Troubleshooting =============== ## General Usage - **Problem**: Issues with the `+cpu` PyTorch package. - **Cause**: Certain Python packages may have PyTorch as a hard dependency. If you installed the `+cpu` version of PyTorch, installation of these packages might replace the `+cpu` version with the default version released on - **Solution**: Reinstall the `+cpu` version back. - **Problem**: The workload running with Intel® Extension for PyTorch\* occupies a remarkably large amount of memory. - **Solution**: Try to reduce the occupied memory size by setting the `weights_prepack` parameter of the `ipex.optimize()` function to `False`. - **Problem**: The `conv+bn` folding feature of the `ipex.optimize()` function does not work if inference is done with a custom function: ``` import torch import intel_pytorch_extension as ipex class Module(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Module, self).__init__() self.conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(1, 10, 5, 1) = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(10) self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU() def forward(self, x): x = self.conv(x) x = x = self.relu(x) return x def inference(self, x): return self.forward(x) if __name__ == '__main__': m = Module() m.eval() m = ipex.optimize(m, dtype=torch.float32, level="O0") d = torch.rand(1, 1, 112, 112) with torch.no_grad(): m.inference(d) ``` - **Cause**: PyTorch FX limitation. - **Solution**: You can avoid this error by calling `m = ipex.optimize(m, level="O0")`, which doesn't apply ipex optimization, or disable `conv+bn` folding by calling `m = ipex.optimize(m, level="O1", conv_bn_folding=False)`. ## Performance Regression - Some models may experience performance regression comparing to 2.0.x due to deprecation of the NNC feature in PyTorch\*. ## TorchDynamo - **Problem**: A workload that uses `torch.compile()` fails to run or demonstrates poor performance. - **Cause**: The support of `torch.compile()` with `ipex` as the backend is still an beta feature. Currently, the following HuggingFace models fail to run using `torch.compile()` with `ipex` backend due to memory issues: - masked-language-modeling+xlm-roberta-base - casual-language-modeling+gpt2 - casual-language-modeling+xlm-roberta-base - summarization+t5-base - text-classification+allenai-longformer-base-409 - **Solution**: Use the `torch.jit` APIs and graph optimization APIs of the Intel® Extension for PyTorch\*. ## Dynamic Shape - **Problem**: When working with an NLP model inference with dynamic input data length using TorchScript (either `torch.jit.trace` or `torch.jit.script`), performance with Intel® Extension for PyTorch\* may be less than that without Intel® Extension for PyTorch\*. - **Solution**: Use the workaround below: - Python interface ```python torch._C._jit_set_texpr_fuser_enabled(False) ``` - C++ interface ```c++ #include torch::jit::setTensorExprFuserEnabled(false); ``` ## INT8 - **Problem**: Limitations of dynamic shapes support of static quantization: - When an input shape is provided in runtime for the first time, execution could take longer time to compile a new kernel for this shape. Specifically, the new kernel compilation time could be long for complicated kernels. - Channels Last format won't take effect with dynamic input shapes for CNN models at this time. Optimizations are undergoing. - **Problem**: `RuntimeError: Overflow when unpacking long` when a tensor's min max value exceeds int range while performing int8 calibration. - **Solution**: Customize `QConfig` to use min-max calibration method. - **Problem**: Models get large accuracy loss with the default quantization recipe. - **Solution**: Try using the [the INT8 Recipe Tuning API](./features/ to tune a recipe with satisfied accuracy loss. - **Problem**: Incorrect results with large tensors when calibrating with `quantize_per_tensor`, when benchmarking with 1 OpenMP\* thread (find more detailed info [here]( - **Solution**: Editing your code following the pseudocode below can workaround this issue, if you do need to explicitly set `OMP_NUM_THREAEDS=1` for benchmarking. However, there could be a performance regression if oneDNN graph compiler prototype feature is used. Workaround pseudocode: ``` # perform convert/trace/freeze with omp_num_threads > 1(N) torch.set_num_threads(N) prepared_model = prepare(model, input) converted_model = convert(prepared_model) traced_model = torch.jit.trace(converted_model, input) freezed_model = torch.jit.freeze(traced_model) # run freezed model to apply optimization pass freezed_model(input) # benchmarking with omp_num_threads = 1 torch.set_num_threads(1) run_benchmark(freezed_model, input) ``` - For models with dynamic control flow, please try dynamic quantization. Users are likely to get performance gain for GEMM models. - Support for `EmbeddingBag` with INT8 when bag size > 1 is work in progress. ## BFloat16 - **Problem**: BF16 AMP(auto-mixed-precision) runs abnormally with the extension on the AVX2-only machine if the topology contains `Conv`, `Matmul`, `Linear`, and `BatchNormalization`. - **Solution**: TBD - **Problem**: A PyTorch* model containing `torch.nn.TransformerEncoderLayer` component may encounter a RuntimeError in BF16 training or inference process if the model is optimized by `ipex.optimize()` with default arguments. - **Solution**: `TransformerEncoderLayer` optimized by `ipex.optimize()` with weight prepacking functionality enabled may encounter a weight dimension issue. The error can be avoided by disabling weight prepacking, `model = ipex.optimize(model, weights_prepack=False)`. ## Runtime Extension The following limitations currently exist: - Runtime extension of `MultiStreamModule` does not support DLRM inference, since the input of DLRM (EmbeddingBag specifically) cannot be simply batch split. - Runtime extension of `MultiStreamModule` has poor performance of RNNT Inference comparing with native throughput mode. Only part of the RNNT models (`joint_net` specifically) can be jit traced into graph. However, in one batch inference, `joint_net` is invoked multiple times. It increases the overhead of `MultiStreamModule` as input batch split, thread synchronization and output concat. ## Result Correctness - **Problem**: Incorrect Conv and Linear result if the number of OMP threads is changed at runtime. - **Cause**: The oneDNN memory layout depends on the number of OMP threads, which requires the caller to detect the changes for the # of OMP threads while this release has not implemented it yet.