Memory constructor

  1. Logic clk,
  2. Logic reset,
  3. List<DataPortInterface> writePorts,
  4. List<DataPortInterface> readPorts, {
  5. String name = 'memory',

Construct a new memory.

Must provide at least one port (read or write).


Memory(Logic clk, Logic reset, List<DataPortInterface> writePorts,
    List<DataPortInterface> readPorts,
    { = 'memory'})
    : numWrites = writePorts.length,
      numReads = readPorts.length,
      dataWidth = (writePorts.isNotEmpty)
          ? writePorts[0].dataWidth
          : (readPorts.isNotEmpty)
              ? readPorts[0].dataWidth
              : 0, // at least one of these must exist
      addrWidth = (writePorts.isNotEmpty)
          ? writePorts[0].addrWidth
          : (readPorts.isNotEmpty)
              ? readPorts[0].addrWidth
              : 0 // at least one of these must exist
  if (writePorts.isEmpty && readPorts.isEmpty) {
    throw RohdHclException(
        'Must specify at least one read port or one write port.');
  if (readLatency < 0) {
    throw RohdHclException('Read latency must be non-negative.');

  // make sure widths of everything match expectations
  for (final port in [...writePorts, ...readPorts]) {
    if (port.addrWidth != addrWidth) {
      throw RohdHclException('All ports must have the same address width.');
    if (port.dataWidth != dataWidth) {
      throw RohdHclException('All ports must have the same data width.');

  addInput('clk', clk);
  addInput('reset', reset);

  for (var i = 0; i < numReads; i++) {
      ..connectIO(this, readPorts[i],
          inputTags: {DataPortGroup.control},
          outputTags: {},
          uniquify: (original) => 'rd_${original}_$i'));
  for (var i = 0; i < numWrites; i++) {
      ..connectIO(this, writePorts[i],
          inputTags: {DataPortGroup.control,},
          outputTags: {},
          uniquify: (original) => 'wr_${original}_$i'));