.. _arithmetic-of-the-group-of-elliptic-curve-points: Arithmetic of the Group of Elliptic Curve Points ================================================ This section describes the Intel IPP functions that implement arithmetic operations with points of elliptic curves [`EC `__]. The elliptic curve is defined by the following equation: ``y``\ :sup:`2` = ``x``\ :sup:`3` + ``A`` ⋅ ``x`` + ``B`` where * ``A`` and ``B`` are the parameters of the curve * ``x`` and ``y`` are the coordinates of a point on the curve This document considers elliptic curves constructed over the finite field GF(``p``) (prime or its extension), therefore the arithmetic of elliptic curves is based on the arithmetic of the underlying finite field. In the equation above, ``A, B, x,`` and ``y`` belong to the underlying field GF(``p``). .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 gfpecgetsize gfpecinit gfpecset gfpecsetsubgroup gfpecinitstd gfpecget gfpecgetsubgroup gfpecscratchbuffersize gfpecverify gfpecpointgetsize gfpecpointinit gfpecsetpointatinfinity gfpecsetpoint-gfpecsetpointregular gfpecsetpointoctstring gfpecsetpointrandom gfpecmakepoint gfpecsetpointhash-gfpecsetpointhashbackcompatible-gfpecsetpointhash_rmf-gfpecsetpointhashbackcompatible_rmf gfpecgetpoint-gfpecgetpointregular gfpecgetpointoctstring gfpectstpoint gfpectstpointinsubgroup gfpeccpypoint gfpeccmppoint gfpecnegpoint gfpecaddpoint gfpecmulpoint gfpecprivatekey-gfpecpublickey-gfpectstkeypair gfpecpublickey gfpectstkeypair gfpecpsharedsecretdh-gfpecpsharedsecretdhc gfpecsharedsecretdhc gfpecpsigndsa-gfpecpsignnr-gfpecpsignsm2 gfpecpverifydsa-gfpecpverifynr-gfpecpverifysm2 gfpecsignnr gfpecverifynr gfpecsignsm2 gfpecverifysm2