# Common Guide for Running ## Prepare ### Intel GPU Driver Refer to [Install Intel GPU driver](./../docs/install/install_for_xpu.html#install-gpu-drivers) ### Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit Refer to [Install Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit](./../docs/install/install_for_xpu.html#install-oneapi-base-toolkit-packages) ### Setup Running Environment 1. Python We recommend you use Python 3.9 or newer. Check which version you're running by using this command: ``` python -V ``` 2. Create Virtual Environment We recommend you create a virtual Python environment called env_itex and install official Tensorflow* in it, like this: ``` export ENV_NAME=env_itex rm -rf $ENV_NAME python -m venv $ENV_NAME source $ENV_NAME/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip pip install tensorflow ``` 3. Install Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* ``` pip install --upgrade intel-extension-for-tensorflow[xpu] ``` ## Running ### Enable oneAPI Running Environment ``` source /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh ``` ### Enable Virtual Running Environment ``` source env_itex/bin/activate ``` ### Run Script Run your script with Intel® Extension for TensorFlow*.