:py:mod:`neural_compressor.experimental.benchmark` ================================================== .. py:module:: neural_compressor.experimental.benchmark .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Benchmarking: measure the model performance with the objective settings. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: neural_compressor.experimental.benchmark.Benchmark Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: neural_compressor.experimental.benchmark.set_env_var neural_compressor.experimental.benchmark.set_all_env_var neural_compressor.experimental.benchmark.get_architecture neural_compressor.experimental.benchmark.get_threads_per_core neural_compressor.experimental.benchmark.get_threads neural_compressor.experimental.benchmark.get_physical_ids neural_compressor.experimental.benchmark.get_core_ids neural_compressor.experimental.benchmark.get_bounded_threads .. py:function:: set_env_var(env_var, value, overwrite_existing=False) Set the specified environment variable. Only set new env in two cases: 1. env not exists 2. env already exists but overwrite_existing params set True .. py:function:: set_all_env_var(conf, overwrite_existing=False) Set all the environment variables with the configuration dict. Neural Compressor only uses physical cores .. py:function:: get_architecture() Get the architecture name of the system. .. py:function:: get_threads_per_core() Get the threads per core. .. py:function:: get_threads() Get the list of threads. .. py:function:: get_physical_ids() Get the list of sockets. .. py:function:: get_core_ids() Get the ids list of the cores. .. py:function:: get_bounded_threads(core_ids, threads, sockets) Return the threads id list that we will bind instances to. .. py:class:: Benchmark(conf_fname_or_obj=None) Benchmark class is used to evaluate the model performance with the objective settings. Users can use the data that they configured in YAML NOTICE: neural_compressor Benchmark will use the original command to run sub-process, which depends on the user's code and has the possibility to run unnecessary code