Assert feature

IMPORTANT: This document is a draft.

Using the standard C++ assert API (“assertions”) is an important debugging technique widely used by developers. This document describes the design of supporting assertions within SYCL device code. The basic approach we chose is delivering device-side assertions as call to std::abort() at host-side.

As usual, device-side assertions can be disabled by defining NDEBUG macro at compile time.

Use-case example

#include <cassert>
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>

using namespace sycl;

void user_func(item<2> Item) {
  assert((Item[0] % 2) && Nil);

int main() {
  queue Q;
  Q.submit([&] (handler& CGH) {
    CGH.parallel_for<class TheKernel>(range<2>{N, M}, [=](item<2> It) {
  std::cout << One shouldnt see this message.;
  return 0;

In this use-case every work-item with even index along 0 dimension will trigger assertion failure. Assertion failure should trigger a call to std::abort() at host as described in extension. Even though multiple failures of the same or different assertions can happen in multiple work-items, implementation is required to deliver at least one assertion. The assertion failure message is printed to stderr by DPCPP Runtime or underlying backend.

When multiple kernels are enqueued and more than one fail at assertion, at least one assertion should be reported.

User requirements

From user’s point of view there are the following requirements:






Abort DPC++ application

Abort host application when assert function is called and print a message about assertion

Must have


Print assert message

Assert function should print message to stderr at host

Must have


Stop under debugger

When debugger is attached, break at assertion point

Highly desired



Assert failure should be reported regardless of kernel deadlock

Highly desired

Implementations without enough capabilities to implement fourth requirement are allowed to realize the fallback approach described below, which does not guarantee assertion failure delivery to host, but is still useful in many practical cases.


  • Device-side Runtime - runtime library supplied by the Native Device Compiler and running on the device.

  • Native Device Compiler - compiler which generates device-native binary image based on input SPIR-V image.

  • Low-level Runtime - the backend/runtime behind DPCPP Runtime accessed via Unified Runtime.

How it works?

assert(expr) macro ends up in call to __devicelib_assert_fail. This function is part of Device library extension.

The format of the assert message is unspecified, but it will always include the text of the failing expression, the values of the standard macros __FILE__ and __LINE__, and the value of the standard variable __func__. If the failing assert comes from an nd_range parallel_for it will also include the global ID and the local ID of the failing work item.

Implementation of this function is supplied by Native Device Compiler for safe approach or by DPCPP Compiler for fallback one.

In order to distinguish which implementation to use, DPCPP Runtime checks the backend for the “cl_intel_devicelib_assert” extension. If the extension isn’t available, then fallback implementation is used.

Safe approach

This is the preferred approach and implementations should use it when possible. It guarantees assertion failure notification delivery to the host regardless of kernel behavior which hit the assertion. If backend suports the safe approach, it must report support for the “cl_intel_devicelib_assert” device extension.

The Native Device Compiler is responsible for providing implementation of __devicelib_assert_fail which completely hides details of communication between the device code and the Low-Level Runtime from the SYCL device compiler and runtime. The Low-Level Runtime is responsible for:

  • detecting if assert failure took place;

  • flushing assert message to stderr on host.

The following sequence of events describes how user code gets notified:

  • Device side:

    1. Assert fails in device-code in kernel // It’s not defined if GPU thread stops execution // Other GPU threads are left untouched

    2. Specialized version of __devicelib_assert_fail is called

    3. Device immediately signals to host (Low-Level Runtime)

  • Host side:

    1. The assert failure gets detected by Low-Level Runtime

    2. Low-Level Runtime prints assert failure message to stderr

    3. Low-Level Runtime calls abort()

Fallback approach

If Device-side Runtime doesn’t support __devicelib_assert_fail (as reported via “cl_intel_devicelib_assert” extension query) then a fallback approach comes in place. The approach doesn’t require any support from Device-side Runtime and Native Device Compiler. Neither it does from Low-level Runtime.

Within this approach, a mutable program scope variable is introduced. This variable stores a flag which says if an assert failure was encountered. Fallback implementation of __devicelib_assert_fail atomically raises the flag so that DPCPP Runtime is able to detect assert failure after kernel finishes.

