.. _eccpsetstd: ECCPSetStd ========== Sets up a recommended set of domain parameters for an elliptic curve over GF(*p*). Syntax ------ IppStatus ippsECCPSetStd128r1(IppsECCPState\* pECC); IppStatus ippsECCPSetStd128r2(IppsECCPState\* pECC); IppStatus ippsECCPSetStd192r1(IppsECCPState\* pECC); IppStatus ippsECCPSetStd224r1(IppsECCPState\* pECC); IppStatus ippsECCPSetStd256r1(IppsECCPState\* pECC); IppStatus ippsECCPSetStd384r1(IppsECCPState\* pECC); IppStatus ippsECCPSetStd521r1(IppsECCPState\* pECC); IppStatus ippsECCPSetStdSM2(IppsECCPState\* pECC); IppStatus ippsECCPSetStd(IppECCType flag, IppsECCPState\* pECC); Include Files ------------- ``ippcp.h`` Parameters ---------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - flag - Set specifier. * - pECC - Pointer to the cryptosystem context. Description ----------- Each of the ECCPSetStd functions sets a recommended set of domain parameters for an elliptic curve over a prime finite field GF(*p*). **Functions with One Parameter** All the functions but the last one set domain parameters for standard elliptic curves, listed in table `Standard Elliptic Curves `__. Before a call to each of these functions, create the cryptosystem context by calling the appropriate `ECCPGetSizeStd `__ and `ECCPInitStd `__ functions. **Function with Two Parameters** For the last function, the value of the parameter flag defines the set of domain parameters. Possible values of flag are as follows: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - IppECCPStd112r1 - For the cryptosystem context where feBitSize==112 * - IppECCPStd112r2 - For the cryptosystem context where feBitSize==112 * - IppECCPStd128r1 - For the cryptosystem context where feBitSize==128 * - IppECCPStd128r2 - For the cryptosystem context where feBitSize==128 * - IppECCPStd160r1 - For the cryptosystem context where feBitSize==160 * - IppECCPStd160r2 - For the cryptosystem context where feBitSize==160 * - IppECCPStd192r1 - For the cryptosystem context where feBitSize==192 * - IppECCPStd224r1 - For the cryptosystem context where feBitSize==224 * - IppECCPStd256r1 - For the cryptosystem context where feBitSize==256 * - IppECCPStd384r1 - For the cryptosystem context where feBitSize==384 * - IppECCPStd521r1 - For the cryptosystem context where feBitSize==521. For more information on parameter values for the recommended elliptic curves, see [`SEC2 `__]. Before a call to this function, create the cryptosystem context by calling the `ECCPGetSize `__ and `ECCPInit `__ functions. The value of feBitSize is applied when these functions are called and predetermines the choice of the flag value. Return Values ------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - ippStsNoErr - Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or warning. * - ippStsNullPtrErr - Indicates an error condition if any of the specified pointers is NULL. * - ippStsContextMatchErr - Indicates an error condition if the cryptosystem context is not valid. * - ippStsECCInvalidFlagErr - Indicates an error condition if the value of the parameter flag is not valid.