
This C++ baremetal concurrency library provides a low-level API for operations that must be protected in a concurrent environment, without having to know platform details.

#include <conc/concurrency.hpp>

  [] { // do something under a critical section

  [] { // or, do something under a critical section
  [] { // when this predicate returns true
       return true; });

Desktop concurrency vs the interrupt model

On a microprocessor, there is only one form of critical section: turning off interrupts globally. Because this typically happens in a single-threaded environment, there is little to no efficiency concern. However as soon as multiple threads are introduced this becomes a problem. Having effectively a single global lock to protect every piece of data that can be modified concurrently, even data that are unrelated, is not a good idea.

int data1;

  [] { // read/write data1

// ...

int data2;

  [] { // read/write data2

With a global critical section mechanism, two entirely separate pieces of code that touch distinct data may still contend for resources. On a single-threaded microprocessor this is not an issue; in a multithreaded environment, it is.

To get around this issue, critical section calls are by default distinct — and the above code will not cause contention — but can be tagged with template arguments to indicate that they protect the same thing:

int data;
struct data_tag;

  [] { // read/write data

// ...

  [] { // read/write data again

In this case, without tagging there would be a data race as two different threads may access data concurrently.


In general, re-locking the same mutex recursively is possible using std::recursive_mutex but it is almost universally considered bad design to have to rely on this. Such calls can always be refactored to protect the data without re-entrancy into the critical section.

int data;

auto recursive_function() {
  [] { // read/write data
       // and then possibly make a call to

This code will cause a deadlock (even though call_in_critical_section is untagged) and should be refactored so that the access to data is protected for as small a time as possible, and no functions with potentially-unknown paths should be called inside the critical section.