Fast BERT (Prototype) ======================== ### Feature Description Intel proposed a technique to speed up BERT workloads. Implementation leverages the idea from [*Tensor Processing Primitives: A Programming Abstraction for Efficiency and Portability in Deep Learning & HPC Workloads*]( Currently `ipex.fast_bert` API is only well optimized for training. For inference, it ensures functionality, while to get peak perf, please use `ipex.optimize` API + torchscript. ### Prerequisite - Transformers 4.6.0 ~ 4.31.0 ### Usage Example An API `ipex.fast_bert` is provided for a simple usage. Usage of this API follows the pattern of `ipex.optimize` function. More detailed description of API is available at [Fast BERT API doc](../api_doc) [//]: # (marker_feature_fastbert_bf16) ```python import torch from transformers import BertModel model = BertModel.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased") model.eval() vocab_size = model.config.vocab_size batch_size = 1 seq_length = 512 data = torch.randint(vocab_size, size=[batch_size, seq_length]) torch.manual_seed(43) #################### code changes #################### # noqa F401 import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex model = ipex.fast_bert(model, dtype=torch.bfloat16) ###################################################### # noqa F401 with torch.no_grad(): model(data) print("Execution finished") ``` [//]: # (marker_feature_fastbert_bf16)