instantiationVerilog method

String? instantiationVerilog(
  1. String instanceType,
  2. String instanceName,
  3. Map<String, String> ports

Generates custom SystemVerilog to be injected in place of a module instantiation.

The instanceType and instanceName represent the type and name, respectively of the module that would have been instantiated had it not been overridden. ports is a mapping from the Module's port names to the names of the signals that are passed into those ports in the generated SystemVerilog.

If a standard instantiation is desired, either return null or use SystemVerilogSynthesizer.instantiationVerilogFor with forceStandardInstantiation set to true. By default, null is returned and thus a standard instantiation is used.


String? instantiationVerilog(
  String instanceType,
  String instanceName,
  Map<String, String> ports,
) =>