.. _gfpecverifynr: GFpECVerifyNR ============= Verifies authenticity of the digital signature over a message digest (the Nyberg-Rueppel scheme). Syntax ------ IppStatus ippsGFpECVerifyNR(onst IppsBigNumState\* pMsgDigest, const IppsGFpECPoint\* pRegPublic, const IppsBigNumState\* pSignR, const IppsBigNumState\* pSignS, IppECResult\* pResult, IppsGFpECState\* pEC, Ipp8u\* pScratchBuffer); Include Files ------------- ``ippcp.h`` Parameters ---------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - pMsgDigest - Pointer to the message digest ``msg``. * - pRegPublic - Pointer to the signer's regular public key. * - pSignR - Pointer to the integer ``r`` of the digital signature. * - pSignS - Pointer to the integer ``s`` of the digital signature. * - pResult - Pointer to the digital signature verification result. * - pEC - Pointer to the context of the elliptic curve. * - pScratchBuffer - Pointer to the scratch buffer. Description ----------- The function verifies authenticity of the digital signature over a message digest ``msg``. The signature consists of two large integers: ``r`` and ``s``. The scheme used to compute the digital signature is an elliptic curve analogue of the El-Gamal Digital Signature scheme with the message recovery (the Nyberg-Rueppel signature scheme). You can get the message sender's regular public key ``regPubKey`` by calling the function `GFpECPublicKey `__. The result of the digital signature verification can take one of two possible values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - ippECValid - Digital signature is valid. * - ippECInvalidSignature - Digital signature is not valid. The call to the GFpECVerifyNR function must be preceded by a call to the `GFpECSignNR `__ function which computes the digital signature over the message digest ``msg`` and represents the signature with two numbers: ``r`` and ``s``. The elliptic curve domain parameters must be hitherto defined by the functions: `GFpECInitStd `__, `GFpECInit `__, `GFpECSet `__, or `GFpECSetSubgroup `__. For more information on digital signatures, please refer to the [`ANSI `__] standard. Return Values ------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - ippStsNoErr - Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or warning. * - ippStsNullPtrErr - Indicates an error condition if any of the specified pointers is NULL. * - ippStsContextMatchErr - Indicates an error condition if any of the contexts pointed to by pMsgDigest, pRegPublic, pSignR, pSignS, or pEC does not match the operation. * - ippStsMessageErr - Indicates an error condition if the value of ``msg`` pointed to by pMsgDigest falls outside the range of [1, ``n``-1] where ``n`` is the order of the elliptic curve base point ``G``. * - ippStsRangeErr - Indicates an error condition if any of the parameters pointed to by pSignR or pSignS is negative. * - ippStsOutOfRangeErr - Indicates an error condition if the public key point does not belong to the finite field over which the elliptic curve is initialized. * - ippStsNotSupportedModeErr - Indicates an error condition if the finite field GFp under the elliptic curve is not prime.