evaluate method

LogicValue evaluate()

Evaluate the logic value of a given CompressTerm.


LogicValue evaluate() {
  late LogicValue value;
  switch (type) {
    case CompressTermType.pp:
      value = logic.value;
    case CompressTermType.sum:
      // xor the eval of the terms
      final termValues = [for (final term in inputs) term.evaluate()];
      final sum = termValues.swizzle().xor();
      value = sum;
    case CompressTermType.carry:
      final termValues = [for (final term in inputs) term.evaluate()];
      final termValuesInt = [
        for (var i = 0; i < termValues.length; i++) termValues[i].toInt()

      final count = (termValuesInt.isNotEmpty)
          ? termValuesInt.reduce((c, term) => c + term)
          : 0;
      final majority =
          (count > termValues.length ~/ 2 ? LogicValue.one : LogicValue.zero);
      value = majority;
  return value;