Example Notebooks

Explainer Notebooks


Domain: Use Case


Explaining ResNet50 ImageNet Classification Using the CAM Explainer

CV: Image Classification

PyTorch*, TensorFlow* and Intel® Explainable AI API

Explaining a Custom Neural Network Heart Disease Classification Using the Attributions Explainer

Numerical/Categorical: Tabular Classification

TensorFlow & Intel Explainable AI API

Explaining Custom CNN MNIST Classification Using the Attributions Explainer

CV: Image Classification

PyTorch and Intel Explainable AI API

Multimodal Breast Cancer Detection Explainability using the Intel® Explainable AI API

CV: Image Classification & NLP: Text Classification

PyTorch, HuggingFace, Intel Explainable AI API & Intel® Transfer Learning Tool API

Explaining Custom NN NewsGroups Classification Using the Attributions Explainer

NLP: Text Classification

PyTorch and Intel Explainable AI API

Explaining Fine Tuned Text Classifier with PyTorch using the Intel® Explainable AI API

NLP: Text Classification

PyTorch, HuggingFace, Intel Explainable AI API & Intel Transfer Learning Tool API

Explaining Custom CNN CIFAR-10 Classification Using the Attributions Explainer

CV: Image Classification

PyTorch and Intel Explainable AI API

Model Card Generator Notebooks


Domain: Use Case


Generating a Model Card with PyTorch

Numerical/Categorical: Tabular Classification

PyTorch, TensorFlow and Intel Explainable AI API

Detecting Issues in Fairness by Generate Model Card from TensorFlow Estimators

Numerical/Categorical: Tabular Classification

TensorFlow & Intel Explainable AI API

Creating Model Card for Toxic Comments Classification in TensorFlow

Numerical/Categorical: Tabular Classification

TensorFlow and Intel Explainable AI API

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