to name a serial port assigned to it `/dev/tty-TARGETNAME` based on the *path* the USB device is connected, as most serial cables have no serial number; in :file:`/etc/udev/rules.d/90-ttbd.rules`:: SUBSYSTEM == "tty", ENV{ID_PATH} == "*-usb-0:1.2.2:1.0", \ SYMLINK += "tty-TARGETNAME" find the path by plugging the device, using `dmesg -w` to find which `/dev/ttyUSBX` (or `/dev/ttyACMX`) name is given and then running:: # udevadm info /dev/ttyUSBX | grep ID_PATH= ID_PATH=pciblahblah-usb-0:1.2.2:1.0 :ref:`reload udev config `:: # udevadm control --reload-rules replug the USB dongle or device and verify the symlink `/dev/tty-TARGETNAME` is there. If not found, use syslog or `journalctl -r` and `udevadm control --log-level debug` to find our what is going on when the device is plugged. .. _usb_tty_sibling: udev configuration of serial port based on sibling's serial number ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is used for USB-to-TTY serial dongles that have no unique USB serial number. Given a target name (TARGETNAME) we are going to name a USB-to-TTY serial port assigned to it `/dev/tty-TARGETNAME` based on the USB serial number of another device (the sibling) connected to the same USB hub. The sibling USB device has to have a unique USB serial number. By knowing in which port our the USB-to-TTY serial dongle is, we can piggy back on the other sibling device's USB serial number. Thus, if we move the USB hub around, it'll still have the same name, as long as we don't change the port to which it is connected. In :file:`/etc/udev/rules.d/90-ttbd.rules`:: # When the USB-TTL port is connected to the hub with serial number # YKXXXXX SUBSYSTEM == "tty", \ PROGRAM = "/usr/bin/usb-sibling-by-serial YKXXXXX", \ ENV{ID_PATH} == "*2:1.0", \ SYMLINK += "tty-TARGETNAME" note the ``*2:1.0``; that selects port 2, where we connect the serial port adapter. Port 1 would be ``*1:1.0``, etc. Remember to :ref:`update udev `:: # udevadm control --reload-rules .. _usbrly08b_serial_number: Finding the serial number of a Devantech USBRLY08B relay controller ------------------------------------------------------------------- Plug your board to the system and list:: $ lsusb.py | grep -i Devantech 1-1.1.1 04d8:ffee 02 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 2IFs (Devantech Ltd. USB-RLY08 00023456) *00023456* is the serial number; if there are multiple devices and you are not sure which one is it, disconnect the one you care for and run:: $ lsusb.py | grep -i Devantech > before now reconnect it and run:: $ lsusb.py | grep -i Devantech > after diff the files *before* and *after*:: $ diff before after 3d2 < 1-1.1.1 04d8:ffee 02 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 2IFs (Devantech Ltd. USB-RLY08 00023456) or run `dmesg -w` on the terminal, unplug and plug the device, see the kernel message about the new USB device, note the serial number. .. _ykush_serial_number: Finding the serial number of an YKUSH hub ----------------------------------------- Methods to find the serial number of an YKUSH hub: - plug your YKush hub to the system and list:: # lsusb.py | grep YKUSH | tee before 2- 04d8:f2f7 00 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 1IF (Yepkit Lda. YKUSH YK21297) 2- 04d8:f2f7 00 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 1IF (Yepkit Lda. YKUSH YK21292) 2- 04d8:f2f7 00 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 1IF (Yepkit Lda. YKUSH YK21290) 2- 04d8:f2f7 00 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 1IF (Yepkit Lda. YKUSH YK21294) 2-2.3.4 04d8:f2f7 00 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 1IF (Yepkit Lda. YKUSH YK21293) you might have many; to tell which one is the one in your hand, you can just unplug it and list again:: # lsusb.py | grep YKUSH | tee after 2- 04d8:f2f7 00 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 1IF (Yepkit Lda. YKUSH YK21297) 2- 04d8:f2f7 00 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 1IF (Yepkit Lda. YKUSH YK21292) 2- 04d8:f2f7 00 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 1IF (Yepkit Lda. YKUSH YK21294) 2-2.3.4 04d8:f2f7 00 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 1IF (Yepkit Lda. YKUSH YK21293) to (quickly) find out which one was unplugged, diff the files *before* and *after*:: # diff before after 3d2 < 2- 04d8:f2f7 00 2.00 12MBit/s 100mA 1IF (Yepkit Lda. YKUSH YK21290) the line that was removed when we unplugged was the one for *YK21290*, which is the serial number of the hub. - run `dmesg -w` on a terminal and plug the device, see the kernel message about the new USB device, note the serial number .. note:: the hub itself has no serial number, but an internal device connected to its