
SYCL does not allow dynamically sized private memory allocations. The sycl_ext_oneapi_private_alloca extension is a way to lift this restriction by allowing memory allocations whose length is given by a SYCL specialization constant.

Use-case example

#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>

constexpr sycl::specialization_id<std::size_t> size(1);

namespace syclex = sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental;

class Kernel;

SYCL_EXTERNAL void impl(const float *in, float *out,
                        sycl::span<float> ptr);

void run(sycl::queue q, const float *in, float *out, size_t n) {
  q.submit([&](sycl::handler &h) {
    h.parallel_for<Kernel>(n, [=](sycl::id<1> i, sycl::kernel_handler kh) {
      sycl::span<float> tmp{
          syclex::private_alloca<float, size, sycl::access::decorated::no>(kh).get_raw(),
      impl(in, out, tmp);

In this use-case, every work-item allocates a private memory region capable of hosting kh.get_specialization_constant<size>() elements of type float. This might be used for performance improvements in some algorithms, e.g., needing more than one iteration on a sub-sequence of the input. However, as the length of this sub-sequence is an input argument, this can only be achieved via sycl_ext_oneapi_private_alloca. Combining sycl::handler::set_specialization_constant<size> and calling private_alloca, we can get a dynamically sized memory allocation. Note size is guaranteed to be constant during kernel execution.


sycl_ext_oneapi_private_alloca is currently only supported on targets with native spec constants support when AOT compilation is not used.

For non-SPIR-V targets, aspect checking is used to check sycl_ext_oneapi_private_alloca support. In case of AOT compilation, a compile-time error is produced as this kind of checks cannot be performed at runtime via aspects.

Usage in SYCL host code

Calling either of the functions defined in this extension in host code results in a synchronous exception with the errc::feature_not_supported error code.

template <typename ElementType, auto &SizeSpecName,
          access::decorated DecorateAddress>
private_ptr<ElementType, DecorateAddress> private_alloca(kernel_handler &kh) {
  throw sycl::exception(sycl::errc::feature_not_supported,
                        "Images are not supported by this device.");

New __builtin_intel_sycl_alloca and __builtin_intel_sycl_alloca_with_align builtins

private_alloca and aligned_private_alloca APIs are defined as builtin aliases of __builtin_intel_sycl_alloca and __builtin_intel_sycl_alloca_with_align respectively using the clang::builtin_alias attribute. This way, calls to these functions are handled as calls to the builtins in the frontend. These builtins cannot be called directly, only via their aliases defined in the SYCL headers.

template <typename ElementType, auto &SizeSpecName,
          access::decorated DecorateAddress>
[[__sycl_detail__::__uses_aspects__(aspect::ext_oneapi_private_alloca)]] private_ptr<
    ElementType, DecorateAddress> private_alloca(kernel_handler &kh);

template <typename ElementType, std::size_t Alignment,
          auto &SizeSpecName, access::decorated DecorateAddress>
[[__sycl_detail__::__uses_aspects__(aspect::ext_oneapi_private_alloca)]] private_ptr<
    ElementType, DecorateAddress> aligned_private_alloca(kernel_handler &kh);

As builtins cannot be passed template arguments, Sema::CheckIntelSYCLAllocaBuiltinFunctionCall and CodeGenFunction::EmitIntelSYCLAllocaBuiltin do not use the builtin for checking or code generation. Instead, the original function declaration is queried and used.

Following __builtin_alloca_with_align, Alignment must be lower than std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() / 8.

Note using clang::builtin_alias required modification to code checking this attribute to add SYCL to the list of contexts in which you can use it. Implementation of this extension upstream would need to port these changes upstream or modify code generation and sema of private_alloca and aligned_private_alloca APIs.

llvm.sycl.alloca.* intrinsic

The builtins mentioned in the previous section are represented via the new llvm.sycl.alloca intrinsic in code generation. This intrinsic receives three arguments encoding the specialization constant used as array length, corresponding to the arguments received by builtins implementing SYCL 2020 specialization constants; a type hint argument encoding the allocation element type, and the required alignment, which must be an immediate argument. Note sycl-post-link usage of __spirv_SpecConstant to represent specialization constant queries is preserved, as we can reuse most of the handling of specialization constant builtins defined in the corresponding design document.

declare ptr @llvm.sycl.alloca.p0.p4.p4.p4.f32(ptr addrspace(4), ptr addrspace(4), ptr addrspace(4), float, i64)
declare ptr @llvm.sycl.alloca.p0.p4.p4.p4.f64(ptr addrspace(4), ptr addrspace(4), ptr addrspace(4), double, i64)

The alignment argument is set to alignof(ElementType) for private_alloca; Alignment is used for aligned_private_alloca.

The private_alloca call in the use-case above is compiled to the following LLVM IR:

@_ZL4size = internal addrspace(1) constant %"class.sycl::_V1::specialization_id" { i64 1 }, align 8
@__usid_str.1 = private unnamed_addr constant [31 x i8] c"uid2c9b8e1a387f5dba____ZL4size\00", align 1
%alloca.i = tail call ptr @llvm.sycl.alloca.p0.p4.p4.p4.f32(ptr addrspace(4) addrspacecast (ptr @__usid_str.1 to ptr addrspace(4)), ptr addrspace(4) addrspacecast (ptr addrspace(1) @_ZL4size to ptr addrspace(4)), ptr addrspace(4) null, float 0.000000e+00, i64 4)

Note: the third argument is set to null for now. That argument will be set to the RTBuffer for the specialization constants, i.e., a pointer to the corresponding member of the input sycl::kernel_handler. This change will be needed to support this extension in non-SPIR-V targets, i.e., in targets with emulated specialization constants.

llvm.sycl.alloca is handled in sycl-post-link.


sycl-post-link was modified to handle the intrinsic above in addition to SYCL 2020 specialization constants builtins. These are replaced by an alloca instruction of the element type given by the intrinsic type hint and the size given by the input specialization constant. Code used to obtain a specialization constant value is reused, as the intrinsic receives the same three arguments as the regular builtins.

This way, the -spec-const pass (using the native option) transforms the LLVM IR code above into:

%size = call i64 @_Z20__spirv_SpecConstantix(i32 0, i64 1)
%alloca.i = alloca float, i64 %size, align 4

The builtin in conjunction with the alloca instruction are handled by the LLVM-SPIR-V translator to generate valid SPIR-V code.

LLVM-SPIR-V translator

The LLVM-SPIR-V translator can handle alloca instructions as the one above generating only standard SPIR-V operations. SPIR-V array types can have a specialization constant length, so the running example is translated to SPIR-V as follows:

                 Decorate %size SpecId 0
       %sizety = OpTypeInt 64 0
      %floatty = OpTypeFloat 32
         %size = SpecConstant %sizety 1
        %arrty = OpTypeArray %floatty %size
   %floatptrty = OpTypePointer Function %floatty
     %arrptrty = OpTypePointer Function %arrty
%genfloatptrty = OpTypePointer Generic %floatty
       %alloca = OpVariable %arrptrty Function
      %bitcast = OpBitcast %floatptrty %alloca

When passed a specialization constant as size, a single alloca instruction is represented as an OpVariable operation of an array type of specialization constant size and an OpBitcast operation to cast the variable to the required pointer type, i.e., to a pointer type of the array element type.