Asynchronous computation

Much of what happens in firmware is asynchronous and event-driven. Tasks get scheduled for future execution. After sending a messages to a remote endpoint, a reply will return at some point. Flows wait for hardware to change signals before proceeding.

The asynchronous building blocks provided by this library follow the ideas in P2300, the C++ proposal for an execution model based on senders and receivers. Among the aims:

  • a declarative style of specifying asynchronous behaviour

  • easy composition of asynchronous tasks

  • control of when and where tasks run in an asynchronous context

  • structured error handling that is easy to use

  • clear and safe management of asynchronous object lifetimes

The design is a mature one, proved in practice at Facebook and other companies, and rooted in compositional patterns inspired from functional programming. But there is no need to be a functional programming expert to use this library.

Names in this library purposefully follow naming in the standard proposal. If you have a beef with naming, take it up with the C++ standards committee. For our purposes it is important not to introduce an extra source of confusion by changing names; this library is a partial implementation of P2300, thus external documentation is also useful.


If you are new to these ideas, it is best to forget anything you think you know about what "sender" and "receiver" might mean, and for now, try to treat them as abstract concepts.


A sender is an object that describes a unit of asynchronous work. Most user code deals with defining and composing senders. You can think of a sender as a function that will run asynchronously, and the return type of that function characterises the sender.


A receiver is an object that handles what a sender returns. Receivers are the glue between senders, but are absent from user code; they exist under the hood. A receiver has three callbacks for handling three states:

  • set_value (success: handling whatever value a sender returns)

  • set_error (failure: handling an error)

  • set_stopped (cancellation)

Operation states

An operation state is the state that represents an asynchronous task. Operation states are concrete objects whose lifetime covers the asynchronous work. Just as synchronous function calls form an execution stack, operation states nest like an onion, the inner layers representing asynchronous operations that complete before the outer layers.

The details of operation states are also mostly absent from user code. An operation state is the result of a call to connect a sender with a receiver.


A scheduler is a handle to some compute resource. In the context of the proposal that is a broad definition: for this library, a scheduler comes primarily from the timer and scheduler components. Something that can actually run an asynchronous task.

External references

Composing senders

Sender composition makes up most of what user code does. This is the process of defining how tasks run with respect to each other, e.g. "run task A, then forward what it returns to task B". To that end, there are three kinds of functions in the library:

  • sender factories: functions that return senders and represent entry points of asynchronous computation.

  • sender adaptors: functions that take one or more senders and return a sender that is somehow the composition of them.

  • sender consumers: functions that take a sender and actually kick off the asynchronous work.

Creating and composing senders does not do any work. Senders only describe a computation. After composing multiple senders into a sender, a sender consumer will actually start the work.

Sender factories


Found in the header: async/just.hpp

just returns a sender that produces the provided values.

auto sndr = async::just(42, 17);
// sndr produces (sends) the values 42 and 17

just can be given a name that is used for debug events. By default, its name is "just".

auto sndr = async::just<"the answer">(42);
For functional programmers

just is equivalent to pure or return: lifting a value into the continuation monad.


Found in the header: async/just.hpp

just_error is like just, but instead of completing by calling set_value on a receiver, it will call set_error.

auto sndr = async::just_error(42);
// sndr produces (sends) the value 42 on the error channel

just_error can be given a name that is used for debug events. By default, its name is "just_error".

auto sndr = async::just_error<"oops">(42);


Found in the header: async/just_result_of.hpp

just_error_result_of is like just_error, but instead of taking raw values, it takes functions that produce values.

auto sndr1 = async::just_error_result_of([] { return 42; });
// sndr1 sends 42 on the error channel

auto sndr2 = async::just_error_result_of([] { return 42; },
                                         [] { do_something(); });
// sndr2 also sends 42 on the error channel,
// as well as executing do_something() - which returns void

just_error_result_of can be given a name that is used for debug events. By default, its name is "just_error_result_of".

auto sndr = async::just_error_result_of<"oops">([] { return 42; });
Do not rely on the order of evaluation of the functions given to just_error_result_of!
Only one value can be sent on the error channel. Hence just_error is a unary function. However just_error_result_of is an n-ary function: exactly one of the functions passed must return something other than void.


Found in the header: async/just_result_of.hpp

just_result_of is like just, but instead of taking raw values, it takes functions that produce values.

auto sndr1 = async::just_result_of([] { return 42; },
                                   [] { return 17; });
// sndr1 produces (sends) the values 42 and 17

auto sndr2 = async::just_result_of([] { return 42; },
                                   [] { do_something(); },
                                   [] { return 17; });
// sndr2 also produces (sends) the values 42 and 17,
// as well as executing do_something() - which returns void

just_result_of can be given a name that is used for debug events. By default, its name is "just_result_of".

auto sndr = async::just_result_of<"the answer">([] { return 42; });
Do not rely on the order of evaluation of the functions given to just_result_of!

just_result_of behaves the same way as just followed by then:

auto s = async::just_result_of([] { return 42; });

// as if:
auto s = async::just() | async::then([] { return 42; });


Found in the header: async/just.hpp

just_stopped is like just, but instead of completing by calling set_value on a receiver, it will call set_stopped.

auto sndr = async::just_stopped();
// sndr completes on the stopped channel

just_stopped can be given a name that is used for debug events. By default, its name is "just_stopped".

auto sndr = async::just_stopped<"cancel">();


Found in the header: async/read_env.hpp

read_env takes a tag and returns a sender that sends the value denoted by that tag, pulled from the environment of the receiver the sender is connected to.

auto s = async::read_env(async::get_stop_token_t{});
// when connected to a receiver, s will send the stop token from that receiver's environment

read_env has some built-in aliases for well-known tags:

auto s1 = async::get_stop_token(); // same as async::read_env(async::get_stop_token_t{});
auto s2 = async::get_scheduler();  // same as async::read_env(async::get_scheduler_t{});

read_env (and its tag aliases) can be given a name that is used for debug events. By default, the name is the name exposed by the tag, or if there is no such name, "read_env".

auto s1 = async::get_stop_token<"gst">(); // name = "gst"
auto s2 = async::get_stop_token();        // name = "get_stop_token"
auto s3 = async::read_env(unnamed_tag{}); // name = "read_env"


See Schedulers.

A scheduler's schedule function returns a sender that produces nothing, but represents running on that scheduler’s compute resource. We can chain more work (i.e. other senders) on to that starting point.

// s is a scheduler
auto sndr = s.schedule();
// sndr does no work (yet) but when consumed, will run according to that
// scheduler. We can use sender adaptors to compose more work.