downstream port number 4 does have the *YK34567* serial number. *ttbd*: TCF server configuration and tricks =========================================== .. _ttbd_config_multiple_instances: Starting more that one instance ------------------------------- Most setups will only have one instance, the *production* instance; however, two more are recommended: - *infrastructure*: handles power to USB hubs, equipment, normal and power switching to reset them in case) of issues, individual raw access to all the power switching units connected throughout the system, network switches, etc - *staging*: targets whose drivers are being developed before moving into production (optional) To bring up an instance (repeat these steps replacing *production* with *INSTANCENAME* for other instances): 1. Create the instance's configuration directory:: # install -d -m 2775 -o ttbd -g ttbd /etc/ttbd-production systemd will create the runtime directories needed when starting *ttbd* in `/var/run/ttbd-production` and `/var/cache/ttbd-production` as they will be wiped by the system on restart. 2. Each instance listens on a different port, so we create the initial server configuration `/etc/ttbd-production/conf_00_bind.py`:: host = "" # Listen on all interfaces port = 5000 *infrastructure* is usually assigned 4999, *staging* 5001. Enable access through the firewall to said ports:: # firewall-cmd --add-port=4999-5001/tcp --permanent 4. Enable and start the instance:: # systemctl enable ttbd@production # systemctl start ttbd@production *systemd* runs the daemon run as user *ttbd*, group *ttbd* and the following supplemental groups: - *root*: to be able to scan USB devices - *dialout*: to be able to access serial devices and USB connected serial devices (for consoles, JTAGs, etc) - *ttbd*: to access configuration and other files See log output with ``journalctl -fu ttbd@NAME``. Diagnose issues starting with systemd in :ref:`troubleshooting `. Further configuration :ref:`tips `. 5. At this point you could create or copy existing ``conf_*.py`` configuration files to ``/etc/ttbd-production`` and restart the service with:: # systemctl restart ttbd@production If you have none, that is ok, we'll add them in the next sections. Note that now, none can access the server yet because there is no way to authenticate with it :) Let's add some configuration. .. _ttbd_config_auth_local: Configure authentication for local users (optional) --------------------------------------------------- A quick way to allow any user in the local machine to use the server without authenticating is to request local authentication for; run:: # echo 'local_auth.append("")' \ > /etc/ttbd-production/conf_00_auth_local.py # systemctl restart ttbd@production Now login in should work with no need to input anything (in this case, there will be no output either):: $ tcf -iu https://localhost:5000 login .. note:: feel free to ignore the error message about `ZEPHYR_BASE not being defined`; it is a glitch that will be fixed. You can work around it by running:: $ export ZEPHYR_BASE= You can configure local TCF clients to access the local instance by default (:ref:`more `):: # mkdir -p /etc/tcf # echo "tcfl.config.url_add('https://localhost:5000', ssl_ignore = True)" \ >> /etc/tcf/conf_local.py .. _ttbd_config_authdb: Configure simple authentication / for Jenkins jobs (optional) ------------------------------------------------------------- You can setup static accounts for users or Jenkins autobuilders with hardcoded passwords by creating a file ``/etc/ttbd-production/conf_00_auth_localdb.py`` with the contents: .. code-block:: python import ttbl.auth_localdb ttbl.config.add_authenticator(ttbl.auth_localdb.authenticator_localdb_c( "Jenkins and other", [ [ 'usera', 'PASSWORDA', 'user', ], [ 'superuserB', 'PASSWORDB', 'user', 'admin', ], [ 'jenkins1', 'PASSWORD1', 'user', ], [ 'jenkins2', 'PASSWORD2', 'user', ], ... ])) Restart to read the configuration:: # systemctl restart ttbd@production .. _ttbd_config_auth_ldap: .. include:: 04-HOWTOs-LL-auth-ldap.rst Configure authentication against LDAP ------------------------------------- Copy the configuration example `/etc/ttbd/production/example_conf_05_auth_ldap.py` and modify it to suit your LDAP setup:: # cp /etc/ttbd-production/example_conf_05_auth_ldap.py /etc/ttbd-production/conf_05_auth_ldap.py # # systemctl restart ttbd@production Authorized users (users in the declared LDAP groups in the configurtion file) should now be able to login with:: $ tcf login LDAPLOGIN This file can be tweaked to fit your authentication needs. For example, you might want to change the name of the LDAP groups your users need to be members off. If this does not work, most likely