.. _arcfourpack-arcfourunpack: ARCFourPack, ARCFourUnpack ========================== Packs/unpacks the IppsARCFourSpec context into/from a user-defined buffer (deprecated). Syntax ------ IppStatus ippsARCFourPack (const IppsARCFourState\* pCtx, Ipp8u\* pBuffer); IppStatus ippsARCFourUnpack (const Ipp8u\* pBuffer, IppsARCFourState\* pCtx); Include Files ------------- ``ippcp.h`` Parameters ---------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - pCtx - Pointer to the IppsARCFourState context. * - pBuffer - Pointer to the user-defined buffer. Description ----------- .. note:: These functions are deprecated. The ARCFourPack function transforms the \*pCtx context to a position-independent form and stores it in the \*pBuffer buffer. The ARCFourUnpack function performs the inverse operation, that is, transforms the contents of the \*pBuffer buffer into a normal IppsARCFourState context. The ARCFourPack and ARCFourUnpack functions enable replacing the position-dependent IppsARCFourState context in the memory. Call the `ARCFourGetSize `__ function prior to ARCFourPack/ARCFourUnpack to determine the size of the buffer. Return Values ------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - ippStsNoErr - Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or warning. * - ippStsNullPtrErr - Indicates an error condition if any of the specified pointers is NULL.