.. _gfpmethod: GFpMethod ========= Returns a reference to an implementation of arithmetic operations over GF(q). Syntax ------ const IppsGFpMethod\* ippsGFpMethod_p192r1(void); const IppsGFpMethod\* ippsGFpMethod_p224r1(void); const IppsGFpMethod\* ippsGFpMethod_p256r1(void); const IppsGFpMethod\* ippsGFpMethod_p384r1(void); const IppsGFpMethod\* ippsGFpMethod_p521r1(void); const IppsGFpMethod\* ippsGFpMethod_p256sm2(void); const IppsGFpMethod\* ippsGFpMethod_pArb(void); Include Files ------------- ``ippcp.h`` Description ----------- Each of these functions returns a pointer to a structure containing an implementation of arithmetic operations over GF(``q``). ippsGFpMethod_pArb() assumes an arbitrary modulus ``q``; each of the rest of the functions returns a pointer to the implementation of arithmetic operations over GF(``q``) tailored for a particular ``q``. See the table below for the correspondence between method functions and values of the modulus ``q``. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Function - Value of modulus ``q`` * - ippsGFpMethod_p192r1() - ``q`` = 2\ :sup:`192` - 2\ :sup:`64` - 1 * - ippsGFpMethod_p224r1() - ``q`` = 2\ :sup:`224` - 2\ :sup:`96` - 1 * - ippsGFpMethod_p256r1() - ``q`` = 2\ :sup:`256` - 2\ :sup:`224` + 2\ :sup:`192` + 2\ :sup:`96` - 1 * - ippsGFpMethod_p384r1() - ``q`` = 2\ :sup:`384` - 2\ :sup:`128` - 2\ :sup:`96` + 2\ :sup:`32` - 1 * - ippsGFpMethod_p521r1() - ``q`` = 2\ :sup:`521` - 1 * - ippsGFpMethod_p256sm2() - ``q`` = 2\ :sup:`256` - 2\ :sup:`224` - 2\ :sup:`96` + 2\ :sup:`64` - 1 * - ippsGFpMethod_pArb() - Arbitrary modulus ``q``