the configuration files where not loaded properly; check the daemon output (:ref:`troubleshooting ` and :ref:`troubleshooting LDAP `). .. _tt_power: Configuring a target for just controlling power to something ------------------------------------------------------------ In your *ttbd*'s `conf_SOMETHING.py` config file, add:: ttbl.config.target_add( ttbl.tt.tt_power( "TARGETNAME", power_control = PC_OBJECT, power = True ), tags = dict(idle_poweroff = 0) ) this creates a target called *TARGETNAME* that you can power on, off or cycle. The *power* argument indicates what do do with the power at startup (*True* turn it on, *False* turn it off, *None*--or omitting this argument, leave it as is). *tags = dict(idle_poweroff = 32)* is used to have *TARGETNAME* not being powered off when idle. Now, *PC_OBJECT* is the actual implementation of power control and you can make it be things like:: ttbl.pc.dlwps7("http://admin:1234@sp3/5") This would make *TARGETNAME*'s power be controlled by plug #5 of the *Digital Logger Web Power Switch 7* named *sp3* (:py:func:`setup instructions `). Because this is a normal, 120V plug, if a light bulb were connected to it:: ttbl.config.target_add( ttbl.tt.tt_power( "Entrance_light", power_control = ttbl.pc.dlwps7("http://admin:1234@sp3/5"), power = True ), tags = dict(idle_poweroff = 0) ) and like this, the target *Entrance_light* can be switched on or off with *tcf power-on Entrance_light* and *tcf power-off Entrance_light*. It could also be:: ttbl.pc_ykush.ykush("YK21080", 3) which means that power to *TARGETNAME* would be implemented by powering on or off port #3 of the YKush power-switching hub with serial number *YK21080* (:py:func:`setup instructions `). Other power controller implementations are possible, of course, by subclassing :py:class:`ttbl.tt_power_control_impl`. .. _tt_linux_simple: Configuring a Linux target to power on/off with serial console -------------------------------------------------------------- Building on the previous example, we can use the :class:`ttbl.tt.tt_serial` object to create a target that provides serial consoles, can be powered on or off and we can interact with the target over the serial console. If we have a Linux machine which is installed with a distro that provides serial console access, then this will work: **Bill of materials** - a Linux machine - a serial console to the physical Linux machine (if your machine doesn't have serial ports, a `USB null modem `_ or two USB serial dongles with a NULL modem adapter will do. - one available port on a power switch, to turn the physical machine on/off (eg, a :func:`DLWPS7 `) **Connecting the test target fixture** 1. Configure the Linux machine to: - always power on when AC power is on - provide a serial console on the serial port; this can be done by adding ``console=ttyS0,115200`` and/or ``console=ttyUSB0,115200`` to the kernel command line. In modern systemd-enable distributions, also with:: # systemd enable agetty@ttyUSB0 # systemd enable agetty@ttyS0 3. Connect the serial dongle cables to the physical target and to the server 4. Connect the physical target to port PORT of power switch POWERSWITCH **Configuring the system for the fixture** 1. Choose a name for the target: *linux-NN* (where NN is a number) 2. Configure *udev* to add a name for the serial device for the board's serial console so it can be easily found at ``/dev/tty-TARGETNAME``. Follow :ref:`these instructions ` using the serial dongle's *serial number*. 3. Add a configuration block to the server configuration file: .. code:: python ttbl.config.target_add( ttbl.tt.tt_serial( "linux-NN", power_control = [ ttbl.cm_serial.pc(), ttbl.pc.dlwps7("http://admin:1234@POWERSWITCH/PORT"), ttbl.pc.delay(5), ], serial_ports = [ "pc", { "port": "/dev/tty-linux-NN", "baudrate": 115200 } ]), tags = { 'linux': True, 'bsp_models': { 'x86_64': None }, 'bsps': { 'x86_64': { 'linux': True, 'console': 'x86_64', } } }, target_type = "linux-DISTRONAME-VERSION") where of course, ``DISTRONAME-VERSION`` matches the linux distribution and verison installed. .. _ttbd_config_phys_linux_live: Configure physical Linux targets with a fixed Live filesystem ------------------------------------------------------------- A physical Linux machine can be booted with the TCF-live image that will always boot fresh to the same state. This builds on the :ref:`previous section `. **Bill of materials** - a Linux machine w at least 2G RAM (harddrive optional, but recommended) - a USB drive (at least 2G) - a serial console to the physical Linux machine (if your machine doesn't have serial ports, a `USB null modem `_ or two USB serial dongles with a NULL modem adapter will do. - one available