:py:mod:`neural_compressor.torch.algorithms.layer_wise.modified_pickle` ======================================================================= .. py:module:: neural_compressor.torch.algorithms.layer_wise.modified_pickle .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Create portable serialized representations of Python objects. See module copyreg for a mechanism for registering custom picklers. See module pickletools source for extensive comments. Classes: Pickler Unpickler Functions: dump(object, file) dumps(object) -> string load(file) -> object loads(string) -> object Misc variables: __version__ format_version compatible_formats Module Contents --------------- .. py:exception:: PickleError A common base class for the other pickling exceptions. .. py:exception:: PicklingError This exception is raised when an unpicklable object is passed to the dump() method. .. py:exception:: UnpicklingError This exception is raised when there is a problem unpickling an object, such as a security violation. Note that other exceptions may also be raised during unpickling, including (but not necessarily limited to) AttributeError, EOFError, ImportError, and IndexError.