
The following describes the minimum number of steps to get started with CRI Resource Manager.


  • containerd container runtime installed and running

  • kubelet installed on your nodes

Setup CRI-Resmgr

First, install and setup cri-resource-manager.

Install package

CentOS*, Fedora*, and SUSE*

CRIRM_VERSION=`curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/intel/cri-resource-manager/releases/latest" | \
               jq .tag_name | tr -d '"v'`
source /etc/os-release
[ "$ID" = "sles" ] && export ID=opensuse-leap
sudo rpm -Uvh https://github.com/intel/cri-resource-manager/releases/download/v${CRIRM_VERSION}/cri-resource-manager-${CRIRM_VERSION}-0.${ID}-${VERSION_ID}.x86_64.rpm

Ubuntu* and Debian*

CRIRM_VERSION=`curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/intel/cri-resource-manager/releases/latest" | \
               jq .tag_name | tr -d '"v'`
source /etc/os-release
pkg=cri-resource-manager_${CRIRM_VERSION}_${ID}-${VERSION_ID}_amd64.deb; curl -LO https://github.com/intel/cri-resource-manager/releases/download/v${CRIRM_VERSION}/${pkg}; sudo dpkg -i ${pkg}; rm ${pkg}

Setup and verify

Create configuration and start cri-resource-manager

sudo cp /etc/cri-resmgr/fallback.cfg.sample /etc/cri-resmgr/fallback.cfg
sudo systemctl enable cri-resource-manager && sudo systemctl start cri-resource-manager

See that cri-resource-manager is running

systemctl status cri-resource-manager

Kubelet setup

Next, you need to configure kubelet to use cri-resource-manager as it’s container runtime endpoint.

Existing cluster

When integrating into an existing cluster you need to change kubelet to use cri-resmgr instead of the existing container runtime (expecting containerd here).

CentOS, Fedora, and SUSE

sudo sed '/KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS/ s!$! --container-runtime-endpoint=/var/run/cri-resmgr/cri-resmgr.sock!' -i /etc/sysconfig/kubelet
sudo systemctl restart kubelet

Ubuntu and Debian

sudo sed '/KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS/ s!$! --container-runtime-endpoint=/var/run/cri-resmgr/cri-resmgr.sock!' -i /etc/default/kubelet
sudo systemctl restart kubelet

New Cluster

When in the process of setting up a new cluster you simply point the kubelet to use the cri-resmgr cri sockets on cluster node setup time. Here’s an example with kubeadm:

kubeadm join --cri-socket /var/run/cri-resmgr/cri-resmgr.sock \

What Next

Congratulations, you now have cri-resource-manager running on your system and policying container resource allocations. Next, you could see:

  • Installation for more installation options and detailed installation instructions

  • Setup for details on setup and usage

  • Node Agent for setting up cri-resmgr-agent for dynamic configuration and more

  • Webhook for setting up our resource-annotating webhook

  • Support for Kata Containers* for setting up CRI-RM with Kata Containers