# Intel FPGA admission controller for Kubernetes Table of Contents * [Introduction](#introduction) * [Dependencies](#dependencies) * [Installation](#installation) * [Pre-requisites](#pre-requisites) * [Mappings](#mappings) * [Deployment](#deployment) * [Webhook deployment](#webhook-deployment) * [Mappings deployment](#mappings-deployment) * [Next steps](#next-steps) ## Introduction The FPGA admission controller is one of the components used to add support for Intel FPGA devices to Kubernetes. > **NOTE:** Installation of the FPGA admission controller can be skipped if the > [FPGA device plugin](../fpga_plugin/README.md) is operated with the Intel Device Plugins Operator > since it integrates the controller's functionality. The FPGA admission controller webhook is responsible for performing mapping from user-friendly function IDs to the Interface ID and Bitstream ID that are required for FPGA programming by the [FPGA CRI-O hook](../fpga_crihook/README.md). Mappings are stored in namespaced custom resource definition (CRD) objects, therefore the admission controller also performs access control, determining which bitstream can be used for which namespace. More details can be found in the [Mappings](#mappings) section. The admission controller also keeps the user from bypassing namespaced mapping restrictions, by denying admission of any pods that are trying to use internal knowledge of InterfaceID or Bitstream ID environment variables used by the prestart hook. ## Dependencies This component is one of a set of components that work together. You may also want to install the following: - [FPGA device plugin](../fpga_plugin/README.md) - [FPGA prestart CRI-O hook](../fpga_crihook/README.md) All components have the same basic dependencies as the [generic plugin framework dependencies](../../README.md#about) ## Installation The following sections detail how to obtain, build and deploy the admission controller webhook plugin. ### Pre-requisites The default webhook deployment depends on having [cert-manager](https://cert-manager.io/) installed. See its installation instructions [here](https://cert-manager.io/docs/installation/kubectl/). Also if your cluster operates behind a corporate proxy make sure that the API server is configured not to send requests to cluster services through the proxy. You can check that with the following command: ```bash $ kubectl describe pod kube-apiserver --namespace kube-system | grep -i no_proxy | grep "\.svc" ``` In case there's no output and your cluster was deployed with `kubeadm` open `/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml` at the control plane nodes and append `.svc` and `.svc.cluster.local` to the `no_proxy` environment variable: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: ... spec: containers: - command: - kube-apiserver - --advertise-address= ... env: - name: http_proxy value: http://proxy.host:8080 - name: https_proxy value: http://proxy.host:8433 - name: no_proxy value:,localhost,.example.com,,.svc,.svc.cluster.local ... ``` **Note:** To build clusters using `kubeadm` with the right `no_proxy` settings from the very beginning, set the cluster service names to `$no_proxy` before `kubeadm init`: ``` $ export no_proxy=$no_proxy,.svc,.svc.cluster.local ``` ## Mappings Mappings is a an essential part of the setup that gives a flexible instrument to a cluster administrator to manage FPGA bitstreams and to control access to them. Being a set of custom resource definitions they are used to configure the way FPGA resource requests get translated into actual resources provided by the cluster. For the following mapping ```yaml apiVersion: fpga.intel.com/v2 kind: AcceleratorFunction metadata: name: arria10.dcp1.2-nlb0-preprogrammed spec: afuId: d8424dc4a4a3c413f89e433683f9040b interfaceId: 69528db6eb31577a8c3668f9faa081f6 mode: af ``` requested FPGA resources are translated to AF resources. For example, `fpga.intel.com/arria10.dcp1.2-nlb0-preprogrammed` is translated to `fpga.intel.com/af-695.d84.aVKNtusxV3qMNmj5-qCB9thCTcSko8QT-J5DNoP5BAs` where the `af-` prefix indicates the plugin's mode (`af`), `695` is the first three characters of the region interface ID, `d84` is the first three characters of the accelerator function ID and the last part `aVKNtusxV3qMNmj5-qCB9thCTcSko8QT-J5DNoP5BAs` is a base64-encoded concatenation of the full region interface ID and accelerator function ID. The format of resource names (e.g. `arria10.dcp1.2-nlb0-preprogrammed`) can be any and is up to a cluster administrator. The same mapping, but with its mode field set to `region`, would translate `fpga.intel.com/arria10.dcp1.2-nlb0-preprogrammed` to `fpga.intel.com/region-69528db6eb31577a8c3668f9faa081f6`, and the corresponding AF IDs are set in environment variables for the container. Though in this case the cluster administrator would probably want to rename the mapping `arria10.dcp1.2-nlb0-preprogrammed` to something like `arria10.dcp1.2-nlb0-orchestrated` to reflect its mode. The [FPGA CRI-O hook](../fpga_crihook/README.md) then loads the requested bitstream to a region before the container is started. Mappings of resource names are configured with objects of `AcceleratorFunction` and `FpgaRegion` custom resource definitions found respectively in [`./deployment/fpga_admissionwebhook/crd/bases/fpga.intel.com_af.yaml`](/deployments/fpga_admissionwebhook/crd/bases/fpga.intel.com_acceleratorfunctions.yaml) and [`./deployment/fpga_admissionwebhook/crd/bases/fpga.intel.com_region.yaml`](/deployments/fpga_admissionwebhook/crd/bases/fpga.intel.com_fpgaregions.yaml). Example mappings between 'names' and 'ID's are controlled by the admission controller mappings collection file found in [`./deployments/fpga_admissionwebhook/mappings-collection.yaml`](/deployments/fpga_admissionwebhook/mappings-collection.yaml). ### Deployment #### Webhook deployment To deploy the webhook, run ```bash $ kubectl apply -k https://github.com/intel/intel-device-plugins-for-kubernetes/deployments/fpga_admissionwebhook/default?ref=main namespace/intelfpgawebhook-system created customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/acceleratorfunctions.fpga.intel.com created customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/fpgaregions.fpga.intel.com created mutatingwebhookconfiguration.admissionregistration.k8s.io/intelfpgawebhook-mutating-webhook-configuration created clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/intelfpgawebhook-manager-role created clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/intelfpgawebhook-manager-rolebinding created service/intelfpgawebhook-webhook-service created deployment.apps/intelfpgawebhook-webhook created certificate.cert-manager.io/intelfpgawebhook-serving-cert created issuer.cert-manager.io/intelfpgawebhook-selfsigned-issuer created ``` #### Mappings deployment Mappings deployment is a mandatory part of the webhook deployment. You should prepare and deploy mappings that describe FPGA bitstreams available in your cluster. Example mappings collection [`./deployments/fpga_admissionwebhook/mappings-collection.yaml`](/deployments/fpga_admissionwebhook/mappings-collection.yaml) can be used as an example for cluster mappings. This collection is not intended to be deployed as is, it should be used as a reference and example of your own cluster mappings. To deploy the mappings, run ```bash $ kubectl apply -f ``` Note that the mappings are scoped to the namespaces they were created in and they are applicable to pods created in the corresponding namespaces. ## Next steps Continue with [FPGA prestart CRI-O hook](../fpga_crihook/README.md).