:py:mod:`neural_compressor.experimental.common.dataloader` ========================================================== .. py:module:: neural_compressor.experimental.common.dataloader .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Common DataLoader just collects the information to construct a dataloader. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: neural_compressor.experimental.common.dataloader.DataLoader .. py:class:: DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1, collate_fn=None, last_batch='rollover', sampler=None, batch_sampler=None, num_workers=0, pin_memory=False, shuffle=False, distributed=False) A wrapper of the information needed to construct a dataloader. This class can't yield batched data and only in this Quantization/Benchmark object's setter method a 'real' calib_dataloader will be created, the reason is we have to know the framework info and only after the Quantization/Benchmark object created then framework information can be known. Future we will support creating iterable dataloader from neural_compressor.experimental.common.DataLoader