port on a power switch, to turn the physical machine on/off (eg, a :func:`DLWPS7 `) **Connecting the test target fixture** 0. Generate a TCF Live ISO image :ref:`following these steps ` 1. Initialize the USB drive with the image (assuming it is at */dev/sdb*):: # livecd-iso-to-disk --format --reset-mbr tcf-live/tcf-live.iso /dev/sdb 2. Plug the USB drive to the physical Linux target, make sure it boots 3. Configure the Linux machine to: - boot USB first - always power on when AC power is on 4. Create two physical partitions for large file storage during tests and swap: - boot the image, connect via standard console or serial console - partition the disk:: $ parted DEVICE -s mklabel gpt # make a new partition table $ parted DEVICE -s mkpart logical linux-swap 0% 10G # make a partition $ parted DEVICE -s name 1 TCF-swap # name it $ parted DEVICE -s mkpart logical btrfs 10G 100% # make a partition $ parted DEVICE -s name 2 TCF-home # name it *TCF-home* will be always cleaned up and mounted as */home* and the swap will be activated. 5. Connect the serial dongle cables to the physical target and to the server 6. Connect the physical target to port PORT of power switch POWERSWITCH **Configuring the system for the fixture** 1. Choose a name for the target: *linux-NN* (where NN is a number) 2. Configure *udev* to add a name for the serial device for the board's serial console so it can be easily found at ``/dev/tty-TARGETNAME``. Follow :ref:`these instructions ` using the board's *serial number*. 3. Add a configuration block to the server configuration file: .. code:: python ttbl.config.target_add( ttbl.tt.tt_serial( "linux-NN", power_control = [ ttbl.cm_serial.pc(), ttbl.pc.dlwps7("http://admin:1234@POWERSWITCH/PORT"), ttbl.pc.delay(5), ], serial_ports = [ "pc", { "port": "/dev/tty-linux-NN", "baudrate": 115200 } ]), tags = { 'linux': True, 'bsp_models': { 'x86_64': None }, 'bsps': { 'x86_64': { 'linux': True, 'console': 'x86_64', } } }, target_type = "linux-fedora-x86_64") .. _target_tag: Adding tags to a target ----------------------- Once a target is configured, new tags can be added to it using :meth:`ttbl.test_target.tags_update` in any configuration file (preferrably next to the target definition); for example, if in ``/etc/ttbd-production/conf_10_targets.py`` you had the statement: .. code-block:: python arduino101_add(name = "a101-15", fs2_serial = "a101-15-fs2", ykush_url = "http://admin:1234@HOSTNAME/PORT", ykush_serial = "YK24439") you can add the tags ``fixture_spi_basic_0`` (as a boolean that defaults to *True* and ``tempsetting`` (as an integer) with: .. code-block:: python arduino101_add(name = "a101-15", fs2_serial = "a101-15-fs2", ykush_url = "http://admin:1234@HOSTNAME/PORT", ykush_serial = "YK24439") tcfl.config.targets['a101-15'].tags_update(dict( fixture_spi_basic_0 = True, tempsetting = 32)) .. _target_disable_default: How do I disable a target by default? ------------------------------------- When a target has to be disabled by default, add this to the configuration file:: ttbl.config.targets['TARGETNAME'].disable("") the target will be loaded and the configuration will be accesible, however, *tcf* clients that select targets automatically (*list*, *run*) will not use it unless *-a* is given. This is used for targets that are misbehaving for any reason but still need to be connected to debug. They can be manually enabled/disabled with:: $ tcf disable TARGETNAME $ tcf enable TARGETNAME The user has to have *admin* capabilities in the *TTBD* server to run this operation. .. _ttbd_config_bind: Allowing the server to be used remotely --------------------------------------- By default, the server is configured to only listen on local ports, thus only accessible from the server itself. To allow the server to be accessible on all the network interfaces of the machine on TCP port 5000, create ``/etc/ttbd-production/conf_00_bind.py`` with the content: .. code-block:: python host = "" port = 5000 Now restart the daemon and verify it restarted properly:: # systemctl restart ttbd@production # journalctl -eu ttbd@production As well, ensure the server's firewall allows the given ports to be accessible. In Fedora 25:: # dnf install -y firewall-config $ firewall-config In the current firewall zone, add in *Ports* a range *4999-5001*, type TCP. Now select in the menu *Options* > *Runtime to permanent* to ensure the changes are permanent and next time the server restarts they are applied. Increasing the verbosity of the server -------------------------------------- When debugging issues with the server, you might have to increase its verbosity; for that, more *-v* have to be given to the command line. For that, edit ``/etc/systemd/system/ttbd@.service`` to add more ``-v`` to the ``ExecStart`` line. Reread *systemd*'s configuration and restart the server:: # systemctl daemon-reload # systemctl restart ttbd@production Remember to toggle it back to the default ``-vv``--it gets chatty. .. _manual_install: Manual installation of TCF from source ====================================== Creation and setup of user *ttbd* --------------------------------- The *ttbd* user is used to store TCF's software and files, and the *ttbd* group to give normal user access to said files. To create it (if not yet created):: # useradd -G kvm ttbd Allow members of group *ttbd* access to *ttbd*\'s home so they can write files needed for the deployment in there; never shall need to login as the *ttbd* user:: # chmod g+ws ~ttbd Allow other users access to *ttbd*\'s files:: # usermod -aG ttbd USER1 USER2 …. # Make USERs members of ttbdgroup Install required software ------------------------- Run:: # dnf install -y openocd make gcc-c++ python-ldap pyserial \ python-requests git python-werkzeug python-tornado python-flask \ python-flask-login python-flask-principal pyusb python-pexpect \ pyOpenSSL to install software packages required by TCF's server: - openocd is used to interact with targets - gcc-c++ and make are used to build - Git is a source control manager we’ll use to obtain TCF’s source - python-ldap, pyserial and python-requests are Python libraries TCF relies on - python-werkzeug, python-flask* and python-tornado are the HTTP server framework TTBD uses to serve data. - pyusb is the library used to access USB devices from Python - python-pexpect is a expect-like language implementation in Python You might need to :ref:`install support packages ` that are not in distributions dependning on what you want to run with TCF. Remove conflicting packages --------------------------- Remove *Modem Manager*, as it interferes with the serial ports:: # dnf remove -y ModemManager this won't be needed if you will only use QEMU devices. Install TCF ----------- Obtain the code .. include:: 04-HOWTOs-LL-install-tcf.rst .. _tcf_install_manual: **Install the TCF client** Follow the steps on the :ref:`quickstart ` to install the client from source. $ cd tcf.git $ python setup.py install --user .. note:: you will also need to install the `Zephyr SDK 0.9 `_ to ``/opt/zephyr-sdk-0.9.5`` if you want to build Zephyr OS apps and other dependencies: Fedora:: # dnf install -y make python-requests python-ply cmake \ PyYAML python2-junit_xml python2-jinja2 Ubuntu:: # apt-get install -y python-ply python-requests make \ python-junit.xml python-jinja2 **Install the server** Install requirements: sdnotify, a library to help TCF’s server TTBD integrate with systemd:: $ sudo pip install sdnotify Now the server itself:: $ cd tcf.git/ttbd $ sudo python setup.py install Note the server needs configuration of SELinux, kernel credentials, UIDs and GIDs for operation -- so running it off the RPM package can get complicated. .. _install_support_pkgs: Manual installation of support packages ======================================= These are dependencies needed when certain kind of test hardware is going to be connected or certain OSes / testcases are to be used: - Arduino Due boards: :ref:`Bossa command line ` - Zephyr SDK for Arduino 101, Intel Quark, FRDM, SAM e70, others: :ref:`Zephyr SDK ` - :ref:`ESP32 ` - NiosII on Altera MAX10: :data:`Quartus programmer ` and :data:`NiosII CPU image ` .. _bossac: Bossac: Arduino Due flasher --------------------------- If Arduino Due is going to be used, a special tool for flashing has to be installed--this has to be built from source as the branch that supports the Arduino Due hasn't been merged into mainline as of writing these instructions: 1. Get the requiements and the code:: # sudo dnf install -y gcc-c++ wxGTK-devel $ git clone https://github.com/shumatech/BOSSA.git bossac.git $ cd bossac.git $ git checkout -f 1.6.1-arduino-19-gae08c63 2. Build and install:: $ make bin/bossac $ sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 bin/bossac /usr/local/bin 3. (optional) Create a fast RPM with :ref:`FPM `:: $ chmod 0755 bin/bossac $ fpm -n bossac -v $(git describe --tags) -s dir -t rpm bin/bossac .. _zephyr_sdk: Zephyr SDK ---------- To build some Zephyr OS apps/testcases or to flash certain hardware, you will need this SDK: 1. Download the Zephyr SDK from https://www.zephyrproject.org/downloads/tools 2. Install in */opt/zephyr-sdk-VERSION*:: # chmod a+x zephyr-sdk-0.9.5-setup.run # ./zephyr-sdk-0.9.5-setup.run -- -y -d /opt/zephyr-sdk-0.9.5 3. (optional) Create a fast RPM with :ref:`FPM `:: $ fpm -n zephyr-sdk-0.9.5 -v 0.9.5 \ > --rpm-rpmbuild-define '_build_id_links