Sender adaptors


Found in the header: async/continue_on.hpp

continue_on allows an asynchronous computation to switch where it is running.

// s1 and s2 are different schedulers representing different computation contexts
auto sndr = async::start_on(s1, async::just(42));
auto t = async::continue_on(sndr, s2);
auto transferred = async::then(t, [] (int i) { return std::to_string(i); });
// when transferred runs:
// first on s1 it will produce 42
// then on s2 it will convert 42 to a string, producing "42"
If the upstream sender causes the downstream scheduler to run, using continue_on is incorrect: incite_on should be used instead.


Found in the header: async/incite_on.hpp

incite_on is like continue_on but is for the use case where running a sender causes a scheduler to be triggered. It is intended for use with trigger_scheduler.

auto sndr = async::just([] { send_request(); });
          | async::incite_on(trigger_scheduler<"msg">{})
          | async::then([] (auto msg) { /* handle response */ });

auto on_recv_message(auto msg) {

// when sndr runs:
// send_message will send a request
// time passes...
// when the response is received, its handler calls run_triggers
// sndr continues on the trigger scheduler

The sender upstream of incite_on must complete by sending a function. When that function is called it will in some way cause the downstream scheduled sender to run. This may happen indirectly (e.g. as above, via another asynchronous mechanism like message reception), or directly. The upstream sender must complete successfully in one way — with this function — although it may still send an error, or be cancelled.

continue_on would be incorrect in this circumstance, because once the just completes and sends a message, continue_on(trigger_scheduler{}) is racing with message reception. If the message is received before the trigger_scheduler is ready to fire, the trigger would be missed.

The incited scheduler must produce a sender which completes asynchronously. A synchronous scheduler would require no incitement, and continue_on would be correct.


Found in the header: async/into_variant.hpp

into_variant adapts a sender that has several possible value completions into a sender with a single value completion that is a variant of tuples, where each tuple represents one of the original sender’s value completions.

auto sndr = async::make_variant_sender(
                [] { return async::just(42, 17); },
                [] { return async::just(2.718f, 3.14f); })
          | async::into_variant();

// sndr will complete with set_value(variant<tuple<int, int>, tuple<float, float>>)
Some sender consumers (like sync_wait) require the sender to have one possible value completion.


Found in the header: async/let_error.hpp

let_error is like let_value, but instead of applying the function to values, it applies to errors.

auto sndr = async::just_error(42);
auto let_sndr = async::let_error(sndr, [] (int i) { return async::just(std::to_string(i)); });
// when run, let_sndr will produce the string "42"


Found in the header: async/let_stopped.hpp

let_stopped is like let_value, but instead of applying the function to values, it applies to the stopped channel.

auto sndr = async::just_stopped();
auto let_sndr = async::let_stopped(sndr, [] { return async::just(42); });
// when run, let_sndr will produce 42


Found in the header: async/let_value.hpp

let_value is like then, but the function given to it will itself return a sender.

auto sndr = async::just(42);
auto let_sndr = async::let_value(sndr, [] (int i) { return async::just(std::to_string(i)); });
// when run, let_sndr will produce the string "42"
For functional programmers

let_value is equivalent to monadic bind.

A primary use case of let_value is to allow dynamic selection of senders at runtime based on what a previous sender produced. In this case, the function passed to let_value must return a single type. A naive approach doesn’t work:

auto sndr = async::just(42);
auto let_sndr = async::let_value(
    [] (int i) {
      if (i == 42) {
        return async::just(std::to_string(i));
      } else {
        return async::just_error(i);
// this fails to compile because the lambda tries to return either a just sender
// or a just_error: these are different types

For this use case, the function provided to let_value must return a variant sender : a sender that can encapsulate several others and select which one is used at runtime.

auto sndr = async::just(42);
auto let_sndr = async::let_value(
    [] (int i) {
      return async::make_variant_sender(
        i == 42,
        [=] { return async::just(std::to_string(i)); },
        [=] { return async::just_error(i); }

This works: using the helper function make_variant_sender, let_value can successfully make a runtime choice about which sender to proceed with.


Found in the header: async/repeat.hpp

repeat takes a sender and repeats it indefinitely. When the sender completes with a value, it is reconnected and restarted. This is useful for periodic tasks. A repeat sender can still be stopped, or complete with an error.

auto s = some_sender | async::repeat();
// when s runs, some_sender runs. If some_sender sends an error or is stopped, s
// reflects that. If some_sender completes successfully, the result is discarded
// and some_sender runs again.
repeat can cause stack overflows if used with a scheduler that doesn’t break the callstack, like inline_scheduler.


Found in the header: async/repeat.hpp

repeat_n works the same way as repeat, but repeats a given number of times.

repeat_n must always run at least once to be able to complete. So repeat_n(1) repeats once, i.e. runs twice. repeat_n(0) runs once (thus is redundant).


Found in the header: async/repeat.hpp

repeat_until works the same way as repeat, but repeats the sender until a given predicate returns true.

// this is the same as repeat_n(0), i.e. just run once
auto s = some_sender | async::repeat_until([] (auto&&...) { return true; });
The arguments passed to the predicate are those in the value completion(s) of the sender.


Found in the header: async/retry.hpp

retry takes a multishot sender and wraps it: if that sender sends an error, the error gets discarded and the sender is reconnected and restarted.

auto s = some_sender | async::retry();
// if some_sender sends an error, it will be reconnected and restarted
// s completes when some_sender completes with set_value or set_stopped
retry can cause stack overflows if used with a scheduler that doesn’t break the callstack, like inline_scheduler.


Found in the header: async/retry.hpp

retry_until works like retry, but takes a predicate. If the predicate returns true, retry_until can complete on the error channel.

// this is the same as just running the sender
auto s = some_sender | async::retry_until([] (auto&&) { return true; });
The arguments passed to the predicate are those in the error completion(s) of the sender.


Found in the header: async/sequence.hpp

sequence is like let_value, but it must take a nullary function that returns a sender. In other words, the first sender’s values (if any) are discarded before the second sender is run.

auto sndr = async::just(17);
auto seq_sndr = async::sequence(sndr, [] { return async::just(42); });
// when run, seq_sndr will produce 42
For functional programmers

sequence is equivalent to (>>) in Haskell.

let_value should be used when dynamic sender selection at runtime is required based on a sent value. When it suffices to run one sender after another with no dependency between them, use sequence. Because sequence is more constrained, in some cases it allows more compile-time manipulation like sender attribute interrogation.