The following sequence of events describes how user code gets notified:

  • Device side:

    1. Assert fails in device-code in kernel

    2. Fallback version of __devicelib_assert_fail is called

    3. Assert information is stored into program-scope variable

    4. Kernel continues running

  • Host side:

    1. A copy ‘kernel’ is enqueued as the one depending on user’s kernel to get the value of assert failure flag.

    2. A host-task is enqueued to check value of assert failure flag.

    3. The host task calls abort whenever assert failure flag is set.

DPCPP Runtime will automatically check if assertions are used in the kernel being run, and won’t enqueue the auxiliary kernels if assertions are not used. So there is no host-side runtime overhead when assertion are not used.

Illustrating this with an example, lets assume the user enqueues three kernels:

  • Kernel #1, uses assert

  • Kernel #2, uses assert

  • Kernel #3, uses assert and depends on Kernel #1

The resulting graph will look like this: graph

Interface to program scope variable

Multiple translation units could be compiled/linked into a single device binary image. All of them should have extern declaration of program scope variable available. Definition of the variable is only available within devicelib in the same binary image where fallback __devicelib_assert_fail resides.

The variable has the following structure and declaration:

struct __SYCL_AssertHappened {
  int Flag = 0;
  char Expr[256 + 1] = "";
  char File[256 + 1] = "";
  char Func[128 + 1] = "";

  int32_t Line = 0;

  uint64_t GID0 = 0;
  uint64_t GID1 = 0;
  uint64_t GID2 = 0;

  uint64_t LID0 = 0;
  uint64_t LID1 = 0;
  uint64_t LID2 = 0;

extern SYCL_GLOBAL_VAR __SYCL_AssertHappened __SYCL_AssertHappenedMem;

Here, SYCL_GLOBAL_VAR is a macro which wraps special attribute to allow for mutable program-scope variable.

The reference to extern variable is resolved within online-linking against fallback devicelib.

Description of fields

The value stored here denotes if assert happened at all. There are two valid values at host:




No assert failure detected


Assert failure detected and reported within this instance of struct

At device-side, there’s another valid value: 1, which means that assert failure is detected and the structure is filling up at the moment. This value is for device-side only and should never be reported to host. Otherwise, it means, that atomic operation malfunctioned.

Expr, File, Func, Line are to describe the assert message itself and contain the expression, file name, function name, line in the file where assert failure had happened respectively.

GID* and LID* fields describe the global and local ID respectively of a work-item in which assert had failed.

Online-linking fallback __devicelib_assert_fail

Online linking against fallback implementation of __devicelib_assert_fail is performed only when assertion is enabled and Device-side Runtime doesn’t provide implementation of __devicelib_assert_fail.

In DPCPP headers one can see if assert is enabled with status of NDEBUG macro with #ifdef’s. When in DPCPP Runtime Library this knowledge is obtained from device binary image descriptor’s property sets.

Each device image is supplied with an array of property sets. For description of property sets see struct sycl_device_binary_struct in compiler.hpp

A distinct property set SYCL/assert used is added. In this set a property with the name of the kernel is added whenever the kernel uses assert. The use of assert is detected by a specific LLVM IR pass invoked by the sycl-post-link tool which runs on linked device code, i.e. after linking with the libsycl-crt library which defines the assert function. The pass builds complete call graph for a kernel, and sees if there’s a call to __devicelib_assert_fail anywhere in the graph. If found, sycl-post-link adds the property for the kernel.

The same is done for all indirect callable functions (marked with specific attribute) found in the linked device code. Those are functions whose pointers can be taken and passed around in device code. If a callgraph for any such function has a call to __devicelib_assert_fail, then all kernels in the module are conservatively marked as using asserts.

The added property is used for:

  • deciding if online-linking against fallback devicelib is required;

  • if there’s a need to enqueue program scope variable copier kernel and checker host-task.

