Contribution Guidelines ======================= 1. [Create Pull Request](#create-pull-request) 2. [Pull Request Checklist](#pull-request-checklist) 3. [Pull Request Template](#pull-request-template) 4. [Pull Request Acceptance Criteria](#pull-request-acceptance-criteria) 5. [Pull Request Status Checks Overview](#pull-request-status-checks-overview) 6. [Support](#support) 7. [Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct](#contributor-covenant-code-of-conduct) ## Create Pull Request If you have improvements to Intel® Neural Compressor, send your pull requests for [review]( If you are new to GitHub, view the pull request [How To]( ### Step-by-Step guidelines - Star this repository using the button `Star` in the top right corner. - Fork this Repository using the button `Fork` in the top right corner. - Clone your forked repository to your pc. `git clone "url to your repo"` - Create a new branch for your modifications. `git checkout -b new-branch` - Add your files with `git add -A`, commit `git commit -s -m "This is my commit message"` and push `git push origin new-branch`. - Create a [pull request]( ## Pull Request Checklist Before sending your pull requests, follow the information below: - Changes are consistent with the [coding conventions](./coding_style.html). - Add unit tests in [Unit Tests]( to cover the code you would like to contribute. - Intel® Neural Compressor has adopted the [Developer Certificate of Origin](, you must agree to the terms of Developer Certificate of Origin by signing off each of your commits with `-s`, e.g. `git commit -s -m 'This is my commit message'`. ## Pull Request Template See [PR template](/.github/pull_request_template.html) ## Pull Request Acceptance Criteria - At least two approvals from reviewers - All detected status checks pass - All conversations solved - Third-party dependency license compatible ## Pull Request Status Checks Overview Intel® Neural Compressor use [Azure DevOps]( for CI test. And generally use [Azure Cloud Instance]( to deploy pipelines, e.g. Standard E16s v5. | Test Name | Test Scope | Test Pass Criteria | |-------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------|---------------------------| | Code Scan | Pylint/Bandit/CopyRight/DocStyle/SpellCheck | PASS | | [DCO]( | Use `git commit -s` to sign off | PASS | | Unit Test | Pytest scripts under [test](/test) | PASS (No failure, No core dump, No segmentation fault, No coverage drop) | | Model Test | Pytorch + TensorFlow + ONNX Runtime + MXNet | PASS (Functionality pass, FP32/INT8 No performance regression) | ## Support Submit your questions, feature requests, and bug reports to the [GitHub issues]( page. You may also reach out to [Maintainers]( ## Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html).