# Python APIs ## Overview Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* provides flexible Python APIs to configure settings for different types of application scenarios. ##### Prerequisite: `import intel_extension_for_tensorflow as itex` * [*itex.ConfigProto*](#itexconfigproto): ProtocolMessage for XPU configuration under different types of backends and optimization options. * [*itex.GraphOptions*](#itexgraphoptions): ProtocolMessage for graph configuration optimization options. * [*itex.AutoMixedPrecisionOptions*](#itexautomixedprecisionoptions): ProtocolMessage for auto mixed precision optimization options. * [*itex.ShardingConfig*](#itexshardingconfig): ProtocolMessage for XPUAutoShard optimization options. * [*itex.DebugOptions*](#itexdebugoptions): ProtocolMessage for debug options. * [*itex.set_config*](#itexset_config): Public API for setting ConfigProto. * [*itex.get_config*](#itexget_config): Public API for getting ConfigProto. * [*itex.ops*](#itex-operators): Public API for extended XPU operations. * [*itex.experimental_ops_override*](#itex-ops-override): Public API for override TensorFlow operations with ITEX ones. * [*itex.version*](#itex-version): Public API for Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* and components version information. ## Python APIs and Environment Variable Names You can easily configure and tune Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* run models using Python APIs and environment variables. We recommend Python APIs. ##### Python APIs and preserved environment variable Names | Python APIs | Default value | Environment Variables | Default value | Definition | | ------------------ | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `itex.ConfigProto` |`OFF`
| Set configuration options for specific backend type (`CPU`/`GPU`) and graph optimization.
*`ITEX_LAYOUT_OPT` default `ON` in Intel GPU (except Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series) and default `OFF` in Intel CPU by hardware attributes| | `itex.experimental_ops_override` |`N/A` |`N/A` | OFF | Call this function to automatically override the operators with same name in TensorFlow by `itex.ops`. | **Notes:** 1. The priority for setting values is as follows: Python APIs > Environment Variables > Default value. 2. If `pip install intel-extension-for-tensorflow[xpu]`, both GPU and CPU backends will be installed, the default backend will be selected by the platform device situation. If the platform with Intel GPU, the activate backend will be `GPU`, otherwise, `CPU`. If GPU backend was installed by `pip install intel-extension-for-tensorflow[gpu]`, the backend will be `GPU`. If CPU backend was installed by `pip install intel-extension-for-tensorflow[cpu]`, the backend is `CPU`. ## Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* Config Protocol **itex.ConfigProto: ProtocolMessage for XPU configuration under different types of backends and optimization options.** **enum class** | enum class | Descriptions | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | enum ITEXDataType {
FLOAT16 = 1;
BFLOAT16 = 2;
} | Datatype options of advanced auto mixed precision. You could set datatype for advanced auto mixed precision on CPUs or GPUs. | | enum Toggle {
ON = 1;
OFF = 2;
} | Configuration options for the graph optimizer. Unless otherwise noted, these configuration options do not apply to explicitly triggered optimization passes in the optimizers field. | **Functions** ### itex.ConfigProto | Attribute | Description | | -----------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `graph_options` | GraphOptions protocolMessage, graph optimization options.| ### itex.GPUOptions | Attribute | Description | | -----------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `None` | N/A | ### itex.GraphOptions | Attribute | Description | | -----------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `onednn_graph` |Toggle onednn_graph

Override the environment variable `ITEX_ONEDNN_GRAPH`. Set to enable or disable oneDNN graph(LLGA) optimization. The default value is `OFF`.

* If `ON`, will enable oneDNN graph in Intel® Extension for TensorFlow*.
* If `OFF`, will disable oneDNN graph in Intel® Extension for TensorFlow*.| | `layout_opt ` |Toggle layout_opt

Override the environment variable `ITEX_LAYOUT_OPT`. Set if oneDNN layout optimization is enabled to benefit from oneDNN block format.
Enable or disable the oneDNN layout. The default value is `OFF`.

* If `ON`, will enable oneDNN layout optimization.
* If `OFF`, will disable oneDNN layout optimization.| | `remapper` |Toggle remapper

Override the environment variable `ITEX_REMAPPER`. Set if remapper optimization is enabled to benefit from sub-graph fusion.
Enable or disable the remapper. The default value is `ON`.

* If `ON`, will enable remapper optimization.
* If `OFF`, will disable remapper optimization.| | `auto_mixed_precision` |Toggle auto_mixed_precision

Override the environment variable `ITEX_AUTO_MIXED_PRECISION`. Set if mixed precision is enabled to benefit from using both 16-bit and 32-bit floating-point types to accelerate modes.
Enable or disable the auto mixed precision. The default value is `OFF`.