Suppose the following example user code:

void user_func(int X) {
  assert(X && X is nil);

int main() {
  queue Q(...);
  Q.submit([&] (handler& CGH) {
    CGH.single_task([=] () {

The following LLVM IR pseudo code will be generated after linking against fallback implementation of devicelib:

@AssertHappenedMem = global AssertHappened

/// user's code
void user_func(int X) {
if (!(X && “X is nil")) {

kernel(...) {

/// __assert_fail belongs to Linux version of devicelib
void __assert_fail(...) {

void __devicelib_assert_fail(Expr, File, Line, GlobalID, LocalID) {
  volatile int *Ptr = (volatile int *)AssertHappenedMem.Flag;
  int Expected = 0;
  int Desired = 1;

  if (atomic_CAS(&AssertHappenedMem.Flag, Expected, Desired))
    printf("Assertion `%s' failed in %s at line %i. GlobalID: %i, LocalID: %i",
           Expr, File, Line, GlobalID, LocalID);

Compiling with assert enabled/disabled

Consider the following example sources:

// impl.cpp
using namespace sycl;
int calculus(int X) {
  assert(X && "Invalid value");
  return X * 2;

void enqueueKernel(queue &Q, buffer &B) {
  Q.submit([](handler &H) {
    auto Acc = B.get_access<read_write>(H);
    H.parallel_for(/* range */, [](item It) {
      // ...

// main.cpp
// ...
using namespace sycl;

SYCL_EXTERNAL int calculus(int);
void enqueueKernel(queue&, buffer&);

void workload() {
  queue Q;
  buffer B;

  Q.submit([](handler &H) {
    auto Acc = B.get_access<read_write>(H);
    H.parallel_for(/* range */, [](item It) {
      int X = calculus(0); // should fail assertion
      assert(X && "Nil in result");
      Acc[It] = X;

  enqueueKernel(Q, B);

These two files are compiled into a single binary application. There are four states of definition of NDEBUG macro available:
















States of definition of NDEBUG macro defines the set of assertions which can fail.

Raising assert failure flag and reading it on host

In DPCPP headers one can see if assert is enabled with status of NDEBUG macro with #ifdef’s. Though, in order to support for multi translation unit use-case it’s not allowed to rely on definition of NDEBUG macro.

Note: Multi translation unit use-case here is the one with SYCL_EXTERNAL function compiled with assertions enabled and used in a kernel but the kernel is compiled with assertions disabled.

There’re two commands used for reading assert failure flag: copy kernel and checker host task. The copy kernel will copy AssertHappenedMem to host and host-task will check the Flag value and abort() as needed. The kernel and host task are enqueued together with a kernel only when the corresponding device binary image for this kernel tells that it may use (maybe indirectly) the assert in its code.

All translation units provided by the user should have a declaration of the assert flag read function available:

int __devicelib_assert_read(void);

Also, the AssertHappened structure type should be available for the copier kernel.

The definition is only provided within devicelib along with __devicelib_assert_fail function which raises the flag.

Reading of assert failure flag is performed with the help of auxiliary kernel which is enqueued as dependent on user’s one. The flag state is checked later in host-task. This is achieved with approximately the following changes:

class AssertFlagCopier;
int __devicelib_assert_read(void);

class queue {
  template <typename T> event submit(T CGF) {
    event Event = submit_impl(CGF);
    std::string KernelName = /* get kernel name from calls to parallel_for, etc. */;
    // assert required
    if (!get_device()->assert_fail_supported() && isAssertUsed(KernelName)) {
      // __devicelib_assert_fail isn't supported by Device-side Runtime
      // Linking against fallback impl of __devicelib_assert_fail is performed
      // by program manager class
      AssertHappened *AH = new AssertHappened;
      buffer<AssertHappened, 1> *Buffer = new buffer<AssertHappened, 1>{1, AH};

      // read flag value
      event CopierEv = submit_impl([&](handler &CGH) {

        auto Acc = Buffer->get_access<access::mode::write>(CGH);

        CGH.single_task<AssertFlagCopier>([=] {
          Acc[0].Flag = __devicelib_assert_read();

      // check flag state
      submit_impl([=](handler &CGH) {

        CGH.codeplay_host_task([=] {
          if (AH->Flag)

    return Event;