.. _server_deployment_guide: .. _ttbd_guide_deployment: ======================= Server deployment guide ======================= Deploying *ttbd* is not complicated; it can grow as large as you need it. Bear in mind: - Only Fedora is supported at this point; other distros should work, but we do not have resources to support them. - Recent kernels are needed; when deployed in full force, ttbd puts a lot of stress on the USB bus and interfaces and it has uncovered bugs that are known to be fixed around Linux kernel > v4.5. - Follow these instructions as verbatim as possible. The fixtures described here have been designed to maximize reliability and minimize false positives or negatives. - There are security matters you :ref:`should consider ` Bill of materials ================= You will need the following depending on what hardware you plan to test - A Linux machine running Fedora >= v24 to run the ttbd server/s - plenty of USB ports - (optional) space to connect secondary USB cards to (:ref:`rationale `) - USB hubs, externally powered, to provide upstream connectivity to the server's root USB ports - More than one network interface and network switches to interconnect the server with your power switches and targets (:ref:`rationale `) - Power control (to power targets up and down) - IP controlled AC power switch `Digital Logger Web Power Switches `_, for infrastructure, hubs and targets powered by AC - `YKush power-switching USB hubs `_, for hardware that is USB powered (other power switches are possible, but drivers need to be written for them) - Miscelaneous cables (it is recommended to buy in bulk to avoid wasting time looking for them) * USB cables https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Usb_connectors.JPG - A male to B male - A male to mini-B male - A male to micro-B male * M/M jumper `cables `_ - USB `power bricks `_ (2ma) at least (mostly for powering the YKUSH hubs) - USB serial terminal `adaptors `_ - MCU boards (Arduino101, Quark C1000, Quark D2000, FRDM k64f, etc) It is recommended to get extra spare components, for quick replacement in case of failures. .. _conventions: Conventions =========== To execute a *command* as a normal user we'll use:: $ command ... to execute a *comand* as super-user (loging in as root or using *sudo*), we'll use:: # command ... Links will come in different flavours: - example link to a :ref:`section ` - example link to another :py:func:`section ` .. _system_install: Server installation =================== .. include:: 03-server-setup-LL-system-install.rst .. _install_tcf_server_rpms: Install and setup the TCF software ================================== The software is available as RPM packages with all the dependencies (alternatively there are the *not recommended* :ref:`manual installation steps `). .. include:: 03-server-setup-LL-ttbd-install.rst - ``--allowerasing`` is needed so conflicting packages (like *ModemManager*) are removed. - Replace *-v0.11* with *-master* in the URL to get the development repository instead of the stable *v0.11* tree. .. _ttbd_guide_install_default_config: The default configuration brings up an instance called *production* with a number of virtual networks, QEMU-based targets suitable for running the Zephyr OS on different architecture (*qz*\*) and Cloud versions of Fedora Core (*qlf\**). Any local user can access. Directories for the instance are */etc/ttbd-production* for configuration, */var/run/ttbd-production* for state and */var/cache/ttbd-production* for temporary data. .. include:: 03-server-setup-LL-ttbd-post-install.rst From here you can (optional): - :ref:`allow the server to be used remotely ` - :ref:`configure LDAP authentication ` - :ref:`configure simple authentication ` - :ref:`configure more instances ` As well, you can add - physical targets, such as :ref:`MCUs ` - read on for information about :ref:`networking targets `, default QEMU targets for running :ref:`Zephyr OS `. .. _ttbd_config_vlan: Target networking ----------------- The default configuration in ``/etc/ttbd-production/conf_05_default.py`` is setup to create two IP networks for virtual (and physical) targets to intercomunicate with each other:: $ tcf list | grep nw local/nwa # fc00::61:0/112 local/nwb # fc00::62:0/112 QEMU targets defined in the default configuration are made members of each subnetwork. The server host is always the *.1* address. Note that for for two targets to be able to do IP communication, the network target has to be powered-on before the targets. More networks can be added by creating configuration files */etc/ttbd-production/conf_NAME.py* containing: .. code-block:: python ttbl.config.target_add( ttbl.tt.tt_power('nwd', vlan_pci()), tags = dict( ipv4_addr = '', ipv4_prefix_len = 24, ) ) ttbl.config.targets['NAME'].tags['interfaces'].append('interconnect_c') Be sure to not assign conflicting IP blocks, or IP blocks that route to the public internet or intranet--in the example the convention is followed to use network *192.168.X.0/24*, where X is 61 for *a* in *nwa*, 62 for *b* in *nwb*, 63 for *c* in *nwc*, etc ... following ASCII values and keeping network names short (otherwise system tools might start cutting them off). The default configuration creates *virtual* networks for the virtual machines to communicate. It is possible to bridge a physical device by connecting it to the system and indicating so to the configuration. See :py:class:`conf_00_lib.vlan_pci` for setup details, but it basically consists on: - connect a network interface to the server (USB or PCI); said network interface shall be connected to a network switch to which all the physical targets we want to interconnect are also connected - find the network interface's MAC address (using something like *ip link show*) - add the tag *mac_addr* with said address to the network to which said interface is to be connected; for example the network *nwc* of the example: .. code-block:: python ttbl.config.target_add( ttbl.tt.tt_power('nwc', vlan_pci()), tags = dict( mac_addr = "a0:ce:c8:00:18:73", ipv4_addr = '', ipv4_prefix_len = 24, ) ) ttbl.config.targets['NAME'].tags['interfaces'].append('interconnect_c') or for an existing network (such as the configuration's default *nwa*): .. code-block:: python # eth dongle mac 00:e0:4c:36:40:b8 is assigned to NWA ttbl.config.targets['nwa'].tags_update(dict(mac_addr = '00:e0:4c:36:40:b8')) - for each target that is connected to said network, report it as part of the network *nwc*: .. code-block:: python ttbl.config.targets['TARGETNAME-NN'].tags_update({ 'ipv4_addr': "" }, ic = 'nwc') - the network switch itself can be also power switched; if you connect it, for example to a Digital Loggers Web Power Switch 7 named *spX* on port *N*, you can can add .. code-block:: python ttbl.config.targets['nwc'].pc_impl.append( ttbl.pc.dlwps7("http://admin:1234@spX/M")) thus, when powering up the network *nwc*, the last step will be to power up the network switch, and when powering it down, the first step done will be to power it off. Be aware of the following when doing networking with TCF: - you can configure any number of targets to a TCF network, as long as you configure your IP space accordingly. Recommended space assignment (and the one followed by default) is: - .1: is the server - .2 - .10: Virtual Linux machines - .30 - .45: Virtual Zephyr machines - .100 - .254: Real HW targets likewise, target naming will go long ways on making it easy to identify which targets are in which networks. It is recommended to assign a number to each targets that matches the last nibble of their IP (v4/v6) address and append the letter of the network they are in, for example: - a101-32a: is an Arduino 101, IP in *nwa* - same70-54b: is in *nwb* - a network will own the physical network interface **exclusively** (in fact, it will even rename it) - a single testcase execution will use a network in an exclusive way, thus if your networks are composed of many independent targets, there might be low reutilization. You might be off creating smaller networks to improve paralellism. However, you can create targets Ta1, Ta2 and Ta3 from *nwa* in a testcase (including *nwa*) and target Ta4 (without netwokring) in another one. What cannot be shared is the *nwa* interconnect target. - a network switch can be shared amongst many networks, but this will introduce noise that can alter test results. Not recommended unless the switch can split LANs. - a test will try to run in many different ways in the same network For example, if your test allocates three targets A, B and C and there are seven T1-T7 available, it will try to run in different assignment permutations: === === === A B C === === === T1 T2 T3 T1 T3 T2 T2 T3 T1 ... ... === === === how the targets are picked depends on what the test is asking for, but TCF is trying to ensure maximum coverage, so it might pick up way more combinations than you expect. Use the *mode* paramater to :func:`tcfl.tc.target` in the testcase to indicate how each target shall be picked. Targets for which you have no interest in doing coverage shall be selected as *mode='any'*, while the ones you want to make