alldebug' \ > -s dir -C / -t rpm opt/zephyr-sdk-0.9.5 *_build_id_links alldebug* is needed to disable generation of build symlinks in */usr/lib/.build-id*. Because the SDK packs a lot of files that are similar/identical to those present in the system, it will conflict. .. _arduino_builder: Arduino Builder 1.6.13 ---------------------- The Arduino Builder will be needed by the TCF client to build *.ino* files into appplications that can be flashed into targets for test. 1. Download the Arduino IDE package from https://www.arduino.cc/download_handler.php?f=/arduino-1.6.13-linux64.tar.xz 2. Extract:: # tar xf arduino-1.6.13-linux64.tar.xz -C /opt 3. (optional) Create a fast RPM with :ref:`FPM `:: $ fpm -n tcf-arduino-builder-1.6.13 -v 1.6.13 -s dir -C / -t rpm opt/arduino-1.6.13/ tunslip6 -------- *tunslip6* is used to create a SLIP interface for a QEMU virtual machine and connecting it to a TAP interface. This code has been floating around for different small OSes that also run in QEMU, so there is a few versions. The one we currently use is the one used by the Zephyr project at the *net-tools* repository: http://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/net-tools which has added functionality to defer configuration to external parties (*ttbd* in this case) and some strenghtening to deal with race conditions. 1. Clone:: $ git clone http://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/net-tools 2. Build:: $ cd net-tools $ make tunslip6 # make install 3. (optional) Create a fast RPM with :ref:`FPM `:: $ install -m 0755 tunslip6 -D root/usr/bin/tunslip6 $ fpm -n tunslip6 -v $(git describe --always) -s dir -C root -t rpm usr/bin .. _xtensa_esp32: Xtensa ESP32 ------------ In order to build (TCF client) and deploy/flash (ttbd server) for ESP32 boards, you will need the *xtensa-esp32* SDK and the ESP-IDF libraries: - *xtensa-esp32 SDK* 1. Download from https://dl.espressif.com/dl/xtensa-esp32-elf-linux64-1.22.0-59.tar.gz 2. Extract to */opt/xtensa-esp32-elf* # tar xf xtensa-esp32-elf-linux64-1.22.0-59.tar.gz -C /opt 3. Add to */etc/environment*:: ESPRESSIF_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=/opt/xtensa-esp32-elf - *ESP-IDF*: This is Xtensa's IOT framework that is used by Zephyr and others 1. Clone to */opt/esp-idf.git*:: $ rm -rf /opt/esp-idf.git $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git /opt/esp-idf.git $ (cd /opt/esp-idf.git && git checkout -f $(ESP_IDF_REV)) 2. Add to */etc/environment*:: ESP_IDF_PATH=/opt/esp-idf.git libcoap ------- Use the following script to create the RPM:: .. code-block:: sh # Use absolute dirs, libtool needs it dir=$PWD/libcoap.git rootdir=$PWD/root-libcoap.git rm -rf $dir git clone --recursive -b dtls https://github.com/obgm/libcoap.git $dir rm -rf $rootdir mkdir -p $rootdir (cd $dir; ./autogen.sh) sed -i 's|prefix = @prefix@|prefix = $(DESTDIR)/@prefix@|g' $(find $dir/ext/tinydtls -iname Makefile.in) (cd $dir; ./configure --disable-shared --disable-documentation --prefix=/usr) make -C $dir all make -C $dir DESTDIR=$rootdir install rm -rf $rootdir/usr/share ver=${ver:-$(git -C $dir describe --tags)} fpm -n libcoap -v $ver -s dir -t rpm -C $rootdir Invoke as:: $ ./mklibcoap.sh .. _fpm: FPM, fast package manager ------------------------- .. note:: this is only optional and only needed if you are building RPMs for distribution; please ignore otherwise 1. Install dependencies, clone the code, build and install:: $ sudo dnf install -y ruby-devel rpm-build $ git clone https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm fpm.git $ make -C fpm.git install Platform firmware / BIOS update procedures ========================================== .. _fs2_serial_update: Updating the serial number and / or description of a FTDI serial device ----------------------------------------------------------------------- These devices are used in multiple USB to serial dongles and embedded in a number of devices, for example: - Flyswatter JTAGs, which come all with the same serial number (usually *FS20000*). - standalone dongles - MCU boards, embedded computers These usually come as USB vendor ID 0x0403, product ID starting with 0x6NNN. When there are multiple FTDI devices that have the same serial number, the system needs to be able to tell them apart, so we can flash a new serial number in them, which we usually make match the target name, or whatever is needed. .. warning:: this process should be done in a separate machine; if you do it in a server with multiple of these devices connected, the tool can't tell them apart and might flash the wrong device. To flash a new serial number or descriptionusing ``ftdi_eeprom`` on your laptop (`Windows utility `_):: $ sudo dnf