BitonicSort constructor
Constructs a Module to sort list of Logic.
The sorting module will recursively split inputs into a bitonic sequence
perform sorting based on isAscending
flag given to the module.
All elements of toSort
must be the same width, and the length must be a
power of two.
The below example shows a simple use case to sort four inputs in ascending order:
final toSort = <Logic>[
Const(0, width: 8);
Const(3, width: 8);
Const(1, width: 8);
Const(7, width: 8);
final sortMod =
BitonicSort(clk, reset, toSort: toSort, name: 'top_level');
BitonicSort(Logic clk, Logic reset,
{required super.toSort, super.isAscending,}) {
clk = addInput('clk', clk);
reset = addInput('reset', reset);
int? prevWidth;
final inputLength = super.toSort.length;
for (final signal in toSort) {
prevWidth = prevWidth ?? signal.width;
if (signal.width != prevWidth) {
throw RohdHclException('All inputs width must be the same.');
} else {
prevWidth = signal.width;
if (!((inputLength != 0) && (inputLength & (inputLength - 1) == 0))) {
throw RohdHclException('Bitonic sort requires inputs length of '
'power of 2.');
for (var i = 0; i < toSort.length; i++) {
_inputs.add(addInput('toSort$i', super.toSort.elementAt(i),
width: super.toSort.elementAt(i).width));
if (_inputs.length > 1) {
final sortLeft = BitonicSort(clk, reset,
toSort: _inputs.getRange(0, _inputs.length ~/ 2),
name: 'sort_left_${_inputs.length ~/ 2}');
final sortRight = BitonicSort(clk, reset,
toSort: _inputs.getRange(_inputs.length ~/ 2, _inputs.length),
isAscending: false,
name: 'sort_right_${_inputs.length ~/ 2}');
final bitonicSequence = sortLeft.sorted + sortRight.sorted;
final mergeResult = _BitonicMerge(clk, reset,
bitonicSequence: bitonicSequence, isAscending: isAscending)
for (var i = 0; i < mergeResult.length; i++) {
_outputs.add(addOutput('sorted_$i', width: _inputs[i].width));
_outputs[i] <= mergeResult[i];
} else {
_outputs.add(addOutput('sorted_0', width: _inputs[0].width));
_outputs[0] <= _inputs[0];