FloatingPointAdder constructor
- FloatingPoint a,
- FloatingPoint b, {
- Logic? clk,
- Logic? reset,
- Logic? enable,
- String name = 'floating_point_adder',
- String? definitionName,
Add two floating point numbers a
and b
, returning result in sum.
are optional inputs to control a pipestage (only inserted ifclk
is provided).
FloatingPointAdder(FloatingPoint a, FloatingPoint b,
{Logic? clk,
Logic? reset,
Logic? enable,
super.name = 'floating_point_adder',
String? definitionName})
: exponentWidth = a.exponent.width,
mantissaWidth = a.mantissa.width,
definitionName: definitionName ??
'M${a.mantissa.width}') {
if (b.exponent.width != exponentWidth ||
b.mantissa.width != mantissaWidth) {
throw RohdHclException('FloatingPoint widths must match');
this.clk = (clk != null) ? addInput('clk', clk) : null;
this.reset = (reset != null) ? addInput('reset', reset) : null;
this.enable = (enable != null) ? addInput('enable', enable) : null;
this.a = a.clone(name: 'a')..gets(addInput('a', a, width: a.width));
this.b = b.clone(name: 'b')..gets(addInput('b', b, width: b.width));
addOutput('sum', width: exponentWidth + mantissaWidth + 1);