Function support ===================== Aggregate Functions -------------------------------------- **avg(x)** Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all input values. **sum(x)** Returns the sum of all input values. **count(x)** Returns the number of non-null input values. **max(x)** Returns the maximum value of all input values **min(x)** Returns the minimum value of all input values. Logical Ops and Comparsion Functions -------------------------------------- **logical operators** support logical operators(and, or, not) **comparsion operators** support basic comparsion operators(<,>, <=, >=, =, <>, !=) **between (x) and (y)** The between operator tests if a value is within a specified range. **is null / is not null** is null and is not null operators test whether a value is null. Both operators work for all data types. **is distinct from / is not ditinct from** a null value is not considered distinct from NULL. When you are comparing values which may include NULL use these operators to guarantee either a TRUE or FALSE result. .. code-block:: sql SELECT NULL IS DISTINCT FROM NULL; -- false SELECT NULL IS NOT DISTINCT FROM NULL; -- true **like** The like operator is used to match a specified character pattern in a string. Conversion Functions -------------------------------------- **cast(expr as type)** Explicitly cast a value as a type. This can be used to cast a varchar to a numeric value type. Time Functions -------------------------------------- **extract(unit from date)** returns one or more separate parts of a date or time in the specified unit. For example, this function can return the year, month, day, hour, or minute of a date or time. **time ± intervals** Adds an interval value of type unit to time type. Subtraction can be performed by using a negative value. Conditional Expression Functions -------------------------------------- **case** The standard SQL CASE expression has two forms. The “simple” form searches each value expression from left to right until it finds one that equals expression: .. code-block:: sql CASE expression WHEN value THEN result [ WHEN ... ] [ ELSE result ] END **if(condition, true_value, false_value)** Evaluates and returns true_value if condition is true, otherwise evaluates and returns false_value. **coalesce(value1, value2[, ...])** Returns the first non-null value in the argument list. Mathematical Functions -------------------------------------- **mathematical operators** `support Mathematical Operators(+, -, *, /, %)` String Functions -------------------------------------- **substr(string, start, length)** Returns a substring from string of length from the starting position start.