Explicit SIMD design notes

This documents is a collection of notes describing design and/or implementation of various parts of the ESIMD programming model support within the DPC++.

Overview of ESIMD support in DPC++ components

ESIMD support is spread across a number of components in the oneAPI software stack, spanning compile time, link time and runtime. The picture below shows simplified view of the DPC++ compiler and runtime diagram and where ESIMD (sub-)components fit in it.

Esimd Components

User program

User program can contain both SYCL and ESIMD kernels, either in the same or different translation units. DPC++ ESIMD support will automatically split the device code into SYCL and ESIMD parts to redirect them to different back-ends. To facilitate this splitting, compiler will automatically identify markup and clone parts of the ESIMD callgraph starting from kernels and functions explicitly marked with the intel::sycl_explicit_simd attribute.

Device headers

There are two distinct parts of ESIMD support in the SYCL device headers. The first one is ESIMD-related “tweaks” within the usual SYCL headers, and the second is the ESIMD APIs themselves.

ESIMD tweaks in SYCL device headers

The most important one is device-side definition of the sycl::accessor class definition. It has different layout for SYCL and ESIMD (but the same size due to padding), as well as different initialization function used to assemble accessor object on the device side from incoming kernel arguments. For SYCL, the function name is sycl::accessor::__init, for ESIMD it is sycl::accessor::__init_esimd. The difference is caused by the ESIMD limitation - it does not support offset, memory and access range for an accessor object.

There are also couple ESIMD-specific proxy classes used by ESIMD API implementation to access internals of ESIMD objects:

  • sycl::ext::intel::esimd::detail::AccessorPrivateProxy this one is used by ESIMD memory APIs to access internals of sycl::accessor objects

  • sycl::ext::intel::esimd::detail::WrapperElementTypeProxy used to access internals of SYCL types such as sycl::detail::half_impl::half

ESIMD API headers

These headers define ESIMD APIs to be used by ESIMD user kernels. For example, the basic vector data type sycl::ext::intel::esimd::simd, sycl::ext::intel::esimd::gather memory APIs

Source locations:

  • sycl/ext/intel/esimd

  • sycl/ext/intel/experimental/esimd

Clang driver

TODO: describe driver modifications.

Source locations:

  • clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Clang.cpp

  • clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td

Clang front-end

Semantic analyzer, integration header generator

  • Generation of ESIMD kernel signature and prolog code (which re-assembles objects such as accessors from incoming arguments) is tweaked for ESIMD kernels:

    • accessors generate fewer kernel arguments

    • accessor object is assembled in the prolog using __init_esimd function instead of __init. See function name definition and its usage here.

  • Defines intel::sycl_explicit_simd function and variable attribute to markup kernels top-level ESIMD external functions and “private globals”.

  • Performs various ESIMD-specific semantic analysis and diagnostics. All kinds of ESIMD error messages can be found in clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td.

  • Integration header generator inserts additional static constexpr bool isESIMD() function into kernel discriptor type, which is used by the host compiler to obtain compile-time details for the kernel via inclusion of the integration header generated by the generator. For ESIMD kernels isESIMD() returns true, and this is used in SYCL RT headers to distinguish ESIMD kernels from SYCL kernels, e.g. to customize kernel argument setting for accessors.

  • defines sycl_esimd_vectorize attribute propagated to the VC BE, aimed at making it possible to call SIMT function from ESIMD code while vectorizing the former. Used internally to implement certain math functions in SYCL spec conformant manner (proper precision) via vectorizing scalar conformant implementations - see example usage

Source locations:

  • clang/lib/Sema/SemaSYCL.cpp

  • clang/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp

  • clang/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp

  • clang/include/clang/Basic/Attr.td

  • clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td

Code (LLVMIR) generator

ESIMD-specific code generator tweaks are mostly translations of internal FE representation of variaous ESIMD attributes into LLVM IR attributes or metadata.

Kernel signature generation

For ESIMD kernels, a number of additional attributes are generated for the kernel function itself as well as certain argument.

  • Kernels are annotated with sycl_explicit_simd and intel_reqd_sub_group_size attributes. The latter must always be 1 for a ESIMD kernel or function.

  • An argument which conveys accessor’s pointer is assigned a kernel_arg_accessor_ptr attribute

Global variable code generation

ESIMD supports “private globals” - global variables which have one copy per thread of execution (similar to C++ thread_local), normally allocated of Gen register file. To make a global variable a “private global”, __attribute__((opencl_private)) __attribute__((sycl_explicit_simd)) attributes are used. Globals of this can be forced to a specific register using the __attribute__((register_num(n))) attribute. The clang code generator translates these to genx_volatile and genx_byte_offset LLVM IR attributes.

