Recognize Pick (OpenVINO Grasp Detection + OpenVINO Object Segmentation) ======================================================================== Overview -------- A simple application demonstrating how to pick up recognized objects with an industrial robot arm. The application interact with Grasp Planner and Robot Interface from this Grasp Library. Comparing against the `random picking `_ application, this recognition picking takes the place commands published from the `place_publisher` which specifying the name the object to pick and the position to place. The Grasp Detector then takes the object segmentation results from the `OpenVINO Mask-rcnn `_ to identify the location of the object in the point cloud image and generates grasp poses for that specific object. Watch this `demo_video `_ to see the output of this application. .. raw:: html Requirement ----------- Before running the code, make sure you have followed the instructions below to setup the environment. - Hardware - Host running ROS2 - RGBD sensor - `Robot Arm `_ - `Robot Gripper`_ - Software - `ROS2 `_ - `Grasp Planner `_ - `Robot Interface `_ - `Hand-Eye Calibration `_ - `ROS2 OpenVINO `_ - RGBD Sensor - `realsense `_ Download and Build the Application ---------------------------------- Within your catkin workspace, download and compile the example code :: cd /src git clone cd .. colcon build --symlink-install - Build Options - BUILD_RECOGNIZE_PICK (**ON** | OFF) Switch on/off building of this application Launch the Application with Real Robot and Camera ------------------------------------------------- - Publish handeye transform, refer to `Hand-Eye Calibration`_ - Publish place object :: ros2 run recognize_pick place_publisher sports_ball - Launch UR description :: ros2 launch ur_description #load rviz2 configure file "src/ros2_grasp_library/grasp_apps/recognize_pick/rviz2/recognize_pick.rviz" - Launch RGBD sensor :: ros2 run realsense_node realsense_node - Launch object segmentation :: ros2 launch dynamic_vino_sample # close the rviz2 window - Launch recognize pick app :: ros2 run recognize_pick recognize_pick - Launch grasp planner :: ros2 run grasp_ros2 grasp_ros2 __params:=src/ros2_grasp_library/grasp_apps/recognize_pick/cfg/recognize_pick.yaml