In terms of evaluating the status of a specific model during tuning, we should have general objectives to measure the status of different models. Neural Compressor Objectives supports code-free configuration through a yaml file, with built-in objectives, so users can compress model with different objectives easily. In special cases, users can also register their own objective classes through below method.
How to use Objectives¶
Config built-in objective in a yaml file¶
Users can specify an Neural Compressor built-in objective as shown below:
objective: performance
Config custom objective in code¶
Users can also register their own objective and pass it to quantizer as below:
from neural_compressor.objective import Objective
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization
class CustomObj(Objective):
representation = 'CustomObj'
def __init__(self):
# init code here
def start(self):
# do needed operators before inference
def end(self):
# do needed operators after the end of inference
# add status value to self._result_list
quantizer = Quantization(yaml_file)
quantizer.objective = CustomObj()
quantizer.model = model
q_model = quantizer.fit()
Multi-objectives support¶
In some cases, users want to use more than one objective to evaluate the status of a specific model and they can realize it with multi_objectives of Neural Compressor. Currently multi_objectives supports built-in objectives.
Config multi_objectives in a yaml file¶
objective: [accuracy, performance]
higher_is_better: [True, False]
weight: [0.8, 0.2] # default is to calculate the average value of objectives
If users use multi_objectives to evaluate the status of a model during tuning, Neural Compressor will return a model with the best score of multi_objectives and meeting accuracy_criterion after tuning ending.
When calculating the weighted score of objectives, Neural Compressor will normalize the results of objectives to [0, 1] one by one first.
Built-in objective support list¶
Objective | Usage |
Accuracy | Evaluate the accuracy |
Performance | Evaluate the inference time |
Footprint | Evaluate the peak size of memory blocks during inference |
ModelSize | Evaluate the model size |