Sequencing unrelated senders is common enough that there is a shortcut for sequence that saves typing a lambda expression: seq.

auto seq_sndr = async::just(17) | async::seq(async::just(42));
// when run, seq_sndr will produce 42

seq is useful, but notice the difference between these two:

auto seq1 = async::seq(async::just(move_only_obj{}));
auto seq2 = async::sequence([] { return async::just(move_only_obj{}); });

They are compositionally the same. However seq1 constructs the sender (just) early; seq2 constructs the sender only when called. In this case with a move-only object, that means that seq1 is single shot, but seq2 is multishot.


Found in the header: async/split.hpp

Some senders are single shot: they can only run once. Doing so may consume resources that the sender owns. The call to connect such a sender has an overload for rvalue references only.

Other senders are multishot and can connect to multiple receivers and run multiple times.

split turns a single shot sender into a multishot sender. It has no effect when called on a multishot sender.


Found in the header: async/start_on.hpp

start_on takes a scheduler and a sender, and composes them so that the work will run on that scheduler. It chains the sender work onto the result of calling schedule.

// s is a scheduler
auto sndr = async::start_on(s, async::just(42));
// when run, sndr will execute on the compute resource specified by s, producing 42

start_on is equivalent to seq(scheduler.schedule(), sender):

auto sndr = s.schedule() | async::seq(async::just(42));


Found in the header: async/then.hpp

then takes a sender and a function, and returns a sender that will call the function with the values that the sender sends.

auto sndr = async::just(42);
auto then_sndr = async::then(sndr, [] (int i) { return std::to_string(i); });
// when run, then_sndr will produce the string "42"
For functional programmers

then is equivalent to fmap.

then can also take a variadic pack of functions, for a use case when the sender sends multiple values. This provides an easy way to apply a different function to each value, and avoids having to return a tuple of values which would then require extra handling downstream.

auto sndr = async::just(42, 17);
auto then_sndr = async::then(sndr,
    [] (int i) { return std::to_string(i); },
    [] (int j) { return j + 1; });
// when run, then_sndr will send "42" and 18

In both the "normal" and variadic cases, functions passed to then may return void. In the "normal" case, the resulting then sender completes by calling set_value with no arguments. In the variadic case, set_value will be called with the void-returns filtered out.

auto s1 = async::just(42);
auto normal_then = async::then(s1, [] (int) {});
// when run, this will call set_value() on the downstream receiver

auto s2 = async::just(42, 17);
auto variadic_then = async::then(s2,
    [] (int i) { return std::to_string(i); },
    [] (int) {});
// when run, this will call set_value("42") on the downstream receiver

In the variadic case, then can distribute the values sent from upstream to the functions by arity:

auto s = async::just(42, 17, false, "Hello"sv);
auto t = async::then(s,
    [] (int i, int j) { return i + j; },
    [] (auto b, std::string_view s) -> std::string_view { if (b) return s; else return "no"; },
    [] { return 1.0f; });
// when run, this will call set_value(59, "no", 1.0f) on the downstream receiver


Found in the header: async/timeout_after.hpp

timeout_after takes a sender, a duration and an error value, and returns a sender that will complete with an error after the given timeout. Otherwise it will complete as the given sender completes.

auto sndr = async::start_on(my_scheduler{}, async::just(42))
          | async::timeout_after(1s, error{17});
// when run, sndr will produce 42 on the value channel if my_scheduler runs within 1s
// otherwise it will produce error{17} on the error channel
timeout_after is implemented using stop_when.


Found in the header: async/then.hpp

upon_error works like then, but instead of applying the function to values, it applies to errors.

auto sndr = async::just_error(42);
auto then_sndr = async::upon_error(sndr, [] (int i) { return std::to_string(i); });
// when run, then_sndr will produce the string "42" as an error


Found in the header: async/then.hpp

upon_stopped works like then, but instead of applying the function to values, it applies to the stopped signal. Therefore the function takes no arguments.

auto sndr = async::just_stopped();
auto then_sndr = async::upon_stopped(sndr, [] { return 42; });
// when run, then_sndr will produce 42


Found in the header: async/when_all.hpp

when_all takes a number of senders and after they all complete, forwards all the values. If any of them produces an error or is cancelled, when_all cancels the remaining senders.

Each sender passed to when_all must complete with set_value in exactly one way.

auto s1 = async::just(42);
auto s2 = async::just(17);
auto w = async::when_all(s1, s2);
// when w runs, s1 and s2 both run, and downstream receives both 42 and 17
The order in which the sender arguments to when_all run is unspecified.
If no arguments are given to when_all, it will complete immediately. If only one argument is given to when_all, when_all has no effect. i.e. it behaves like the identity function.


Found in the header: async/when_any.hpp

when_any takes a number of senders and races them. It is available in different flavors:

when_any determines completion as soon as any of its senders completes with either set_value or set_error. It completes with the first such completion it sees. If all its senders are complete with set_stopped, when_any completes with set_stopped.

first_successful determines completion as soon as any of its senders completes with set_value. It completes with the first such completion it sees. If no senders complete with set_value, first_successful completes with the first set_error completion it sees. If all its senders complete with set_stopped, first_successful completes with set_stopped.

stop_when is a binary sender adaptor. It determines completion as soon as either of its senders completes on any channel. Because it’s a binary function, stop_when can also be piped.

As soon as a completion is determined, any remaining senders whose completion becomes irrelevant are cancelled.
auto s1 = async::just(42);
auto s2 = async::just(17);
auto w = async::when_any(s1, s2);
// when w runs, s1 and s2 race; downstream receives either 42 or 17
auto s = some_sender | async::stop_when(some_other_sender);
// when s runs, some_sender and some_other_sender race
// the first to complete determines the completion of s
// the other is requested to stop
For all flavors, the order in which the sender arguments run is unspecified.
Each of these functions completes after all of its senders complete. The completion reflects — according to flavor — which sender completed first, but it cannot occur before all senders complete (regardless of the channel each may complete on).
If no arguments are given to when_any, it will never complete unless it is cancelled. If only one argument is given to when_any, when_any has no effect. i.e. it behaves like the identity function.

Sender consumers


Found in the header: async/start_detached.hpp

start_detached takes a sender, connects and starts it, and returns, leaving the work running detached. The return value is a stdx::optional. If the optional is empty, the sender was not started. Otherwise, it contains a pointer to an inplace_stop_source that can be used to cancel the operation.

auto sndr = async::just(42);
auto started = async::start_detached(sndr);
// in this case, starting the sender also completes it

If a sender starts detached, its operation state has to be allocated somewhere. That is achieved through an allocator determined from the sender’s attributes. Without further customization, if a sender completes synchronously, it will use the stack_allocator by default. Otherwise it will use the static_allocator.