Function attributes translations
  • sycl_esimd_vectorize -> CMGenxSIMT

Source locations:

  • clang/lib/CodeGen/CGSYCLRuntime.cpp

  • clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.cpp

  • clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.cpp

Clang middle-end

ESIMD API restriction verifier

This component is an LLVM IR pass over a compiled translation unit. It checks for presence of certain SYCL APIs which are disallowed within ESIMD code. For exaple, SYCL reductions are not allowed in ESIMD. The verifier does this by demangling all the call targets within ESIMD code and matching them with internal sub-string filters. Invoked from clang/lib/CodeGen/BackendUtil.cpp.

Source locations:

  • llvm/lib/SYCLLowerIR/ESIMD/ESIMDVerifier.cpp

sycl-post-link transformations

As a part of the input device code module transformation pipeline, the sycl-post-link tool splits the input module (or modules resulting from splitting by other characteristics, such as aspects) into two - SYCL and ESIMD ones. Shared functions invoked both from SYCL and ESIMD are cloned during the process. This is necessary because SYCL and ESIMD parts must undergo different set of transformations before generating resulting SPIR-V. ESIMD modules resulting from splitting are marked with specific device binary property isEsimdImage (see source .)

sycl-post-link is the post-link process driver, it invokes necessary transformations as well as optimizations on fully linked device code. As a part of the process it splits SYCL and ESIMD parts of the code into separate LLVM IR modules and invokes different set or transformations on them. If a program has an invoke_simd call in it, then sycl-post-link will link SYCL and ESIMD parts back, cloning overlaping parts as needed.

Source locations:

  • llvm/tools/sycl-post-link/sycl-post-link.cpp

ESIMD Lowerer

ESIMD part of device code undergoes a set of ESIMD-specific transformations. First, intrinsic lowering and metadata generation phase happens. It is implemented in the SYCLLowerESIMDPass LLVM IR Module pass. Its primary purposes are:

  • translate __esimd_* intrinsic calls into corresponding genx.* intrinsics known to the VC BE

    • in some cases, there is no direct equivalent (for example, __esimd_pack_mask), in which case the lowerer generates LLVM IR with desired semantics

  • translate some of the __spirv.* intrinsics to something acceptable by VC BE

Source locations:

  • LowerESIMD.cpp

  • ESIMDOptimizeVecArgCallConv.cpp

  • LowerESIMDVecArg.cpp

  • LowerESIMDVLoadVStore.cpp

Genx SPIR-V writer adaptor

(part of vc-intrinsics repo)

SYCL Runtime

SYCL runtime (RT) has a few places where ESIMD is handled specially:

  • When setting kernel invocation arguments corresponding to an accessor, RT will skip setting offset, memory and access ranges arguments (normally set for usual SYCL kernels), because ESIMD does not support these. In other words, an accessors used within kernel (and captured in kernel lambda) is translated to 4 SPIR-V kernel arguments for a normal SYCL kernel, and just to 1 argument for a ESIMD kernel. Link.

  • When creating JIT compilation options, SYCL runtime checks if the device binary image to be JIT-compiled has “isESIMDImage” property, in which case it adds -vc-codegen JIT options, which makes Intel GPU runtime use the vector backend (aka ‘VC BE’) to JIT-compile the device binary (SPIR-V). Link.


This section lists current major ESIMD gaps/TODOs.

  1. Move all APIs out of the experimental namespace. One of the major APIs there is LSC memory accesses. The main roadblock for making it stable API is absense of specification for cache hints, which should be shared between SYCL and ESIMD.

  2. Architecture specific APIs should be explicitly marked as such in the user documentation with references to the list of architectures known to oneAPI.

  3. Properly markup architecture-specific APIs, such as dpas, with required aspects, according to the “optional device features” design. This might require splitting implementations into per-architecture variants. if_device_has feature may help avoid duplication of common parts and dispatch to architecture-dependent code at fine-grained level from within a function.

  4. As VC BE moves away from genx.* intrinsics replacing them with __spirv_* ones defined in various extensions, ESIMD should catch up.

  5. Unification of common simd_view/simd interfaces in fact leads to significant complication of implementation rather than its intended simplification via avoiding code duplication, might make sense to have separate implementations.


This section lists possible directions for ESIMD improvements.

  1. Support std::simd. This is the standard C++ way for explicit SIMD programming. Can help run (subsest of ESIMD) on CPU efficiently in the future.

  2. Clear (via namespace?) separation of ESIMD APIs into portable and architecture-specific parts.

  3. Standardizing simd_view or equivalent. This is effectively a reference to a subset of esimd::simd vector object’s elements. The subset is defined in a regular way via starting offset, stride and number of elements in the subset. This proved to be very useful and loved by users. Missing in std::simd.

  4. Design something like invoke_spmd (similar to invoke_simd extension) to be able to invoke SPMD functions from ESIMD code while vectorizing the calls in the back-end. This would replace sycl_esimd_vectorize and make this concept usable by all users, not only internal ESIMD implementation.

  5. Create a specification for ESIMD kernel ABI and stand-alone kernel declaration rules to make ESIMD kernels callable by arbitrary host offload runtimes, such as Level Zero.