sure all types are covered shall be set as *mode='one-per-type'*. Use the ``-P`` command line to limit how many permutations you want *tcf run* to go with. .. _ttbd_config_qemu_zephyr: Configure QEMU Zephyr OS targets -------------------------------- The default installation provies a list of QEMU-based targets that are suitable for Zephyr OS development; they are defined in ``/etc/ttbd-production/conf_07_zephyr.py`` (you can add more or less as you please modifying said file). Now, ``tcf list`` should show, after you login:: # tcf list | grep ^qz local/qz30a-x86 local/qz30b-x86 local/qz30c-x86 ... local/qz39c-arm local/qz40a-nios2 .. local/qz45a-riscv32 ... Output may vary based on configuration, but there targets called *qz* (for QEMU Zephyr), five for each supported architecture (x86, ARM, NiosII, RiscV32). Test cases may be run against these targets now as explained :ref:`here `, but in a nutshell, running as a local user (never root!!), we ask TCF to run the *Hello World* Zephyr OS sample in all the different available targets:: $ git clone http://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr zephyr.git $ cd zephyr.git $ export ZEPHYR_BASE=$PWD $ tcf run -v /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_zephyr_hello_world.py PASS1/bfgv /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_zephyr_hello_world.py#_test @local/qz32c-x86:x86: build passed PASS1/r7rf /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_zephyr_hello_world.py#_test @local/qz46a-riscv32:riscv32: build passed PASS1/3opq /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_zephyr_hello_world.py#_test @local/qz44b-nios2:nios2: build passed PASS1/qyjy /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_zephyr_hello_world.py#_test @local/qz36a-arm:arm: build passed PASS1/bfgv /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_zephyr_hello_world.py#_test @local/qz32c-x86:x86: evaluation passed PASS1/qyjy /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_zephyr_hello_world.py#_test @local/qz36a-arm:arm: evaluation passed PASS1/r7rf /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_zephyr_hello_world.py#_test @local/qz46a-riscv32:riscv32: evaluation passed PASS1/3opq /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_zephyr_hello_world.py#_test @local/qz44b-nios2:nios2: evaluation passed PASS0/ toplevel @local: 4 tests (4 passed, 0 failed, 0 blocked, 0 skipped) - passed Here it is saying that for each target, it built the test image and then ran the steps in the test script ``/usr/share/tcf/examples/test_zephyr_hello_world.py``, that builds the Zephyr OS sample in ``samples/hello_world``, all of them evaluating succesfully, so the ran was considered a sucess (*PASS*). .. _ttbd_config_qemu: Configure QEMU targets ---------------------- QEMU targets can be configured to boot a VM with Configure physical test targets and power switches -------------------------------------------------- Everything in *ttbd* is a test target; they need to be added by creating Python objects that represent them in the configuration files. Helper functions have been created to simplify the process. Power switches are used to build power rails to power on or off the different test targets and other infrastructure components Create a configuration file ``/etc/ttbd-production/conf_10_targets.py`` and start adding configuration statements as described in the links below: - :py:func:`Digital Loggers Web Power Switch 7 ` wall-power switch. - :py:func:`YKUSH USB power switches ` USB data/power switchable hub - :py:func:`Devantech USB-RLY08B USB controlled relays ` - to add targets for just controlling power to something, see :ref:`these instructions` - :ref:`physical Linux servers ` boards .. _ttbd_config_mcus: MCU boards supported by default require different fixtures which are described below: - :py:func:`Arduino 101 ` boards - :py:func:`Arduino Due ` boards - :py:func:`Atmel SAM e70 ` boards - :py:func:`FRDM k64f ` boards - :py:func:`STM32 / Nucleo ` boards - :py:func:`Quark C1000 ` boards - :py:func:`Quark D2000 ` boards - :py:func:`Synopsis EMSK ` boards - :py:func:`TinyTILEs ` boards .. include:: 03-server-setup-LL-boards.rst There are other ways they can be fixtured and you are welcome to add configuration scripts to support them and new hardware. Each target you add can be healhchecked with, for a basic functionality check:: $ tcf healthcheck TARGETNAME Acquiring ... Power is reported correctly as 1 power test passed Releasing Released TARGETNAME: healthcheck completed Note this concludes the server