To hook into the static allocation strategy, a template argument (representing the name of the allocation domain) can be given to start_detached. This is used to select a static allocator.

auto result = async::start_detached<struct Name>(s);

The default template argument results in a different static_allocator for each call site, with a default allocation limit of 1. If a name is given, that name is used to specialize the static_allocator, and can be used with stop_detached to request cancellation.

If the allocator’s construct method returns false (presumably because the allocation limit has been reached), the result of start_detached is an empty optional.

An extra environment may be given to start_detached in order to control sender behaviour, or to specify a custom allocator:

auto result = async::start_detached(
    s, async::prop{async::get_allocator_t{}, custom_allocator{}}));


Found in the header: async/start_detached.hpp

start_detached_unstoppable behaves identically to start_detached, except that the returned optional value contains a pointer to a never_stop_source, which has the same interface as an inplace_stop_source but never actually cancels the operation. So start_detached_unstoppable is slightly more efficient than start_detached for the cases where cancellation is not required.

auto result = async::start_detached_unstoppable<struct Name>(s);


Found in the header: async/start_detached.hpp

A sender started with start_detached may be cancelled with stop_detached, using the same template argument:

struct Name;
auto result = async::start_detached<Name>(s);

// later, in another context...
auto stop_requested = async::stop_detached<Name>(); // true if a stop was requested

stop_detached will return false if it cannot request a stop:

  • because no sender with that name was given to start_detached

  • because the sender has already completed

  • because a stop was already requested

  • because the sender was started using start_detached_unstoppable

  • because the associated allocator supports multiple operation states, so a single template argument is not sufficient to determine which one to stop (in this case, the return value of start_detached may be used to request cancellation)


Found in the header: async/sync_wait.hpp

sync_wait takes a sender and:

  1. connects and starts it

  2. blocks waiting for it to complete

  3. returns any values it sends in a std::optional<stdx::tuple<…​>>

auto sndr = async::just(42);
auto [i] = async::sync_wait(sndr).value();
// i is now 42

As with start_detached, an extra environment may be given to sync_wait in order to control sender behaviour:

auto result = async::sync_wait(
    s, async::prop{async::get_custom_property_t{}, custom_property{}}));

Pipe syntax

We can compose senders with pipe syntax, which can make things easier to read. To take the continue_on example:

// this is equivalent to the previous non-piped continue_on example
auto async_computation =
  | async::then([] { return 42; })
  | async::continue_on(s2)
  | async::then([] (int i) { return std::to_string(i); });

It is also possible to compose sender adaptors with pipe syntax, allowing us to defer both where the operation runs and how the result is obtained:

auto async_computation =
  | async::then([] { return 42; })
  | async::continue_on(s2)
  | async::then([] (int i) { return std::to_string(i); });

s1.schedule() | async_computation | async::sync_wait();

Variant senders

Variant senders work primarily with let_value to provide a runtime choice in a computation. There are helper functions to create variant senders.

In the simplest formulation, make_variant_sender makes a choice between two senders based on a boolean value (just like an if statement). The consequent and alternative are lambda expressions:

auto s = async::make_variant_sender(/* boolean-expression */,
                                    [] { return /* a sender */; },
                                    [] { return /* a different sender */; });

This often suffices for a binary choice, but if we want a choice of more possibilities, the same function supports that:

auto s = async::make_variant_sender(
    async::match([] (auto...) { /* test A */ }) >> [] (auto...) { return /* sender A */; },
    async::match([] (auto...) { /* test B */ }) >> [] (auto...) { return /* sender B */; },
    async::match([] (auto...) { /* test C */ }) >> [] (auto...) { return /* sender C */; },
    async::otherwise                            >> [] (auto...) { return /* fallback */; },

Each predicate in turn receives the values of args…​; the first predicate that succeeds indicates the corresponding sender. The pattern matching must be exhaustive; otherwise is a helpful catch-all to achieve that.

In the simple binary choice overload of make_variant_sender, the functions take no arguments (but lambda expressions can capture what they need); in the second more general overload, the functions take the same arguments as the predicates do, so arguments can be used directly without capturing.

Capturing by reference is generally a bad idea in asynchronous code; it is easy to get dangling references that way. Init capture by move is preferable if needed.

Error handling

Sender adaptors won’t touch values and errors that they aren’t interested in, but will just pass them through, so we can do error handling in a compositional style:

auto s1 = async::just(42)
  | async::then([] (int i) { return i + 17; })
  | async::upon_error([] (int i) { return std::to_string(i); });
// when run, s1 will produce 59: upon_error had nothing to do

auto s2 = async::just_error(42)
  | async::then([] (int i) { return i + 17; })
  | async::upon_error([] (int i) { return std::to_string(i); });
// when run, s2 will produce the string "42" as an error: then had nothing to do


Cancellation is cooperative. That is the most important thing to remember: senders and receivers form a general framework for dealing with asynchronous computation; as such they do not prescribe any particular mechanism of concurrency. Senders and receivers know nothing about threads, fibres, interrupts, etc. So there is no way they could support any kind of pre-emptive cancellation.

Instead, we use stop_source, stop_token and stop_callback for cooperative cancellation.

A stop_source is a non-movable object that contains state (typically one or more atomic variables) relating to cancellation. It is the object that controls cancellation; to cancel an operation, call the associated stop_source 's request_stop() method.

A stop_token is a lightweight handle obtained from a stop_source. A stop_token can check whether an operation has been cancelled with the stop_requested() method. A source may hand out more than one token; all tokens will all observe the source in a thread-safe manner.

A stop_callback registers a callback that will be called on cancellation of a given stop_source. stop_callback 's constructor takes a stop_token associated with the stop_source.

Find more documentation for these constructs on In the senders and receivers framework, the following implementations are in the stop_token.hpp header:

  • async::inplace_stop_source - a non-movable type that keeps the state

  • async::inplace_stop_token - lightweight and copyable

  • async::inplace_stop_callback - also non-movable

None of these types causes allocation. inplace_stop_callback is similar to the scheduler and timer task types, implemented as an intrusive list (hence it is non-movable).

A stop_callback is called when stop_requested is called, not when an operation finally completes. It executes in the thread that calls stop_requested. If a stop_callback is constructed when a stop has already been requested, the callback will run immediately in the constructing thread.
Once more, cancellation is cooperative. Any parts of operations that don’t support cancellation will run to completion (and then may complete with set_stopped). Sender adaptors support cancellation at transition points.

Customizing senders and receivers

The framework provides a general set of adaptors for composing senders. Users will write their own senders, receivers, operation states, etc to provide for individual use cases.