install -y libftdi-devel $ cat > file.conf < FTDI read eeprom: 0 EEPROM size: 128 Sorry, the eeprom can only contain 128 bytes (100 bytes for your strings). You need to short your string by: -1 bytes FTDI close: 0 - For **Flyswatter2** devices, add:: product="Flyswatter2" to the configuration file so the product name is set to *Flyswatter2*, needed for OpenOCD to find the device. .. _cp210x_serial_update: Updating the serial number and / or description of a CP210x serial device ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some hardware use serial-to-USB converters based on the CP210x series by `Silicon Labs `_. If the serial number programed on it is not unique enough, it can be programmed with the tool ``cp120x-program``, available from http://cp210x-program.sourceforge.net/. Once installed: 1. identify the device to operate with:: $ lsusb | grep -i CP210x Bus 002 Device 085: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. CP210x UART Bridge / myAVR mySmartUSB light .. note:: your device might show differnt vendor or product ID and strings, in such case, adjust your grepping. 2. take the bus and device numbers (`002/085` in the example) and feed it to the `cp219x-program` tool with the new serial number you want:: # cp210x-program -m 002/085 -w --set-serial-number "NEWSERIALNUMBER" it is always a good idea to set as new serial number the name of the target it is going to be assigned to. 3. Reconnect the device and verify the new serial number is set with ``lsusb.py``:: $ lsusb.py -ciu ... 2-2.4 10c4:ea60 00 1.10 12MBit/s 100mA 1IF (Silicon Labs CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller esp32-39) 2-2.4:1.0 (IF) ff:00:00 2EPs (Vendor Specific Class) cp210x ttyUSB0 .. in this case, we set *esp32-39* as new serial number, which is displayed at the end of the line. .. _a101_fw_upgrade: Updating the firmware in an Arduino101 to factory settings ---------------------------------------------------------- This is needed to operate with Zephyr OS > v1.5.0-349-gecf96d2, which dropped support for the older Arduino101 Zephyr boot ROM. - Download from https://software.intel.com/en-us/node/675552 the package ``arduino101-factory_recovery-flashpack.tar.bz2`` and decompress to your home directory:: $ cd $ tar xf LOCATION/arduino101-factory_recovery-flashpack.tar.bz2 - Ensure your TTBD server is >= v0.10 (dated 9/21/16 or later) - Disable you Arduino101 target (to avoid it being used by other automated runs) and acquire it:: $ tcf disable arduino101-NN $ tcf acquire arduino101-NN - Flash the new Boot ROM and bootloader:: $ tcf images-upload-set arduino101-NN \ rom:$HOME/arduino101-factory_recovery-flashpack/images/firmware/FSRom.bin \ bootloader:$HOME/arduino101-factory_recovery-flashpack/images/firmware/bootloader_quark.bin - Release the target and enable it:: $ tcf release arduino101-NN $ tcf enable arduino101-NN - Test with:: $ cd LOCATION/OF/ZEPHYR/KERNEL $ export ZEPHYR_BASE=$PWD $ tcf run -v -t arduino101-NN samples/hello_world Updating the firmware in an Quark C1000 reference boards -------------------------------------------------------- This updates to the QSMI v1.3 bootrom support, needed to operate with Zephyr OS > v1.5.0, which dropps support older ROMs. - Download from https://github.com/quark-mcu/qmsi/releases/tag/v1.3.0 the file ``quark_se_rom-v1.3.0.bin`` to your home directory:: $ wget https://github.com/quark-mcu/qmsi/releases/download/v1.3.0/quark_se_rom.bin \ -O ~/quark_se_rom-v1.3.0.bin - Ensure your TTBD server is >= v0.10 (dated 11/01/16 or later) - Disable you Quark C1000 target (to avoid it being used by other automated runs), maybe wait for no still-running jobs are using it (use `tcf list -v qc1000-NN` to see if it is acquired by anyone):: $ tcf disable qc1000-NN For the actual flashing process, there is a list of steps that have to be performed that are needed to wipe the flash and reset the board in such a way that it puts it in a receptive state. This implies running specific OpenOCD commands and modifying the way the OpenOCD driver operates on the board to maintain those settings. 1. Use the script `tcf-qc1000-fw-upload.sh TARGETNAME FWFILE` to update the Boot ROM:: $ tcf-qc1000-fw-upload.sh qc1000-NN $HOME/quark_se_rom.bin In case of failure, retry one or two times, as some commands get stuck. If after the retries it still fails, it might be time to try remediation steps as described below. 2. Verify operation with running a Zephyr test case:: $ cd LOCATION/OF/ZEPHYR/KERNEL $ export ZEPHYR_BASE=$PWD $ tcf run -vat qc1000-NN /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_healtcheck.py Testcase should `PASS`. Note the `-a`, so TCF can use a disabled target. If they fail and `tcf console-read qc1000-NN` reports garbage instead of some ASCII text, it is possible board timings are messed up. Go back to flashing the Boot ROM and maybe use the remediation steps described below. 