installation process; the sections that follow are configuration examples. .. _ttbd_config_phys_linux: Configure physical Linux (or other) targets ------------------------------------------- There are multiple ways a Linux target can be connected as a target to a TCF server. However, dependending on the intended use, different configuration steps can be followed: - A Linux target can be setup to :ref:`just power on and off `. This provides no control over the OS installed in the target - A Linux target can be setup to boot off a read-only live filesystem (to avoid modifications to the root filesystem) following :ref:`these steps `. Serial access to a console can be provided and through it networking can be configured. - A PC-class machine can be setup so that via the control of a Provisioning OS, it can be imaged to partition disks or install whichever operating systems in the disks. This allows testcases to start by ensuring the machine is properly imaged to a well known setup before starting. POS imaging can allow for very fast deployment times (below 1 minute) to fresh OS versions. It requires a more complex setup that depends on the characteristics of the machines to support and it is described :ref:`here `. Configuring things that get plugged to the targets -------------------------------------------------- A target can declare there are things that are connected to it and that the user might decide to plug or unplug from the command line (see :ref:`connecting things `). For implementing this, you need: - a target - a thing (which is also a target) - a plugger, which is the driver that implements the actual physical act of plugging one target into another, implementing the interface defined in :class:`ttbl.thing_plugger_mixin`. For this, the target to which the thing is connected has to be properly configured; if you are coonecting a *THINGNAME* using method *METHODNAME*, in your ``conf_10_targets.py`` you would have: .. code-block:: python sometarget_add('TARGETNAME' ...) ttbl.config.targets['TARGETNAME'].thing_add( 'THINGNAME', someplugger(ARG1, ARG2...)) A plugger, such as :class:`ttbl.usbrly08b.plugger` and its associated physical setup (a USBRLY08b and the cables properly connected) is what allows the physical act of switching. Another example of a plugger would be one that talks to QEMU to route to the VM guest a USB device plugged to the server. As the things are also target, in a script you need to request both so they are owned by the user and then you can plug them with:: .. code-block:: python def eval(self, target, thing): ... target.thing_plug(thing) ... As well, in order to make it easy for testcases to locate them and get them assign, it make sense to declare an interconnect that takes both of them, so the target assigner will group them. For example, if *TARGET0* is an MCU that implements a USB device that we connect to *TARGET1* and we want to exercise plugging and unplugging it, in the ``conf_10_target.py`` file, we would add: .. code-block:: python ttbl.config.interconnect_add( ttbl.test_target('usb__TARGET1__TARGET0"), ic_type = 'usb__host__device') SOMETARGET_add('TARGET0'...) ttbl.config.targets['TARGET0'].add_to_interconnect('usb__TARGET1__TARGET0') SOMETARGET_add('TARGET1'...) ttbl.config.targets['TARGET1'].add_to_interconnect('usb__TARGET1__TARGET0') ttbl.config.targets['TARGET1'].add_thing( 'TARGET0', ttbl.usbrly08b.plugger("SERIALNUMBER", 0)) Best practices for server setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _bp_naming_targets: Naming targets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name targets after the type of the target, a monotonically unique number and in some cases, letters that indicate to which networks the target is connected:: TYPE-NNx - *TYPE*: a short name that describes the type of the target e.g.: *arduino2*, *minnowboard*, *arduino101*, *nuc*, *genericpc*... - *NN* is a number that is increased monotonically for each target added to the infrastructure, even of different types: * this allows using the number to assign addresses in different spaces (eg: MAC addresses, IPv4 and IPv6, etc) * if there are multiple servers in an infrastructure, it is recommended they all share the same number space, so that when a target is moved from one server to another or networks are shared between servers, the addresses don't conflict - *x*: if the target is connected to a network, append the network name (it is also recommended to name networks *nwx*, where x is a single character)--if the target is connected to multiple targets, multiple letters can be specified if so chosen. examples: - *arduino101-03* - *minnowboard-04r* - *nuc-58a* .. _bp_naming_networks: Naming Networks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It helps to name networks with a single letter, e.g.: *nwa*, *nwb*...