The basics to remember are:

  • senders and receivers are movable (and probably copyable)

  • operation states may be non-movable

  • senders advertise what they send

Senders and receivers must always be movable. In particular, don’t put non-movable objects (e.g. atomic values, mutexes) into a receiver. The operation state, which may be non-movable, is the place to put them.

Completion signatures

Senders advertise the types that they may send.

One way to do this, for simple cases, is to expose a completion_signatures typedef. This is a type list of function signatures representing all the ways a sender may complete. The return type of each signature signals whether it is a success, error or cancellation. Some trivial examples:

// this just sends 42 (as if async::just(42))
struct just_42_sender {
  // ...
  // the only way it completes is by successfully sending an int
  using completion_signatures =
// this just sends 42 (as if async::just(42)),
// but it may also error with an error_t
struct just_42_or_error_sender {
  // ...
  using completion_signatures =
// this just sends 42 (as if async::just(42)),
// but it may also be stopped
struct just_42_or_stopped_sender {
  // ...
  using completion_signatures =

Another way that senders can advertise their completions is through a query. It looks like this:

// this just sends 42 (as if async::just(42))
struct just_42_sender {
  // ...
  // the only way it completes is by successfully sending an int
  template <typename Env>
  [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto get_completion_signatures(Env const &)
    -> async::completion_signatures<async::set_value_t(int)> {
    return {};

For a simple case like this both methods are equivalent. However, by using a query a sender can send types dependent on an environment - and when a sender connects to a receiver, the receiver provides that environment.


An important mechanism for customization is the idea of an environment. Environments are usually associated with receivers and the framework looks up values in the environment by using an overloaded query function. In particular, the framework calls R::query(get_env_t) to find the environment of a receiver type R, and E::query(get_stop_token_t) to find the stop token of an environment type E. async::get_env_t and async::get_stop_token_t are the tag types used for this purpose.

In practice, here’s what supporting that might look like for a custom receiver that supports cancellation:

struct custom_receiver {
  auto set_value(auto&&...) { ... }
  auto set_error(auto&&) { ... }
  auto set_stopped() { ... }

  [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto query(async::get_env_t) const {
    return async::prop{async::get_stop_token_t{}, stop_source->get_token()};

  inplace_stop_source* stop_source;

Given this, we can construct an arbitrary composition of senders with this as the final receiver. If we want to cancel the operation, we call request_stop() on the (external) inplace_stop_source. The internal senders, receivers and operation states in the composition can observe this request by querying the stop token in the environment for the final receiver, and this knowledge can propagate through the sender-receiver chain.

Remember that a receiver should not own a stop_source: receivers must be movable, and in general a stop_source is not.

Constructing and composing environments

An environment is conceptually a key-value store through which a receiver (or a sender) provides properties to algorithms (sender adaptors) to customize the way they work.

Some of the facilities for environment handling are covered in P3325.

A prop is a single key-value pair. Construct one with a query and the value that will be returned for that query.

auto e = async::prop{async::get_stop_token_t{}, stop_source->get_token()};
A prop is an environment. A small one, but it models the concepts required.

env is how we compose multiple properties, or multiple environments:

auto e = async::env{
           async::prop{async::get_stop_token_t{}, stop_source->get_token()},
           async::prop{async::get_allocator_t{}, async::stack_allocator{}}};

This allows us to use an existing environment and extend it with new properties, or override existing ones.

auto old_e = /* existing environment */;
auto e = async::env{
           async::prop{async::get_stop_token_t{}, stop_source->get_token()},

In this case, whether or not get_stop_token is a valid query on old_e, calling it on e will return the newly-provided stop token.

Sender attributes

Senders have attributes that can be retrieved with get_env in the same way as querying a receiver’s environment.

Don’t blame me for the name: it’s in P2300. Receivers have environments. Senders have attributes. Both are obtained by calling get_env.


A sender’s attributes often include its completion scheduler. In particular, a sender obtained from calling schedule on a scheduler will always have that scheduler as its completion scheduler. Perhaps that’s clearer in code:

auto orig_sched = /* some scheduler */;
auto sndr = orig_sched.schedule();
auto sched = async::get_completion_scheduler(async::get_env(sndr));

assert(sched == orig_sched);

get_completion_scheduler uses A::query(get_completion_scheduler_t) to find the completion scheduler for a sender’s attributes type A.


A sender’s attributes also include an allocator, that is used when start_detached is called.

auto sched = /* some scheduler */;
auto sndr = orig_sched.schedule();
auto alloc = async::get_allocator(async::get_env(sndr));

Similarly, get_allocator uses A::query(get_allocator_t) to find the allocator for a sender’s attributes type A.

Given a class T, an allocator supports two operations:

template <typename T>
struct allocator {
  // allocate space for a T and construct it with Args...
  // then, call F with the (rvalue) T
  // return false if unable to allocate T, otherwise true
  template <typename F, typename... Args> auto construct(F&&, Args &&...) -> bool;

  // destroy and deallocate a T
  auto destruct(T const *) -> void;
construct is a little different from what you might expect: it doesn’t return a pointer-to-T, it calls a given function with the constructed T. This allows easier support for stack allocators with non-movable objects (like operation states).

The default allocator, if a sender doesn’t otherwise specify one, is a static_allocator. A static_allocator is parameterized with a tag representing the allocation domain for a particular call site. This tag can be passed to start_detached and used to specialize the variable template async::allocation_limit in order to control static allocation.

// a tag type to indicate the allocation domain
struct my_alloc_domain;

// specialize the limit for the domain (if left unspecialized, the default is 1)
template <>
constexpr inline auto async::allocation_limit<my_alloc_domain> = std::size_t{8};

// when I call start_detached, the static allocator for the domain will be used
auto result = async::start_detached<my_alloc_domain>(sndr);
The default allocation strategy for a sender is static allocation, but some senders are synchronous by nature: for example just or the sender produced by an inline_scheduler. These senders use stack allocators.



Found in the header: async/schedulers/priority_scheduler.hpp

A fixed_priority_scheduler represents work that will be run at a certain priority.

using S = async::fixed_priority_scheduler<0>; // highest priority
The intended use case for fixed_priority_scheduler is to schedule tasks to be executed on prioritized interrupts.