* If `ON`, will enable auto mixed precision optimization.
* If `OFF`, will disable auto mixed precision optimization.| | `sharding` |Toggle sharding

Currently only supports Intel GPUs with multi-tiles. Override the environment variable `ITEX_SHARDING`. Set if XPUAutoShard is enabled to benefit from sharding input data/graph to maximize hardware usage.
Enable or disable the XPUAutoShard. The default value is `OFF`.

* If `ON`, will enable XPUAutoShard optimization.
* If `OFF`, will disable XPUAutoShard optimization.| Examples: I. Setting the options while creating the config protocol object ```python # TensorFlow and Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* import tensorflow as tf import intel_extension_for_tensorflow as itex graph_opts=itex.GraphOptions(onednn_graph=itex.ON) config=itex.ConfigProto(graph_options=graph_opts) print(config) ``` Then the log will output the information like below. ```python graph_options { onednn_graph: ON } ``` II. Setting the options after creating the config protocol object ``` # TensorFlow and Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* import tensorflow as tf import intel_extension_for_tensorflow as itex config=itex.ConfigProto() config.graph_options.onednn_graph=itex.ON config.graph_options.layout_opt=itex.OFF print(config) ``` Then the log will output the information like below. ``` graph_options { onednn_graph: ON layout_opt: OFF } ``` ### itex.AutoMixedPrecisionOptions ProtocolMessage for auto mixed precision optimization options. Refer to [Advanced Auto Mixed Precision](advanced_auto_mixed_precision.html). ### itex.ShardingConfig ProtocolMessage for XPUAutoShard optimization options. Currently only supports Intel GPUs with multi-tiles. Refer to [XPUAutoShard on GPU](XPUAutoShard.html). ### itex.DebugOptions ProtocolMessage for debug options. | Python APIs | Environment Variables | Definition | | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `auto_mixed_precision_log_path` | `ITEX_AUTO_MIXED_PRECISION_LOG_PATH` | Save auto mixed precision "pre-optimization" and "post-optimization" graph to log path. | | `xpu_force_sync` | `ITEX_SYNC_EXEC` | Run the graph with sync mode. The default value is `OFF`. If `ON`, the whole model will be run with sync mode, which will hurt performance. | ### itex.set_config Set Config Protocol. Note that the protocol is a global value, so this API is not thread safe. ``` itex.set_config(config) ``` | Args | Description | | -----------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `config` | [ConfigProto]((#ITEX-config-protocol)) object| | Raises | Description | | -----------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `ValueError` | If argument validation fails.| ### itex\.get_config Get Config Protocol. ``` itex.get_config() ``` | Raises | Description | | -----------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `Returns` | Return the current config.| Example: ```python import intel_extension_for_tensorflow as itex graph_opts=itex.GraphOptions(onednn_graph=itex.ON) config=itex.ConfigProto(graph_options=graph_opts) itex.set_config(config) print(itex.get_config()) ``` Then the log will output the information like below: ``` graph_options { onednn_graph: ON } ``` ## itex operators **itex.ops: Public API for extended XPU ops(operations) for itex.ops namespace.** For details, refer to [Customized Operators](itex_ops.html). ## itex ops override **itex.experimental_ops_override: Public API to override TensorFlow specific operators with same name by Customized Operators in itex.ops namespace.** For details, refer to [Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* ops override](itex_ops_override.html). Example: ```python import intel_extension_for_tensorflow as itex import tensorflow as tf itex.experimental_ops_override() print(tf.nn.gelu == itex.ops.gelu) ``` Then it will output the result "True". ## itex graph **itex.graph: Public API for extended ITEX graph optimization operations.** N/A ## itex version **itex.version: Public API for itex.version namespace.** | Other Members | Description | | -----------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `VERSION` | The release version. For example, `0.3.0`| | `GIT_VERSION` | The git version. For example, `v0.3.0-7112d33`| | `ONEDNN_CPU_GIT_VERSION` | The oneDNN git version of CPU. For example, `v2.5.2-a930253`| | `ONEDNN_GPU_GIT_VERSION` | The oneDNN git version of GPU. For example, `v2.5.2-a930253`| | `COMPILER_VERSION` | The compiler version. For example, `gcc-8.2.1 20180905, dpcpp-2022.1.0.122`| | `TF_COMPATIBLE_VERSION` | The compatible TensorFlow versions. For example, `tensorflow >= 2.5.0, < 2.7.0, !=2.5.3, ~=2.6`| Example: ``` import tensorflow as tf import intel_extension_for_tensorflow as itex print(itex.__version__) print(itex.version.VERSION) print(itex.version.GIT_VERSION) if hasattr(itex.version, "ONEDNN_CPU_GIT_VERSION"): print(itex.version.ONEDNN_CPU_GIT_VERSION) # For CPU or XPU if hasattr(itex.version, "ONEDNN_GPU_GIT_VERSION"): print(itex.version.ONEDNN_GPU_GIT_VERSION) # For GPU or XPU print(itex.version.COMPILER_VERSION) print(itex.version.TF_COMPATIBLE_VERSION) ```