loadMemHex method

void loadMemHex(
  1. String hexMemContents

Reads a verilog-compliant hex file and preloads memory with it.

Example input format:

B3 02 00 00 33 05 00 00 B3 05 00 00 13 05 F5 1F
6F 00 40 00 93 02 10 00 17 03 00 00 13 03 83 02
23 20 53 00 6F 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


void loadMemHex(String hexMemContents) {
  /// The number of bytes per cacheline.
  const lineBytes = 4;

  var address = 0;
  var bytes = <String>[];

  void addByte(String byte) {
    if (bytes.length == lineBytes) {
      final lvData = LogicValue.ofBigInt(
          BigInt.parse(bytes.reversed.join(), radix: 16), lineBytes * 8);
      final addr = LogicValue.ofInt(address - address % lineBytes, addrWidth);
      setData(addr, lvData);
      bytes = [];

  List<String> reconstruct(LogicValue data) {
    final out = <String>[];
    for (var counter = 0; counter < lineBytes; counter++) {
          .getRange(counter * 8, (counter + 1) * 8)
          .padLeft(2, '0'));

    return out;

  for (var line in hexMemContents.split('\n')) {
    line = line.trim();
    if (line.startsWith('@')) {
      // pad out remaining bytes as 0
      // add that many to address
      if (bytes.isNotEmpty) {
        final thres = lineBytes - bytes.length;
        for (var i = 0; i < thres; i++) {

      // check to see if this block already exists in memory
      final lineAddr = int.parse(line.substring(1), radix: 16);
      final lineAddrLv =
          LogicValue.ofInt(lineAddr - lineAddr % lineBytes, addrWidth);
      if (getData(lineAddrLv) != null) {
        // must reconstruct the bytes array ending at the provided address
        final endOff = lineAddr % lineBytes;
        final origData = getData(lineAddrLv);
        final newData = reconstruct(origData!).sublist(0, endOff);
        bytes = newData;

      address = lineAddr;
    } else {
      for (final byte in line.split(RegExp(r'\s'))) {
  // pad out remaining bytes as 0
  // add that many to address
  final thres = lineBytes - bytes.length;
  if (bytes.isNotEmpty) {
    for (var i = 0; i < thres; i++) {