A fixed_priority_scheduler can be given a name which is used to output debug events. The default name is "fixed_priority_scheduler".

auto s = async::fixed_priority_scheduler<0, "my scheduler">{};

The fixed_priority_scheduler works hand in glove with a task_manager that manages tasks in priority order. A priority_task_manager is provided and may be used by providing a HAL, and by specializing the injected_task_manager variable template.

namespace {
// A HAL provides one function to enable the priority interrupt
struct hal {
    static auto schedule(async::priority_t) {}

// a priority task manager with 8 priority levels
using task_manager_t = async::priority_task_manager<hal, 8>;
} // namespace

// fixed_priority_scheduler will use this task_manager
template <> inline auto async::injected_task_manager<> = task_manager_t{};

// when a priority interrupt fires, the ISR executes the tasks
template <async::priority_t P>
auto interrupt_service_routine() {

The result of using a fixed_priority_scheduler is that work is scheduled to be run when priority interrupts fire.

int x{};
          async::just_result_of([&] { x = 42; }))
| async::start_detached();

// when the interrupt fires...
// x is now 42


Found in the header: async/schedulers/inline_scheduler.hpp

The most basic scheduler is the inline_scheduler. It runs work with a regular function call in the current execution context. It’s the degenerate case as far as concurrency goes; starting the work also completes it.

int x{};
auto s = async::start_on(async::inline_scheduler{},
                 | async::then([&] (auto i) { x = i; });
// i is now 42

An inline_scheduler can be given a name which is used to output debug events. The default name is "inline_scheduler".

auto s = async::inline_scheduler<"my scheduler">{};
The inline_scheduler may cause stack overflows when used with certain adaptors like repeat or retry.


Found in the header: async/schedulers/runloop_scheduler.hpp

The runloop_scheduler adds any work to a queue that is executed in order. It is used as a completion scheduler inside sync_wait.

auto value = async::get_scheduler()
           | async::let_value([&](auto sched) {
                 return async::start_on(sched, async::just(42));
           | async::sync_wait();

This code uses get_scheduler to read the scheduler provided by sync_wait. That runloop_scheduler is then used to schedule work.


Found in the header: async/schedulers/thread_scheduler.hpp

The thread_scheduler is a basic scheduler that runs work on a newly-created thread that is detached.

int x{};
auto s = async::start_on(async::thread_scheduler{},
                   async::just(42) | async::then([&] (auto i) { x = i; });
// without some other sync mechanism, this is risky:
// there is now a detached thread running that will update x at some point

A thread_scheduler can be given a name which is used to output debug events. The default name is "thread_scheduler".

auto s = async::thread_scheduler<"my scheduler">{};


Found in the header: async/schedulers/time_scheduler.hpp

A time_scheduler represents work that will be run after a certain duration has elapsed.

auto s = async::time_scheduler{10ms}; // after a duration of 10ms
The intended use case for time_scheduler is to schedule tasks to be executed on timer interrupts.

The time_scheduler works hand in glove with a timer_manager that manages timer tasks. A generic_timer_manager is provided and may be used by providing a HAL, and by specializing the injected_timer_manager variable template.

namespace {
// A HAL defines a time_point type and a task type,
// and provides functions to control a timer interrupt
struct hal {
    using time_point_t = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point;
    using task_t = async::timer_task<time_point_t>;

    static auto enable() -> void;
    static auto enable(auto duration) -> time_point_t; // optional
    static auto disable() -> void;
    static auto set_event_time(time_point_t tp) -> void;
    static auto now() -> time_point_t;

// use the generic timer manager
using timer_manager_t = async::generic_timer_manager<hal>;
} // namespace

// tell the library how to infer a time point type from a duration type by
// specializing time_point_for
template <typename Rep, typename Period>
struct async::timer_mgr::time_point_for<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>> {
    using type = hal::time_point_t;

// time_scheduler will use this timer_manager
template <> inline auto async::injected_timer_manager<> = timer_manager_t{};

// when a timer interrupt fires, the ISR executes the next task
auto timer_interrupt_service_routine() {
async::timer_task is a generic provided task type that is parameterized with the time point type.
If async::timer_mgr::time_point_for is left unspecialized, the library will assume that a duration type and time_point type are the same.

The result of using a time_scheduler is that work is scheduled to be run when a timer interrupt fires.

int x{};
          async::just_result_of([&] { x = 42; }))
| async::start_detached();

// when the interrupt fires...
// x is now 42

HAL interaction

The various HAL functions are called as follows:

On queueing the first task (consuming a time_scheduler sender), either:

  • enable()

  • now()

  • set_event_time(time_point)

or (if this function is optionally available):

  • enable(duration)

The second case allows the HAL to fuse enabling and setting the expiry time, if it’s possible to do that more efficiently. The return value should be equivalent to now() + duration. The type of duration is equivalent to the type obtained by subtracting two time_point_t​s.

On queueing a new task which is not the next to expire:

  • now()

On queueing a new task which is the next to expire:

  • now()

  • set_event_time(time_point)

On processing a task (not the last) with service_task():

  • set_event_time(time_point)

On processing the last currently queued task with service_task():

  • disable()

Note that interaction with the HAL starts with a single enable() call, and ends with a single disable() call. This means that when enable() is called, the HAL is free to reset its timer. And when disable() is called, the HAL is free to disable the timer or even remove power. In between enable() and disable() calls, the timer should be free-running. It should not be reset while running: this will invalidate timing data in the task queue.

enable() is called to start the timer, and disable() is called when no more timers are active. When one timer expires and another in the queue is set, enable() is not called again for the second timer.
enable() is called from the context which consumes the time_scheduler sender to kick off the work. disable() is called from the timer interrupt context that processes the last task in the queue. And in general, each call to set_event_time() to schedule the next timer task executes in the previous task’s timer interrupt context.

time domains

A given system may have several independent timers. For that reason, a time_scheduler and an injected_timer_manager may be associated with a domain. A domain is typically just a tag type.

namespace {
// a tag type identifying an alternative timer domain
struct alt_domain;

// A HAL that interacts with different registers
// for that alternative timer domain
struct alt_domain_hal { ... };

// the generic timer manager is still fine for the alt_domain
using alt_timer_manager_t = async::generic_timer_manager<alt_domain_hal>;
} // namespace

// a time_scheduler for the alt domain will use the alt timer_manager
template <> inline auto async::injected_timer_manager<alt_domain> = alt_timer_manager_t{};

// to make it easy to create schedulers for that domain, use a factory
auto sched_factory = async::time_scheduler_factory<alt_domain>;
auto sched = sched_factory(10ms);

int x{};
auto s = async::start_on(sched,
                   async::just(42) | async::then([&] (auto i) { x = i; });

// after 10ms, the alt domain interrupt will
// call service_task for the alt_domain...
auto alt_timer_interrupt_service_routine() {

// and now x is 42

A time_scheduler_factory can be given a name that it passes on to the schedulers it creates, and which is used to output debug events. The default name is "time_scheduler".

auto sched_factory = async::time_scheduler_factory<alt_domain, "my scheduler">;


Found in the header: async/schedulers/trigger_scheduler.hpp

A trigger_scheduler represents work that will be run on a named user-defined trigger, like a specific interrupt service routine.

using S = async::trigger_scheduler<"name">;

The trigger_scheduler works hand in glove with a trigger_manager that manages tasks in queued order. The action is very similar to that of the priority_task_manager, but instead of dealing with multiple priorities, tasks for a given trigger are identified with the trigger name.

