Intel® Extension for PyTorch\* optimizations for quantization [CPU] =================================================================== The quantization functionality in Intel® Extension for PyTorch\* currently only supports post-training quantization. This tutorial introduces how the quantization works in the Intel® Extension for PyTorch\* side. We fully utilize Pytorch quantization components as much as possible, such as PyTorch [Observer method]( To make a PyTorch user be able to easily use the quantization API, API for quantization in Intel® Extension for PyTorch\* is very similar to those in PyTorch. Intel® Extension for PyTorch\* quantization supports a default recipe to automatically decide which operators should be quantized or not. This brings a satisfying performance and accuracy tradeoff. ## Static Quantization ```python import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex from intel_extension_for_pytorch.quantization import prepare, convert ``` ### Define qconfig Using the default qconfig(recommended): ```python qconfig = ipex.quantization.default_static_qconfig # equal to # QConfig(activation=HistogramObserver.with_args(reduce_range=False), # weight=PerChannelMinMaxObserver.with_args(dtype=torch.qint8, qscheme=torch.per_channel_symmetric)) ``` or define your own qconfig as: ```python from import MinMaxObserver, PerChannelMinMaxObserver, QConfig qconfig = QConfig(activation=MinMaxObserver.with_args(qscheme=torch.per_tensor_affine, dtype=torch.quint8), weight=PerChannelMinMaxObserver.with_args(dtype=torch.qint8, qscheme=torch.per_channel_symmetric)) ``` Note: we fully use PyTorch [observer methonds](, so you can use a different PyTorch obsever methond to define the [QConfig]( For weight observer, we only support **torch.qint8** dtype now. **Suggestion**: 1. For activation observer, if using **qscheme** as **torch.per_tensor_affine**, **torch.quint8** is preferred. If using **qscheme** as **torch.per_tensor_symmetric**, **torch.qint8** is preferred. For weight observer, setting **qscheme** to **torch.per_channel_symmetric** can get a better accuracy. 2. If your CPU device doesn't support VNNI, seting the observer's **reduce_range** to **True** can get a better accuracy, such as skylake. ### Prepare Model and Do Calibration ```python # prepare model, do conv+bn folding, and init model quant_state. user_model = ... user_model.eval() example_inputs = .. prepared_model = prepare(user_model, qconfig, example_inputs=example_inputs, inplace=False) for x in calibration_data_set: prepared_model(x) # Optional, if you want to tuning(performance or accuracy), you can save the qparams as json file which # including the quantization state, such as scales, zero points and inference dtype. # And then you can achange the json file's settings, loading the changed json file # to model which will override the model's original quantization's settings. # # prepared_model.save_qconf_summary(qconf_summary = "configure.json") # prepared_model.load_qconf_summary(qconf_summary = "configure.json") ``` ### Convert to Static Quantized Model and Deploy ```python # make sure the example_inputs's size is same as the real input's size convert_model = convert(prepared_model) with torch.no_grad(): traced_model = torch.jit.trace(convert_model, example_input) traced_model = torch.jit.freeze(traced_model) # for inference y = traced_model(x) # or save the model to deploy #"") # quantized_model = torch.jit.load("") # quantized_model = torch.jit.freeze(quantized_model.eval()) # ... ``` ## Dynamic Quantization ```python import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex from intel_extension_for_pytorch.quantization import prepare, convert ``` ### Define QConfig Using the default qconfig(recommended): ```python dynamic_qconfig = ipex.quantization.default_dynamic_qconfig # equal to # QConfig(activation=PlaceholderObserver.with_args(dtype=torch.float, compute_dtype=torch.quint8), # weight=PerChannelMinMaxObserver.with_args(dtype=torch.qint8, qscheme=torch.per_channel_symmetric)) ``` or define your own qconfig as: ```python from import MinMaxObserver, PlaceholderObserver, QConfig dynamic_qconfig = QConfig(activation = PlaceholderObserver.with_args(dtype=torch.float, compute_dtype=torch.quint8), weight = MinMaxObserver.with_args(dtype=torch.qint8, qscheme=torch.per_tensor_symmetric)) ``` Note: For weight observer, it only supports dtype **torch.qint8**, and the qscheme can only be **torch.per_tensor_symmetric** or **torch.per_channel_symmetric**. For activation observer, it only supports dtype **torch.float**, and the **compute_dtype** can be **torch.quint8** or **torch.qint8**. **Suggestion**: 1. For weight observer, setting **qscheme** to **torch.per_channel_symmetric** can get a better accuracy. 2. If your CPU device doesn't support VNNI, setting the observer's **reduce_range** to **True** can get a better accuracy, such as skylake. ### Prepare Model ```python prepared_model = prepare(user_model, dynamic_qconfig, example_inputs=example_inputs) ``` ## Convert to Dynamic Quantized Model and Deploy ```python # make sure the example_inputs's size is same as the real input's size convert_model = convert(prepared_model) # Optional: convert the model to traced model #with torch.no_grad(): # traced_model = torch.jit.trace(convert_model, example_input) # traced_model = torch.jit.freeze(traced_model) # or save the model to deploy #"") # quantized_model = torch.jit.load("") # quantized_model = torch.jit.freeze(quantized_model.eval()) # ... # for inference y = convert_model(x) ``` Note: we only support the following ops to do dynamic quantization: - torch.nn.Linear - torch.nn.LSTM - torch.nn.GRU - torch.nn.LSTMCell - torch.nn.RNNCell - torch.nn.GRUCell