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How to Run DLSA Single Node Fine-Tuning Pipeline with Stock PyTorch

Running on CPU

Single node


By default, it will launch 1 instance to run fine-tuning with SST-2 dataset and FP32 precision. You can change the configurations in the file or pass parameters when running the script.

Below is the help message by using the command ./fine-tuning/ -h:

Usage: ./fine-tuning/ [OPTIONS]
OPTION includes:
   -l | --log_name - the log name of this round
   -d | --dataset - [imdb|sst2] wether to use imdb or sst2 DATASET
   -b | --batch_size - batch size per instance
   -s | --sequence_len - max sequence length
   ~~--bf16_ipex_ft - wether to use bf16_ipex_ft precision~~
   ~~--fp32_ipex_ft - wether to use fp32_ipex_ft precision~~
   -h | --help - displays this message