// when an interrupt fires, the ISR executes the tasks for the trigger
auto interrupt_service_routine() {

The result of using a trigger_scheduler is that work is scheduled to be run when such an interrupt fires and runs the ISR.

int x{};
          async::just_result_of([&] { x = 42; }))
| async::start_detached();

// when the interrupt fires...
// x is now 42

A trigger_scheduler can also be triggered with arguments, which must be specified as template arguments, and supplied using run_triggers:

int x{};
async::trigger_scheduler<"name", int>{}
  | async::then([&] (auto i) { x = i; })
  | async::start_detached();

// when the interrupt fires...
// x is now 42
It is possible to use a trigger_scheduler that takes arguments as a "normal" scheduler, i.e. functions like start_on will work; however the arguments passed to run_triggers will be discarded when used with constructs like start_on(trigger_scheduler<"name", int>{}, just(42)).


One way to debug a sender chain is to use a debugger and insert a breakpoint inside a suitable place where "real work" is being done: inside a function passed to then for example. This is certainly doable, but perhaps challenging for all the same reasons that debugging asynchronous code is usually challenging.

Another approach to debugging is to construct sender chains without deciding which scheduler they run on. Switching a sender chain to run on an inline_scheduler provides a way to debug — it is basically the same as debugging synchronous code.

Handling a debug signal

To debug code running asynchronously, this library provides a mechanism to inject a debug handler. This is done by defining a handler struct and specializing the injected_debug_handler variable template. The debug handler has one member function (template): signal.

#include <async/debug.hpp>

struct debug_handler {
    template <stdx::ct_string C, stdx::ct_string S, typename Ctx>
    constexpr auto signal(auto &&...) {
        fmt::print("{} {} {}", C, async::debug::name_of<Ctx>, S);

template <> inline auto async::injected_debug_handler<> = debug_handler{};
The injection mechanism uses the same pattern as for other global concerns, like the timer manager or the priority task manager.

signal has three template arguments:

  • C: a compile-time string representing the name of the whole sender chain

  • S: a compile-time string which is the debug signal raised

  • Ctx: a debug context

A debug context type Ctx adheres to the following API:

  • async::debug::name_of<Ctx> is a compile-time string

  • async::debug::tag_of<Ctx> is a tag type that represents the sender or adaptor type

  • async::debug::type_of<Ctx> is the opaque "internal" type that the context is for (e.g. the operation state that is executing)

  • async::debug::children_of<Ctx> is a type list containing the child context(s)

These arguments can be used to do compile-time filtering of signal types if desired. signal may also have arbitrary runtime arguments providing runtime context for the signal.

signal may be called at any time from any execution context. It’s up to signal to take care of its own thread safety and avoid data races.

Raising a debug signal

During operation, a sender (or actually, the operation state that is doing work) may raise a debug signal by calling debug_signal:

// the signature of debug_signal
namespace async {
template <stdx::ct_string Signal, typename Ctx, queryable Q, typename... Args>
auto debug_signal(Q &&q, Args &&...args) -> void;

// the operation state will raise a debug signal when it is started
template <typename Rcvr>
struct my_op_state {
  Rcvr r;

  auto start() & -> void {
      async::debug_signal<"start", async::debug::erased_context_for<my_op_state>>(get_env(r));
      // ...

// and we provide a specialization of debug_context_for that fulfils the API
struct my_sender_t;

template <typename Rcvr>
async::debug::debug_context_for<my_op_state<Rcvr>> {
  using tag = my_sender_t;
  constexpr static auto name = stdx::ct_string{"my sender"};
  using type = my_op_state<Rcvr>;
  using children = stdx::type_list<>;

debug_signal takes template arguments:

  • Signal: the (name of the) debug signal

  • Ctx: the debug context for this signal

and runtime arguments:

  • q: a queryable object that responds to the get_debug_interface query - usually the environment of a connected receiver

  • args…​: any runtime context arguments to be forwarded to signal

The context for a signal is obtained through async::debug::erased_context_for<T> which in turn picks up a specialization of async::debug::debug_context_for.

Generic senders and adaptors will typically send well-known signals at transition points:

  • start

  • set_value

  • set_error

  • set_stopped

Naming senders and operations

When raising a debug signal, we know the name of the signal and the name of the sender or adaptor that is raising it. But we don’t know the name of the overall operation or sender chain. This is supplied from outside, using the environment of the external receiver.

The provision of that receiver typically happens inside a sender consumer like start_detached. By providing a string name to start_detached, the internal receiver that is connected will have an environment that responds to the get_debug_interface query. The value of that query will be an interface whose signal function calls the injected debug handler’s signal function, providing the given name as the C argument.

auto s0 = async::fixed_priority_scheduler<0, "fp_sched[0]">{}.schedule()
        | async::then<"answer0">([] { return 24; });
auto s1 = async::fixed_priority_scheduler<1, "fp_sched[1]">{}.schedule()
        | async::then<"answer1">([] { return 18; });
auto result = start_detached<"my op">(async::when_all(s1, s0));

The debug signals produced by this code could be:

  • "my op" "start" context["when all"]

  • "my op" "start" context["fp_sched[1]"]

  • "my op" "set_value" context["fp_sched[1]"]

  • "my op" "set_value" context["answer1"]

  • "my op" "start" context["fp_sched[0]"]

  • "my op" "set_value" context["fp_sched[0]"]

  • "my op" "set_value" context["answer0"]

  • "my op" "set_value" context["when_all"]

Things to note here:

  • when_all started first, because ultimately what was passed to start_detached (the outer layer of the onion) was when_all.

  • likewise, when_all is the last thing to complete.

  • the call to when_all is not named, so we get the default name "when_all"

  • then does not produce a "start" debug signal of its own.

  • fp sched[1] ran before fp sched[0] even though presumably 0 is a higher priority than 1. What happened was that when_all started fp sched[1] first - and this caused an immediate interrupt. That interrupt did not return until the answer1 sender had completed.

Other orderings are possible, of course, according to exactly how a sender chain is executed. But the usual invariants apply.