*nwr*: - it's a short name and it will fit into network interface names, etc. - it allows to use the letter's ASCII value for naming the IP address ranges and MAC address generation. E.g. *a* in *nwa* is 97, 0x61 which can be used to define networks:: ipv6_addr: fc00::61:0/112 ipv4_addr: - as well, as described :ref:`in the previous section ` it allows to add a single letter to a target name to indicate which network it is connected to. Configuration Example 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To add an FRDM k64f board and an Arduino101 board + Flyswatter 2 JTAG, along with a couple of YKush hubs to control them and a DLWPS7 power switch, we'd use the following in ``/etc/ttbd-production/conf_10_targets.py``: .. code-block:: python dlwps7_add("sp1") ykush_targets_add("YK20954", "http://admin:1234@sp1/3") ykush_targets_add("YK20946", "http://admin:1234@sp1/2") frdm_add(name = "frdm-06", serial_number = "0240022636c40e6e000000000000000000000000cb1df3d6", ykush_serial = "YK20946", ykush_port_board = 3) arduino101_add(name = "arduino101-02", fs2_serial = "FS20000", serial_port = "/dev/tty-arduino101-02", ykush_url = "http://admin:1234@sp1/2", ykush_serial = "YK20954") This would also require some *udev* configuration that is explained in the setup instructions for the :ref:`MCU boards ` (and detailed :ref:`here `) to generate the right ``/dev/tty-NAME`` device links; in short, add to ``/etc/udev/rules.d/90-ttbd.rules``:: SUBSYSTEM == "tty", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT} == "0240022636c40e6e000000000000000000000000cb1df3d6", \ SYMLINK += "tty-frdm-06" SUBSYSTEM == "tty", \ ENV{ID_PATH} == "*2:1.0", \ PROGRAM = "/usr/bin/usb-sibling-by-serial YK20954", \ SYMLINK += "tty-arduino101-02" (reread *udev* configuration with udevadm ``control --reload-rules``). .. note:: Note your serial numbers for the boards and YKush hubs will be different for your setup; see :ref:`here for boards ` and :ref:`here for YKush hubs ` of how to find them. Likewise with the definition of the *sp1*. Add to ``/etc/hosts``:: 192.168.x.y sp1 Where *192.168.x.y* is the IP address of the power switch. As well, setup the proper hardware connections: - *sp1* connected to the wall and it's network cable to the server, name *sp1* defined in ``/etc/hosts`` to the right IP address (see :py:func:`here ` for details) - *YK20954*\'s power connected to the power switch *sp1*\'s socket #3 - *YK20956*\'s power connected to the power switch *sp1*\'s socket #2 - *frdm-06* USB cable connected to *YK20946*\'s port #3 - *arduino101-2* connected as described :py:func:`here ` Restart the server and a listing should show:: $ tcf list local/sp1-1 local/sp1-2 local/sp1-3 local/sp1-4 local/sp1-5 local/sp1-6 local/sp1-7 local/sp1-8 local/YK20954 local/YK20954-base local/YK20954-1 local/YK20954-2 local/YK20954-3 local/YK20946 local/YK20946-base local/YK20946-1 local/YK20946-2 local/YK20946-3 local/arduino101-02 local/frdm-06 Giving you targets to individually control each power switch's ports plus the targets themselves. Once a target is configured in, run a quick healthcheck:: $ tcf healthcheck arduino101-02 Acquiring Acquired Powering off Powered off Querying power status Power is reported correctly as 0 Powering on Powered on Querying power status Power is reported correctly as 1 power test passed Releasing Released arduino101-02: healthcheck completed .. only:: mastermode Galileo Gen2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ FIXME: incomplete **Bill of materials** * A Galileo2 board * power brick connected to *spX/Y* * USB FTDI cable connected to *usbhubN* Needs udev configuration to setup permissions. Follow :ref:`usb_tty_path`. Minnowboards ^^^^^^^^^^^^ FIXME: incomplete **Bill of materials** * A MinnowboardMax * power connected to *spX/Y* * USB serial port connected to *usbhubN*; same udev configuration as Galileo Gen2 * network cable connected to *nsX* Needs udev configuration to setup permissions. Follow :ref:`usb_tty_path`. .. admonition:: FIXME place links to configuration of network infrastructure (switches and interfaces) .. _pos_setup: Configuring Provisioning OS support ----------------------------------- POS allows for a method to provision/flash/image certain devices using a :mod:`Provisioning OS ` which is faster than imaging using standard