Getting started

This project is based on Zephyr RTOS, so a Zephyr development environment is required.


  • GitHub account

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or later.


Alternatively Ubuntu shell installed on Windows can be used.


If working in VPN or intranet environment need to set-up company proxy correctly for the command line tools which may include but not limited to apt-get wget, pip, git.

Setting Up Zephyr environment

Refer to the official Zephyr’s Getting Started Guide while reviewing considerations below during each step.


Latest EC FW Open source project is based on Zephyr v3.2 so need to refer to Zephyr v3.2 documentation and use Zephyr SDK 0.15.1.

1) OS selection

Recommended OS is Ubuntu since environment setup is simpler and Zephyr SDK is not available in Windows.

2) Install dependencies

Steps 2.1 and 2.2 from Zephyr guide are mandatory.


If the tool is already present in the Ubuntu host, uninstall it and get the latest from a third-party Ubuntu repository as indicated.

3) Get Zephyr and Python dependencies

Steps 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.7 from Zephyr guide are mandatory. This will retrieve a copy Zephyr RTOS and install all python dependencies.


Zephyr copy cloned during this step is the latest kernel version under development and is not used as part of EC FW project.

4) Install Zephyr SDK and toolchain

Steps 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 from Zephyr guide are mandatory. Step 4.4 is only required if flashing HW via command line instead of using Dediprog.


A toolchain is needed in some cases to compile for a specific EC SoC. Zephyr SDK already contains several toolchains. This project uses Microchip MEC15xx/MEC172x which is an arm-based microcontroller, so gnu arm-eabi toolchain included in SDK can be used.

5) EC SoC vendor-specific setup

Currently only MEC15xx and MEC172x are supported. Perform steps 1 to 3 from Setup section in MEC15xx EVB Setup guide and steps 2 to 4 from Setup section in MEC172x EVB Setup guide


GitHub repo root folder is MEC SPI generator tools

Getting EC FW framework code

1) Clone main repository

Create a folder sandbox and clone ecfw-zephyr project

mkdir ~/sandbox
cd ~/sandbox
git clone

2) Obtain the dependencies

Navigate to west manifest location inside ecfw-zephyr and re-initialize west

cd ecfw-zephyr
west init -l

See EC FW’s dependencies

west list




external repository










Retrieve all external project dependencies

west update

Your directory structure should look like this:

|____ecfw-zephyr               This repository
|____ecfwwork/modules          Zephyr RTOS modules includes EC SoC HAL
|____ecfwwork/zephyr_fork      Snapshot from Zephyr RTOS

3) Apply back-ported fixes

Some additional patches are required to be applied to the Zephyr kernel for building the open source EC FW application. The latest release is based out of Zephyr v3.2 and hence these patches need to be applied on that branch.

These patches are expected to be part of the future Zephyr releases (if they are not already integrated).

Note: Below steps assume environment has been setup as indicated in the main Intel Open source EC FW documentation.

  1. Check out the main branch

cd ecfw-zephyr
git checkout master
  1. Apply zephyr patches on to the kernel branch

cd ../ecfwwork/zephyr_fork
git am ../../ecfw-zephyr/zephyr_patches/patches_v3.2.patch


If west init throws an error during the step above, it means it detected a previous west installation. It’s safe to delete/backup pre-existing “.west” folder

For other problems refer to west documentation.

Building and flashing

1) Set zephyr environment variables

Run the following command to indicate to Zephyr SDK tool active Zephyr path.

cd ~/sandbox/ecfwwork/zephyr_fork


Multiple zephyr trees can coexist under same environment, setting ZEPHYR_BASE environment variable through this script allows to switch between them.

2) Build EC FW

Go back to ecfw-zephyr main folder and build the application and all its dependencies. Below commands indicate details for each board. See Supported hardware section for more details.

cd ~/sandbox/ecfw-zephyr
# Building for MTL-S (on-board EC)
west build -c -p auto -b mec172x_mtl_s

# Building for MTL-P (on-board EC)
west build -c -p auto -b mec1501_mtl_p

# Building for TGL + MECC card (deprecated)
west build -c -p always -b mec1501modular_assy6885 -- -DCONFIG_MEC15XX_AIC_ON_TGL=y

# Building for MTL-P + MECC card (i.e. mec172x)
west build -c -p always -b mec172xmodular_assy6930


Additional EC vendors are enabling their MECC cards in Zephyr. Similar build is possible replacing -b <modular board>.

If build is successful, zephyr.bin and ksc.bin will be generated.


For modular cards this steps generates spi_image.bin instead.

ls  ~/sandbox/ecfw-zephyr/build/zephyr/*.bin


1) If build command gives error indicating no ZEPHYR_BASE or no zephyr repository, make sure that step 1) is executed correctly.

printenv | grep ZEPHYR_BASE
  1. If spi_image.bin is not generated, revisit EC vendor-specific setup.

    1. Ensure SPI generator is available

    printenv | grep SPI_GEN
    1. Confirm the file is executable

    ls -l /usr/local/bin/everglades_spi_gen_lin64

    If file is not executable, make it executable.

    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/everglades_spi_gen_lin64

Flash EC FW

Flash EC FW as indicated in Official Intel documentation in RVP user guide using Dediprog. Refer to Intel documentation.