Index of identifiers

By header


  • allocator - a concept for an allocator

  • allocator_of_t - the type returned by get_allocator

  • get_allocator - a tag used to retrieve an allocator from a sender’s attributes


  • completes_synchronously - a query used to determine whether a sender completes synchronously


  • set_error - a tag used to complete on the error channel

  • set_stopped - a tag used to complete on the stopped channel

  • set_value - a tag used to complete on the value channel


An internal header that contains no public-facing identifiers. compose.hpp is used in pipe-composition syntax.


  • multishot_sender<S> - a concept modelled by senders where connect may operate on lvalues

  • operation_state<O> - a concept modelled by operation states

  • receiver<R> - a concept modelled by receivers

  • receiver_base - an empty type; deriving from this opts in to modelling the receiver concept

  • receiver_from<R, S> - a concept modelled by a receiver R that handles what a sender S sends

  • scheduler<S> - a concept modelled by schedulers

  • sender<S> - a concept modelled by senders

  • sender_base - an empty type; deriving from this opts in to modelling the sender concept

  • sender_in<S, E> - a concept modelled by a sender S whose completion signatures depend on an environment E

  • sender_of<S, Sig, E> - a concept modelled by a sender S that may complete with Sig given environment E

  • sender_to<S, R> - the inverse of receiver_from<R, S>

  • singleshot_sender<S> - a concept modelled by senders where connect operates on rvalues only


  • connect - a tag used to connect a sender with a receiver


  • continue_on - a sender adaptor that continues execution on another scheduler


  • get_debug_interface - a query used to get a debug interface from an environment

  • injected_debug_handler<> - a variable template used to inject a specific implementation of a debug handler

  • debug::make_named_interface<"name"> - a function that makes a debug interface with arguments passed as context

  • debug_signal<"signal", "name", Ctx> - a function to raise a debug signal



  • forwarding_query - a tag indicating whether or not a query may be forwarded


  • get_completion_scheduler - a query used to retrieve a completion_scheduler from a sender’s attributes


  • get_scheduler - a query used to retrieve a scheduler from a sender’s attributes


  • incite_on - a sender adaptor that incites execution on another scheduler


  • into_variant - a sender adaptor that collapses value completions into a variant



  • just_error_result_of - a sender factory that sends lazily computed values on the error channel

  • just_result_of - a sender factory that sends lazily computed values on the value channel


An internal header that contains no public-facing identifiers. let.hpp is used by let_error.hpp, let_stopped.hpp, and let_value.hpp


  • let_error - a sender adaptor that can make runtime decisions on the error channel


  • let_stopped - a sender adaptor that can make runtime decisions on the stopped channel


  • let_value - a sender adaptor that can make runtime decisions on the value channel


  • get_scheduler - a sender factory equivalent to read_env(get_scheduler_t{})

  • get_stop_token - a sender factory equivalent to read_env(get_stop_token_t{})

  • read_env - a sender factory that sends values obtained from a receiver’s environment


  • repeat - a sender adaptor that repeats a sender indefinitely

  • repeat_n - a sender adaptor that repeats a sender a set number of times

  • repeat_until - a sender adaptor that repeats a sender until a condition becomes true


  • retry - a sender adaptor that retries a sender that completes with an error

  • retry_until - a sender adaptor that retries an error-completing sender until a condition becomes true


  • inline_scheduler - a scheduler that completes inline as if by a normal function call


  • fixed_priority_scheduler<P> - a scheduler that completes on a priority interrupt


  • requeue_policy::immediate - a policy used with priority_task_manager::service_tasks() and triggers<"name">.run

  • requeue_policy::deferred - the default policy used with priority_task_manager::service_tasks() and triggers<"name">.run


  • runloop_scheduler - a scheduler that allows further work to be added during execution, and is used by sync_wait


An internal header that contains no public-facing identifiers. task.hpp defines base classes that are used by fixed_priority_scheduler and time_scheduler.


  • priority_task_manager<HAL, NumPriorities> - an implementation of a task manager that can be used with fixed_priority_scheduler


  • injected_task_manager<> - a variable template used to inject a specific implementation of a priority task manager

  • priority_t - a type used for priority values

  • task_mgr::is_idle() - a function that returns true when no priority tasks are queued

  • task_mgr::service_tasks<P>() - an ISR function used to execute tasks at a given priority


  • thread_scheduler - a scheduler that completes on a newly created thread


  • time_scheduler - a scheduler that completes on a timer interrupt


  • generic_timer_manager<HAL> - an implementation of a timer manager that can be used with time_scheduler


  • injected_timer_manager<> - a variable template used to inject a specific implementation of a timer manager

  • timer_mgr::is_idle() - a function that returns true when no timer tasks are queued

  • timer_mgr::service_task() - an ISR function used to execute the next timer task

  • timer_mgr::time_point_for - a class template that can be specialized to specify a time_point type corresponding to a duration type



  • trigger_scheduler<"name"> - a trigger_scheduler that completes on a user-defined stimulus by calling triggers<"name">.run.


  • seq - a sender adaptor used to sequence two senders without typing a lambda expression

  • sequence - a sender adaptor that sequences two senders


  • split - a sender adaptor that turns a single-shot sender into a multi-shot sender


  • stack_allocator - an allocator that allocates on the stack


  • start - a tag used to start an operation state


  • start_detached - a sender consumer that starts a sender without waiting for it to complete

  • start_detached_unstoppable - a sender consumer that starts a sender without waiting for it to complete, without a provision for cancellation

  • stop_detached - a function that may request cancellation of a sender started with start_detached


  • start_on - a sender adaptor that starts execution on a given scheduler


  • static_allocation_limit<Domain> - a variable template that can be specialized to customize the allocation limit for a domain

  • static_allocator - an allocator that allocates using static storage


  • inplace_stop_source - a stop source that can be used to control cancellation

  • inplace_stop_token - a stop token corresponding to inplace_stop_source

  • stop_token_of_t - the type returned by get_stop_token


  • sync_wait - a sender consumer that starts a sender and waits for it to complete


  • then - a sender adaptor that transforms what a sender sends on the value channel

  • upon error - a sender adaptor that transforms what a sender sends on the error channel

  • upon stopped - a sender adaptor that transforms what a sender sends on the stopped channel


  • timeout_after - a sender adaptor that races a sender against a time limit


An internal header that contains no public-facing identifiers. type_traits.hpp contains traits and metaprogramming constructs used by many senders.


  • make_variant_sender - a function used to create a sender returned from let_value


  • when_all - an n-ary sender adaptor that completes when all of its child senders complete


  • first_successful - a sender adaptor that completes when any of its child senders complete on the value channel

  • stop_when - a binary sender adaptor equivalent to when_any

  • when_any - an n-ary sender adaptor that completes when any of its child senders complete on the value or error channels

By identifier