DPC++ Runtime
Runtime libraries for oneAPI DPC++
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 The Plugin Interface
 CUDA Plugin
 HIP Plugin
 Level Zero Plugin
 OpenCL Plugin
 DPC++ Explicit SIMD APIThis is a low-level API providing direct access to Intel GPU hardware features
 Systolic Array APIs.APIs below are used to implement dot product accumulate systolic functions
 ESIMD core.Core APIs defining main vector data types and their interfaces
 C++ binary operators overloads for ESIMD.Standard C++ binary operators overloads applicable to simd_obj_impl derivatives - simd , simd_mask , simd_view and their combinations
 Alignment control.Alignment type tags and related APIs for use with ESIMD memory access operations
 Main vector data types.ESIMD defines the following two main vector data types:
 Memory access API.ESIMD APIs to access memory via accessors, USM pointers, perform per-element atomic operations
 Atomic memory access.Memory access functions which perform per-lane atomic update using given operation
 Shared local memory access functions.
 Block load/prefetch/store functions.
 LSC-specific memory access APIs.This group combines types and functions specific to LSC, which is available in Intel GPUs starting from PVC and ACM
 Named barrier APIs.
 HW thread .
 Raw send APIs.Implements the send instruction to send messages to variaous components of the Intel(R) processor graphics, as defined in the documentation at https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/graphics-for-linux/developer-reference/1-0/hardware-specs.html
 ESIMD math operations.Defines math operations on ESIMD vector data types
 Hardware-accelerated math.This is a group of APIs implementing standard math operations which are also directly supported by the hardware
 Bit and mask manipulation APIs.
 Explicit conversions.Defines explicit conversions (with and without saturation), truncation etc
 Raw send APIs.Implements the send instruction to send messages to variaous components of the Intel(R) processor graphics, as defined in the documentation at https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/graphics-for-linux/developer-reference/1-0/hardware-specs.html
 Miscellaneous ESIMD convenience functions.
 DPC++ User API
 Device selectorsDevice selectors enable DPC++ runtime to choose the best devices based on heuristics specified by the user, or by one of the built-in selectors
 AccessorsSpecify aquisition and release of buffer and image data structures
 DPC++ Execution GraphSYCL, unlike OpenCL, provides a programming model in which the user doesn't need to manage dependencies between kernels and memory explicitly