Developer Guide#

Install developer packages by typing

pip install .[dev]

It is suggested to install the package locally by using pip install -e .[dev]

Git hooks#

All developers should install the git hooks that are tracked in the .githooks directory. We use the pre-commit framework for hook management. The recommended way of installing it is using pip:

pre-commit install

If you want to manually run all pre-commit hooks on a repository, run pre-commit run --all-files. To run individual hooks use pre-commit run <hook_id>.

Uninstalling the hooks can be done using

pre-commit uninstall

Testing the library#

Python test#

Python test uses pytest library. Type

cd test/python && pytest

to run the full test suite.

Build the documentation#

This project uses sphinx to build and deploy the documentation. To serve locally the documentation type

mkdocs serve

to deploy it into github pages type

cd docs
python gh-deploy

Generate python packages#

On windows:

python sdist
set CIBW_BUILD=cp*
cibuildwheel --platform windows --output-dir dist

Publishing packets#

Install twine

python3 -m pip install --upgrade twine

Then check on the built sdist and wheel that are properly formatted (all files should return a green PASSED)

twine check dist/*

Upload the packets to testpypi

twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*

To upload them to the real index (verify first with testpypi)

twine upload dist/*