OS installation procedures. See the :ref:`architectural refence ` POS needs, depending on the setup: - targets able to UEFI boot via PXE to the network these targets will boot POS over PXE, with the root filesystem in an NFS drive - a network interconnect to which the target(s) have to be connected, as well as the server - a server acting as an rsync server to provide images to flash into targets; this is usually the same as the TTBD server (for simplicity) the interconnect between the rsync server and the targets needs to be at least 1Gbps to provide the needed performance that will allow to flash a 1G image in less than one minute on a normal harddrive. Optional: use glusterfs to coordinate the distribution of images to all the servers FIXME - A server providing: - the POS linux kernel and initrd over HTTP for targets to boot from PXE - the POS image over NFS root for the targets to boot this can also be the TTBD server for simplicity and scalability. Current known POS limitations: - Only UEFI PXE boot supported, others device specific - Single partitioning scheme supported Refer to :ref:`the examples ` section for usage. POS: Server setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These instructions are for Fedora only; other distributions have not been tested yet, shall be similar. 1. Install the auxiliary package ``ttbd-pos`` to bring in all the required dependencies:: # dnf install -y --allowerasing ttbd-pos 2. Ensure your user is member of the ``ttbd`` group:: # usermod -aG ttbd YOURUSER you will have to re-login for changes to take effect. 3. Configure an image repository (FIXME: add in glusterfs steps); we choose ``/home/ttbd/images`` but any other location will do:: # install -o ttbd -g ttbd -m 2775 -d \ /home/ttbd \ /home/ttbd/images/tcf-live/ \ /home/ttbd/public_html /home/ttbd/public_html/x86_64 4. Disable the firewall (FIXME: do not require this):: # systemctl stop firewalld # systemctl disable firewalld 5. Enable required services: - Apache: to serve the POS Linux kernel and initrd:: # tee /etc/httpd/conf.d/ttbd.conf < AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec Require method GET POST OPTIONS EOF SELinux requires setting a few more things to enable serving from home directories:: # setsebool -P httpd_enable_homedirs true # chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /home/ttbd/public_html Test this is working:: # systemctl restart httpd # echo "it works" > /home/ttbd/public_html/testfile from any other browser try to access http://YOURSERVERNAME/ttbd-pos/testfile and check it succeeds. FIXME: move ttbd.conf file as a config file in package ``ttbd-pos``. - NFS server: provides the POS root filesystem. Ensure UDP support is enabled:: # sed -i 's|RPCNFSDARGS="|RPCNFSDARGS="--udp |' /etc/sysconfig/nfs # systemctl enable nfs-server # systemctl restart nfs-server POS: deploy PXE boot image to HTTP and NFS server locations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Currently the Provisioning OS is implemented with a derivative of Fedora Linux. .. warning:: these steps are meant for an x86-64 platform and it has to be run in such. Steps for x86 (32-bits) or other platforms need to be documented. .. _generate_tcf_live_iso: a. Generate TCF-live on the fly:: $ /usr/share/tcf/live/mk-liveimg.sh Note: - needs sudo access; will ask for your password to gain *sudo* when needed - downloads ~300 packages to create a Fedora-based image, so make sure you have a good connection and plenty of disk space free. It will be cached in directory *tcf-live* so next time you run less needs to be downloaded. To use a closer mirror to you or add extra RPM repositories:: $ mdkir tcf-live $ cat > tcf-live/tcf-live-mirror.ks <` which the server can reach through the infrastructure network as hostname *sp5* (see :py:func:`configuring Digital Loggers Web Power Switch 7 `) -- note other power switches can be used too as long as a driver class is available for them. d. Now we need to add DHCP support to the network; we do that by using a :class:`DHCP power control interface `, that will configure and start a DHCP daemon when the *nwa* interconnect is powered on, or stop it when is powered off: .. code-block:: python ... ttbl.tt.tt_power('nwa', [ vlan_pci(), ttbl.pc.dlwps7('http://admin:1234@sp5/8'), ttbl.dhcp.pci("", "", 24, "", ""), ttbl.dhcp.pci("fc00::61:1", "fc00::61:0", 112, "fc00::61:2", "fc00::61:fe", ip_mode = 6), ]), ... note how we added one for IPv4 and one for IPv6; they both specify the server address as .1, net 'network" as .0, the prefix len and the range of IP