3. Re-enable the target:: $ tcf enable qc1000-NN The process is thus concluced Remediation steps ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In some situations it has been seen that the stock OpenOCD version distributed with the Zephyr SDK or most system cannot flash properly the QC1000. In said case, we can try with the ISSM version of OpenOCD: 1. obtain the ISSM toolchain package for Linux from https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/issm-toolchain-only-download 2. Install in your system in path opt with:: # tar xf PATH/TO/issm-toolchain-linux-2016-05-12-pub.tar.gz -C /opt 3. Disable ISSM's OpenOCD using a TCL port, otherwise the TCF server, TTBD, will not be able to talk to it:: # sed -i 's/tcl_port/#tcl_port/' \ /opt/issm-toolchain-linux-2016-05-12/tools/debugger/openocd/scripts/board/quark*.cfg 4. Alter the TCF's configuration of each QC1000 target to be updated so it uses the OpenOCD from ISSM; in file `/etc/ttbd-production/conf_FILE.py`: .. code-block:: python quark_c1000_add( "TARGETNAME", serial_number = "SERIALNUMBER", ykush_serial = "YKUSHHUBSERIALNUMBER", ykush_port_board = YKUSHHUBPORT, openocd_path = "/opt/issm-toolchain-linux-2016-05-12/tools/debugger/openocd/bin/openocd", openocd_scripts = "/opt/issm-toolchain-linux-2016-05-12/tools/debugger/openocd/scripts") 5. Restart the server:: # systemctl restart ttbd@production 6. Run a healthcheck on the target:: $ tcf run -vat TARGETNAME /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_healtcheck.py In case of trouble, diagnose by looking at the :ref:`journal `:: $ journalctl -aeu ttbd@production 6. Retry the firmware update script 7. Upon success, revert the configuration change and restart the server .. _fw_update_d2000: Updating the firmware in an Quark D2000 reference boards -------------------------------------------------------- This is needed to operate with Zephyr OS. - Download from https://github.com/quark-mcu/qm-bootloader/releases/tag/v1.3.0 the file ``quark_d2000_rom.bin`` to your home directory:: $ wget https://github.com/quark-mcu/qm-bootloader/releases/download/v1.4.0/quark_d2000_rom_fm_hmac.bin - Ensure your TTBD server is >= v0.10 (dated 9/21/16 or later) - Disable you Quark D2000 target (to avoid it being used by other automated runs) and acquire it:: $ tcf disable qd2000-NN $ tcf acquire qd2000-NN - Flash the new Boot ROM and bootloader:: $ tcf images-upload-set qd2000-NN rom:quark_d2000_rom_fm_hmac.bin - Release the target:: $ tcf release qd2000-NN - Verify operation with running a Zephyr test case:: $ export ZEPHYR_BASE=LOCATION/OF/ZEPHYR/KERNEL $ tcf run -vat qd2000-NN /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_healtcheck.py Testcase should `PASS`. Note the `-a`, so TCF can use a disabled target. If they fail and `tcf console-read qc1000-NN` reports garbage instead of some ASCII text, it is possible board timings are messed up. Go back to flashing the Boot ROM and maybe use the remediation steps described below. - Enable the target:: $ tcf enable qd2000-NN Updating the FPGA image in Synopsys EMSK boards ----------------------------------------------- 1. You will need a Synopsys account; `register `_ and wait for them to accept you 2. Use this account to `download their newest firmware `_. Currently set to v2.2. 3. Now download the `Lab Tools 14.7` or newer (You may have to create a Xilinx account `here `_ to access this download) If you need installation instruction you can find them here under Appendix: C (page 86) of https://www.embarc.org/pdf/ARC_EM_Starter_Kit_UserGuide.pdf (important note, when running this it seems you have to use Windows and the Impact 32 bit version. The 64 bit version seems to fail out on certain steps you need to use). 4. Now just go through the flashing instructions located on page 93 towards the bottom, called SPI Flash-Programming Sequence https://www.embarc.org/pdf/ARC_EM_Starter_Kit_UserGuide.pdf If you need another resource the synopsys instructions can be found here under (page 86) Appendix: C for installing the tools, and (page 93 bottom) under SPI Flash-Programming Sequence. https://www.embarc.org/pdf/ARC_EM_Starter_Kit_UserGuide.pdf .. note:: the switch configuration we are currently using is ARC_EM9D for the 9D model. Here is the switch configuration for SW1 (bit 1 is switch one; bit 2 is switch 2) ===== ==== ============= Bit 1 Bit2 Configuration ----- ---- ------------- OFF OFF ARC_EM7D ON OFF ARC_EM9D OFF ON ARC_EM11D ON ON Reserved ===== ==== =============