3. Integrate and use CCAI runtime environment

3.1 How to install the pre-built runtime (if have) and verify it quickly

3.1.1 Prepare

Note: all components versions mentioned below in this document are for example, they will change/update according to new features/new releases in following days, so please replace the specific version with those exact versions/releases depending on what you get.

Pre-condition to meet:

System requirements :

1. Install ubuntu 20.04 release on your host

Execute (if need)

$>sudo apt update

$>sudo apt install docker.io libgrpc++1

2. Kernel Config

To support docker, Linux kernel must be configured and compiled with the following required configuration options:



3.1.2 Proxy setting

If you are behind a firewall, you may need to set a proxy correctly for pulling pre-built docker image of CCAI.Please execute the following commands to check the setting:

$>env | grep proxy




If you configure docker using proxy, please add 'nvbox.bj.intel.com' to 'no_proxy'.

3.1.3 Container image preparation

If you want to have a quick try instead of building your own framework image system, you can pull existing docker image directly. (Otherwise, please build your own docker image as described at following chapters) in the latter part of this document before you install host packages and run any testing.):

$>docker pull your-docker-server:port/your CCAI image:latest

3.1.4 Download and install service-framework packages/test cases/docker files in host

After downloaded CCAI package:

$>sudo dpkg -i service_runtime_debs/*.deb

3.1.5 Start/Stop service-framework

By default service-framework will be started automatically after the installation.You can manually stop / start service-framework by following the instructions:


$>sudo systemctl stop service-runtime-health-monitor.service

$>sudo systemctl stop service-runtime.service


$>sudo systemctl start service-runtime-health-monitor.service

$>sudo systemctl start service-runtime.service

Now, the service container will use ports 8080 and 8081 for http services and gRPC services respectively, if you'd like to change the ports to fit your requirements, you can change the default ports setting in file: /lib/systemd/system/service-runtime.service.

Open this file, and find this line:

ExecStart=/opt/intel/service_runtime/service_runtime.sh start --port-rest-api 8080 --port-grpc 8081

Then change the ports setting according to your needs.

3.2 Verify CCAI functions with samples or test cases

You can execute 'docker ps | grep service_runtime_container to check if the CCAI container is running.

$> docker ps | grep service_runtime_container

c9372e841a00 574dee124467 "/start.sh" 16 minutes ago Up 16 minutes>8080-8081/tcp,>50006-50007/tcp service_runtime_container

You can execute 'docker exec -it service_runtime_container ps -ef to view all processes running in the CCAI container

$> docker exec -it service_runtime_container ps -ef


www-data 1 0 0 02:33 pts/0 00:00:00 /sbin/docker-init -- /start.

www-data 6 1 0 02:33 pts/0 00:00:00 /bin/bash /start.sh


If you want to do more tests, please refer to Chapter 12.

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