addresses than can be served (note these addresses will be hardcoded--the same IP address will be given always to the same target based on the target's configuration -- more below). e. POS can do very fast and efficient imaging by using rsync; the images installed in ``/home/ttbd/images`` will be exported by an rsync server daemon controlled by a :class:`rsync power control interface `, that will configured to start/stop an rsync daemon when the *nwa* interconnect is powered on/off: .. code-block:: python ... ttbl.tt.tt_power('nwa', [ vlan_pci(), ttbl.pc.dlwps7('http://admin:1234@sp5/8'), ttbl.dhcp.pci("", "", 24, "", ""), ttbl.dhcp.pci("fc00::61:1", "fc00::61:0", 112, "fc00::61:2", "fc00::61:fe", ip_mode = 6), ttbl.rsync.pci("", 'images', '/home/ttbd/images'), ]), ... this rsync server binds to IP address, exports a read-only rsync share called *images* which is anything in */home/ttbd/images* f. Optionally, you can implement port redirection. The NUT *nwa* is completely isolated from any other networks in your server (unless you have munged with the forwarding rules in the server). However, with the :class:`socat power control implementation `, you can configure one or more port redirections -- like a proxy, so that oyur test systems have controlled access to the outside world: .. code-block:: python ... ttbl.tt.tt_power('nwa', [ vlan_pci(), ttbl.pc.dlwps7('http://admin:1234@sp5/8'), ttbl.dhcp.pci("", "", 24, "", ""), ttbl.dhcp.pci("fc00::61:1", "fc00::61:0", 112, "fc00::61:2", "fc00::61:fe", ip_mode = 6), ttbl.rsync.pci("", 'images', '/home/ttbd/images'), ttbl.socat.pci('tcp', "", 8080, 'http_proxy.mydomain.com', 8080) ttbl.socat.pci('tcp', "", 1080, 'socks_proxy.mydomain.com', 1080) ]), ... g. Finally, we need to specify a few more tags that the clients and server will use to drive operation: .. code-block:: python ... tags = dict( ipv6_addr = 'fc00::61:1', ipv6_prefix_len = 112, ipv4_addr = '', ipv4_prefix_len = 24, ftp_proxy = "", http_proxy = "", https_proxy = "", # Provisioning OS support to boot off PXE on nfs root pos_http_url_prefix = "", pos_nfs_server = "", pos_nfs_path = "/home/ttbd/images/tcf-live/%(bsp)s", pos_rsync_server = "", ), ic_type = "ethernet" ) All together, it shall look like: .. code-block:: python import ttbl.config import ttbl.tt import ttbl.dhcp import ttbl.rsync import ttbl.socat # Delete existing definition of the 'nwa' target created by the # default initialization del ttbl.config.targets['nwa'] ttbl.config.interconnect_add( ttbl.tt.tt_power( 'nwa', [ vlan_pci(), # optional, to power control the network switch #ttbl.pc.dlwps7('http://admin:1234@sp5/8'), ttbl.dhcp.pci("", "", 24, "", ""), ttbl.dhcp.pci("fc00::61:1", "fc00::61:0", 112, "fc00::61:2", "fc00::61:fe", ip_mode = 6), ttbl.rsync.pci("", 'images', '/home/ttbd/images'), ttbl.socat.pci('tcp', "", 8080, 'http_proxy.mydomain.com', 8080), ttbl.socat.pci('tcp', "", 1080, 'socks_proxy.mydomain.com', 1080), ]), tags = dict( ipv6_addr = 'fc00::61:1', ipv6_prefix_len = 112, ipv4_addr = '', ipv4_prefix_len = 24, ftp_proxy = "", http_proxy = "", https_proxy = "", # Provisioning OS support to boot off PXE on nfs root pos_http_url_prefix = "", pos_nfs_server = "", pos_nfs_path = "/home/ttbd/images/tcf-live/%(bsp)s", pos_rsync_server = "", ), ic_type = "ethernet" ) Restart the server and verify *nwa* works as expected:: # systemctl restart ttbd@production Diagnose issues reported by systemd in :ref:`troubleshooting ` Now the configuration is loaded and you can run:: $ tcf list -vv nwa https://localhost:5000/ttb-v1/targets/nwa disabled: False ftp_proxy: fullid: local/nwa http_proxy: https_proxy: id: nwa ipv4_addr: ipv4_prefix_len: 24 ipv6_addr: fc00::61:1 ipv6_prefix_len: 112 pos_http_url_prefix: pos_nfs_path: /home/ttbd/images/tcf-live/%(bsp)s pos_nfs_server: pos_rsync_server: powered: False things: [] type: ethernet Note some values from the *tcf list* output were omitted for clarity. Check it can power on and off:: $ tcf acquire nwa $ tcf power-off nwa $ tcf power-on nwa $ tcf power-off nwa POS: Configuring targets ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This example connects an Intel NUC5i5425OU called nuc-58 to the network *nwa* so it can be flashed with POS. **Overview** **Bill of Materials** - A PC-class machine (the *target*): - able to UEFI boot over the network - serial port available (and it's cable) or USB port available (and USB-to-USB null modem cable or similar) - power cable - network cable - Monitor, keyboard and mouse for initial configuration, will be disconnected once setup. - a free outlet