# Grafana Dashboard Prerequisites: * Kubernetes cluster with at least one Ice Lake node * Cert-Manager * Istioctl * Helm This README contains: - [Installing Grafana Dashboard](#deployment) - [Uninstallation](#uninstallation) ## Deployment Install Istio with the BOOTSTRAP_XDS_AGENT environment variable and Envoy Filter with the cryptomb values. ``` istioctl install -f intel/yaml/intel-istio-cryptomb.yaml kubectl apply -f intel/yaml/envoy-filter-cryptomb-stats.yaml ``` Install Cert-Manager issuer and certificate for the Istio-IngressGateway TLS endpoint. ``` kubectl apply -f intel/yaml/grafana-gw-certificates.yaml ``` Create a separate namespace to isolate monitoring services and applications. ``` kubectl create ns monitoring ``` Install Kube-Prometheus-Stack. ``` helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts helm repo update helm install kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring helm upgrade kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -f intel/yaml/grafana-dashboard-values.yaml -n monitoring ``` Install Istio Ingress Gateway and Virtual Services for Grafana and Prometheus. ``` kubectl apply -f intel/yaml/grafana-istio-gw-vs.yaml ``` To access Grafana and Prometheus UIs, use: * a) Istio-IngressGateway service load balancing address. * b) Kubectl port-forwarding to the service and connect localhost. Paths are /grafana/ and /prometheus/. Grafana UI Credentials: * login: admin * password: prom-operator Restart Envoy of the Istio Ingress Gateway. ``` kubectl rollout restart deployment -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway ``` Import the dashboard using Grafana UI. 1. Login to Grafana 2. Create -> Import -> Upload JSON file (intel/json/intel-distribution-of-istio.json) ## Uninstallation Use the following command to uninstall kube-prometheus-stack from cluster. ``` helm uninstall kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring ``` Remove deployment. ``` kubectl delete -f intel/yaml/envoy-filter-cryptomb-stats.yaml -f intel/yaml/grafana-gw-certificates.yaml -f intel/yaml/grafana-istio-gw-vs.yaml istioctl x uninstall --purge # to delete all Istio components from the cluster ```