# Accelerate ResNet50 Training by XPUAutoShard on Intel GPU ## Introduction The XPUAutoShard feature of Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* automatically shards the input data to the Intel® GPU devices. Currently, it supports applying the shards on multiple GPU tiles to maximize the hardware utilization and improve performance. This example shows ResNet50 training speedup with XPUAutoShard enabled. ## Hardware Requirements Verified Hardware Platforms: - Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series ## Prerequisites This example only applies to stock TensorFlow* >=2.13.0 and Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* >= ### Prepare the Codes ```bash git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/models tf-models cd tf-models git checkout r2.13.0 git apply ../shard.patch ``` ### Prepare for GPU Refer to [Prepare](../common_guide_running.html#prepare) ### Install Other Required Packages ```bash pip install -r official/requirements.txt ``` ### Enable Running Environment Refer to [Running](../common_guide_running.html#running) to enable oneAPI running environment and virtual running environment. ### Setup PYTHONPATH Modify `/path/to/tf-models` accordingly, here `~/tf-models` as an example. ```bash cd official/legacy/image_classification/resnet/ mkdir output export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/tf-models:$PWD ``` ## Executes the Example with Python API ### Without XPUAutoShard ```bash export TF_NUM_INTEROP_THREADS= export TF_NUM_INTRAOP_THREADS= export BS=256 python resnet_ctl_imagenet_main.py \ --num_gpus=1 \ --batch_size=$BS \ --train_epochs=1 \ --train_steps=30 \ --steps_per_loop=1 \ --log_steps=1 \ --skip_eval \ --use_synthetic_data=true \ --distribution_strategy=off \ --use_tf_while_loop=false \ --use_tf_function=true --enable_xla=false \ --enable_tensorboard=false --enable_checkpoint_and_export=false \ --data_format=channels_last --single_l2_loss_op=True \ --model_dir=output \ --dtype=bf16 2>&1 | tee resnet50.log ``` ### With XPUAutoShard #### Python API Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* provides Python APIs to enable XPUAutoShard feature as follws: ```python config = itex.ShardingConfig() config.auto_mode = False device_gpu = config.devices.add() device_gpu.device_type = "gpu" device_gpu.device_num = 2 device_gpu.batch_size = 256 device_gpu.stage_num = 10 graph_opts = itex.GraphOptions(sharding=itex.ON, sharding_config = config) itex_cfg = itex.ConfigProto(graph_options=graph_opts) itex.set_config(itex_cfg) ``` #### Sharding Parameters Setting In this example, the above code has been added to `resnet_ctl_imagenet_main.py` with the patch and you can enable XPUAutoShard via simply adding `--use_itex_sharding=True` to the command-line. You can optionally modify the following parameters in the `ShardingConfig` based on your need. |Prameters|Config Suggestions| |-|-| |device_num|2 for Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series with 2 tiles| |batch_size|batch size on each device in each loop of each iteration| |stage_num|number of training loops on each device with each iteration
before the All-reduce and weight updating on GPU devices,
set it >=2 to improve scaling efficiency| The global batch size should be `device_num` * `batch_size` * `stage_num`. In this example, the default global batch size is 2x256x10=5120. #### Further Settings For further performance speedup, you can enable multi-stream via setting `ITEX_ENABLE_MULTIPLE_STREAM=1` to create multiple queues for each device. #### Executing Command ```bash export TF_NUM_INTEROP_THREADS= export TF_NUM_INTRAOP_THREADS= export BS=5120 export ITEX_ENABLE_MULTIPLE_STREAM=1 python resnet_ctl_imagenet_main.py \ --num_gpus=1 \ --batch_size=$BS \ --train_epochs=1 \ --train_steps=30 \ --steps_per_loop=1 \ --log_steps=1 \ --skip_eval \ --use_synthetic_data=true \ --distribution_strategy=off \ --use_tf_while_loop=false \ --use_tf_function=true --enable_xla=false \ --enable_tensorboard=false --enable_checkpoint_and_export=false \ --data_format=channels_last --single_l2_loss_op=True \ --model_dir=output \ --dtype=bf16 \ --use_itex_sharding=true 2>&1 | tee resnet50_itex-shard.log ``` The following output log indicates XPUAutoShard has been enabled successfully:
`I itex/core/graph/tfg_optimizer_hook/tfg_optimizer_hook.cc:280] Run AutoShard pass successfully` ## Example Output With successful execution, it will print out the following results: ``` ... I0324 07:55:20.594147 140348344015936 keras_utils.py:145] TimeHistory: xxxxx seconds, xxxxx examples/second between steps 0 and 1 I0324 07:55:20.597360 140348344015936 controller.py:479] train | step: 1 | steps/sec: xxxxx | output: {'train_accuracy': 0.0, 'train_loss': 12.634554} I0324 07:55:22.161625 140348344015936 keras_utils.py:145] TimeHistory: xxxxx seconds, xxxxx examples/second between steps 1 and 2 I0324 07:55:22.163815 140348344015936 controller.py:479] train | step: 2 | steps/sec: xxxxx | output: {'train_accuracy': 0.0, 'train_loss': 12.634554} I0324 07:55:23.790632 140348344015936 keras_utils.py:145] TimeHistory: xxxxx seconds, xxxxx examples/second between steps 2 and 3 I0324 07:55:23.792936 140348344015936 controller.py:479] train | step: 3 | steps/sec: xxxxx | output: {'train_accuracy': 1.0, 'train_loss': 9.103148} I0324 07:55:25.416651 140348344015936 keras_utils.py:145] TimeHistory: xxxxx seconds, xxxxx examples/second between steps 3 and 4 I0324 07:55:25.419072 140348344015936 controller.py:479] train | step: 4 | steps/sec: xxxxx | output: {'train_accuracy': 1.0, 'train_loss': 5.3359284} I0324 07:55:27.025180 140348344015936 keras_utils.py:145] TimeHistory: xxxxx seconds, xxxxx examples/second between steps 4 and 5 I0324 07:55:27.027671 140348344015936 controller.py:479] train | step: 5 | steps/sec: xxxxx | output: {'train_accuracy': 1.0, 'train_loss': 5.3343554} ... ```