getBackdoorPortsByName method

CsrBackdoorInterface getBackdoorPortsByName(
  1. String block,
  2. String reg

Accessor to the backdoor ports of a particular register reg within the block block.


CsrBackdoorInterface getBackdoorPortsByName(String block, String reg) {
  final idx = _config.blocks.indexOf(_config.getBlockByName(block));
  if (idx >= 0 && idx < backdoorInterfaces.length) {
    final idx1 = _config.blocks[idx].registers
    if (_backdoorIndexMaps[idx].containsKey(idx1)) {
      return backdoorInterfaces[idx][_backdoorIndexMaps[idx][idx1]!];
    } else {
      throw Exception('Register $reg in block $block could not be found.');
  } else {
    throw Exception('Block $block could not be found.');