on a PDU unit supported by TCF **Setup the test target fixture** 1. connect the target to a normal power outlet, monitor, keyboard and mouse 2. start the target, go into the BIOS setup menu a. navigate to the *boot* section: - set UEFI to boot off network IPv4 as primary boot source - remove any other boot methods (TCF will tell it to boot to local disk via the network boot) [USB, Optical, etc] - disable unlimited amount of netwbot boots b. navigate to the *Power* section and enable *Power on after AC power loss / power failure*. This ensures that the target will power on when power is applied via the power controller instead of waiting for the user to press the power button. c. From the top level menu or advanced config menus, find the MAC address of the target. Alternative, this also can be found by booting any OS in the target (eg: a Linux installation image). 3. Power off the target, disconnect the power, keep the monitor, keyboard and mouse for now **Connecting the target** 1. connect the target's power cable to the port selected in the PDU (for this example our PDU is a :class:`DLWPS7 ` named *sp6* and we'll use port #6) Label the cable with the target's name. 2. connect the serial cable to the target and the other end to the server. Find :ref:`the serial number ` of the USB serial port connected to the server. We will need it later. **Configuring the system for the target** 1. Pick up a :ref:`target name `. For this example, we picked ``nuc5-58a``, the number 58 is then used to decide the IP address that is assigned to this target ( on network *a* (as :ref:`defined above`). 2. Configure *udev* to add a name for the serial device for the target's serial console USB cable so it can be easily found at ``/dev/tty-TARGETNAME``. Follow :ref:`these instructions ` using the cable's *serial number* we found in the previous section. 3. Add a configuration block to the configuration file ``/etc/ttbd-production/conf_10_targets.py`` .. note:: we'll simplify this or template it at some point, it is too long and most things are repetitive .. code-block:: python ttbl.config.target_add( ttbl.tt.tt_serial( "nuc-58a", power_control = [ ttbl.cm_serial.pc(), ttbl.pc.dlwps7("http://admin:1234@sp10/6"), ttbl.pc.delay(5), ], serial_ports = [ "pc", { "port": "/dev/tty-nuc-58a", "baudrate": 115200 } ]), tags = { 'linux': True, 'bsp_models': { 'x86_64': None }, 'bsps': { 'x86_64': { 'linux': True, 'console': 'x86_64', }, }, }, target_type = "Intel NUC5i5425OU") # plug the target to the interconnect and assign IP addresses # that DHCP will always assign ttbl.config.targets['nuc-58a'].add_to_interconnect( 'nwa', dict( mac_addr = "c0:3f:5d:63:51:1d", ipv4_addr = '', ipv4_prefix_len = 24, ipv6_addr = 'fc00::61:9e', ipv6_prefix_len = 112 ) ) # Configure POS support in the tags ttbl.config.targets["nuc-58a"].tags_update(dict( pos_capable = True, pos_boot_interconnect = "nwa", pos_boot_dev = "sda", pos_partsizes = "1:15:30:10", linux_serial_console_default = 'ttyUSB0' )) # activate the POS driver for this target # FIXME: this needs to be hidden ttbl.config.targets["nuc-58a"].power_on_pre_fns.append( ttbl.dhcp.power_on_pre_pos_setup) Restart the server and verify *nuc-58a* works as expected:: # systemctl restart ttbd@production # tcf healthcheck nuc-58a will try to power on and off the target; observe in the monitor if the target is coming up or not. FIXME: diagose issues **Smoke test** From another machine (or within the server) with TCF installed, flash the POS image itself in the system as an initial smoke test, using ``/usr/share/tcf/examples/test_pos_deploy.py``:: $ IMAGE=tcf:live tcf run -vvvt 'nwa or nuc-58a' /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_pos_deploy.py FIXME: this will fail now because we don't have the right regex to catch tcf:live's root prompt (``[0-9]+ $``). .. _pos_list_images: List available images:: $ tcf run /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_pos_list_images.py server10/nwa clear:live:25550::x86_64 server10/nwa clear:live:25890::x86_64 server10/nwa fedora:cloud-base:28::x86_64 server10/nwa yocto:core-minimal:2.5.1::x86_64 PASS0/ toplevel @local: 1 tests (1 passed, 0 error, 0 failed, 0 blocked, 0 skipped, in 0:00:06.635452) - passed and flash other images by passing the right image name to the IMAGE environment variable:: $ IMAGE=clear:live:25890::x86_64 tcf run -vvvt 'nwa or nuc-58a' /usr/share/tcf/examples/test_pos_deploy.py (of course, this assumes that image is available in your system; see :ref:`how to add more `). .. include:: 03-server-setup-LL-post-steps.rst